Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602

Author: Richard Combus

Table of Contents

Background details and bibliographic information
The CELT edition as a single file

Document 1

Letter of Sir William Stanley, 31 August 1580.

Document 2

Sir William Stanley to Sir Francis Walsingham, principal secretary to Elizabeth I, 28 September 1586.

Document 3

'The demaundes of Sir Owyn Hopton Knight Lavitenannt Of Her Majesties Tower Of London, for the Diette and other chardges of Prisonners in his custodie from the Nativitie of Our Saviour Christe Laste Paste 1588 Till Thannunciacion of Our Blessed Ladye The Virgyn, then nexte followinge, beeinge won quarter of a yeare, as heerafter is particulerly declared—25 December 1588.'

Document 4

James Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil, Tower of London, 17 June 1593.

Document 5

Bill sent in by Sir Richard Barclay, Lieutenant of the Tower, 12 June 1596.

Document 6

Sir Geoffrey Fenton to Cecil, Dublin, 11 June 1598.

Document 7

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 17 June 1598.

Document 8

Ormond to Cecil, Dublin, 18 June 1598.

Document 9

Fenton to Cecil, Dublin, 7 July 1598.

Document 10

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 22 July 1598.

Document 11

Fenton to Cecil, 24 July 1598.

Document 12

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 2 August 1598.

Document 13

Fenton to Cecil, 4 August 1598.

Document 14

'The Ill Newse Out Of Ireland', 14 August 1598.

Document 15

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 16 August 1598.

Document 16

The Lords Justices and the Irish Council to Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone, 16 August 1598.

Document 17

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 17 August 1598.

Document 18

A book on the state of Ireland by Francis Cosbie, 20 August 1598.

Document 19

Ormond to Cecil, 24 August 1598.

Document 20

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 4 September 1598.

Document 21

Queen Elizabeth to The Lords Justices, 12 September 1598.

Document 22

Ormond to Cecil, 15 September 1598.

Document 23

'A Conjectural Estimate of Her Majesty's Armie in Ireland', 20 September 1598.

Document 24

Memorandum by Sir Robert Cecil, 1600.

Document 25

Cecil to Carew, 24 September 1600.

Document 26

Cecil to Carew, 28 September 1600.

Document 27

Cecil to Carew, 1 October 1600.

Document 28

Cecil to the earl of Desmond, 1600.

Document 29

Desmond to Cecil, Moyallo, 21 October 1600.

Document 30

Patrick Crosby to Cecil, 21 October 1600.

Document 31

Miler Magrath, archbishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil, 22 October 1600.

Document 32

Cecil to Carew, December 1600.

Document 33

Desmond to Cecil, 18 December 1600.

Document 34

Desmond to Cecil, 21 December 1600.

Document 35

Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil, 10 February 1601.

Document 36

Desmond to Cecil, 31 August 1601.

Document 37

Sir Robert Cecil and Richard Combus, December 1602.