The dutye that I owe unto that Sacred Majestie that hath raysed me from nought tobe her creature (in which tytle I doe onely hold my selfe happie) maketh that the least defect, which might be a hindrance unto the aduancement of Hir Highness' Seruice, soe greuous unto me, that I come soe farr short, of intymatinge myne humble thanckefullnes, for soe exceedinge a mercy, as the greatest seruice which I might doe euen to the sacreefysinge of my lyfe, weare but tooe litle for her gratious fauour towards me. Not withstandinge, lest your Honour should hold your expectaton of my indeuours as altogeather frustrated, may it please youe tobe aduertised, sithence my last letter unto your honour, Thomas Oge, who was constable to James Fitz Thomas in Castlemayn, yelded the same unto me, whereof I tooke possession by my seruant John Power, the xiiijth of November, and kept it for som few dayes, untill it pleased my uerie good Lord, the Lord President to haue it yelded into his owne hands, to whome I commaunded it should be deliuered, and his Lordship is now possessed of it. When it was perfectly knowen in Ireland that I landed, James Fitz Thomas his company that remayned, dispersed them selves, and him selfe being sicke, kept him close in solitarie places, for which cause I sent my spialls to trackt him out, who brought intelligence yt he was kept in Arlough, untill the verie first night that I came to Kilmallocke, at Whhich tyme he was conueyed from Arlough by a few horsemen to one Morris Powers house, as they informed; but I hope by my spialls shortly to finde his trackt, if he be within Mounster; and the sooner to bringe him to an end, I, with the aduise of the Lord President, sent his Lords protection togeather with my letters for Dermot O'Connor, hopinge that he, with the assistance of my truest frends myght finde out the Sougan in his most secret den; and for Dermot's most safety in his trauell to come with a few company to this prouince the Lord President sent his letters in yt behalfe both to the Gouernor of Connagh, unto the Earlls of Clanrickard and Thomond, safely to conduct Dermot with some fyftie men through their Gouernment to this province; who after receauinge his protection, jorneyd hitherward as farr as Gortnishygory xxiiij myles from Lymbrick, and was there murdered by Theobold Bourke alias Tybot ne Longe accompanyed with 300 men. Some saith this murther was committed for that he tooke prisoner James Fitz Thomas (and I hold it the chefest cause, howsoeuer it may be disguised) whereby the Irishry were weakned, and feringe that he wold doe more seruises against them, as I doubt not, your Honour shall understand by My Lord Presidents letters, who is as much greued with this indignitie offered to the State, as I am, yet I finde my self the more greued for that his cominge hither was procured by my Lord President's protection and my letters; the reuenge whereof I referr to your hounorable consideration. Now I humbly beseech youe to consider my estate which is so dessperat in this kingedome that my person is not heere secured by these inhabitants great or litle, nor able to doe any seruice by reason I want meanes to execute it. I dooe desyre noe perpetuitie of hir Highnes charges towards me (but of hir fauor) neither doo I desyre tobe here (God is my wittness) for any respect except to doe hir Majestie true seruice. If I had knowledg of James Fitz Thomas where he were, I haue no commaund of force to take him, except I shold send to the garrisons to joyn with me; and what oportunitie is lost in that tyme, I referr to your Honours discression.
Let any man imagin himself in this state that I writte to youe I am in, and I will demand noe more then he wolde, in the lyke condition. I find my Honnorable good Lorde kinde unto me, but I am contemptible unto the contry, in regard that they see my meanes under my Lorde not soe much as a privatt captein's, to follow the rebelles, if there were present occasion of seruice, nor in their good carriage to geve soe much countenance as a farr mener man then a Earle; so as I do not at all, at least uerie litle, participate of the Italyan proverb Amor fa molto, argento fa tutto. I hope your Honour holds your resolution for James Fitz Thomas, Pyerce Lacy, and the Knight of the vallei's lands, that I shold haue it, for Mc Morris his land my honnorable good Lord hath an assured tytle to it, and he that with your Honor's fauor gott me to be intytled as I ame, I shall neuer be soe ungratefull as to possess any thinge of his, for it cannot be but his gifte, and the worhle can binde me no more then I am. I humbly beseech youe that these obstackles, that hinder the abilitie of my euer-willinge seruiceable testimonies, may not make youe expect those performances of my dutifull prosequtions that their suply might giue youe iust cause to expect, except youe send directions to inhable me, otherwise lett me haue leaue to come into England, which howsoeuer youe procure her Highnes to make me great here, I protest, if it be put to my choyce I shall allways hold tobe there best, and soe will I imbrace it. The latter end of your letter maketh sue to desyre the knowledg of that honnorable personage whome her Highnes hath thought of my unworthynes for, which with expectation of resolution of your Honour, in all these my expressions bythis bearer, myseruant, yelding many thanks for your infinett fauors, and halting noe offeringe of my loue to send youe but the Sugan's auncient (his standard) which this bearer shall present youe I rest
Your Honour's in all humble and faithfull affection