Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 8

Ormond to Cecil, Dublin, 18 June 1598.

You write that you of the counsell wear sensible of my lacks; I confess hit is no small hart grefe unto me to hold the place I do, and to want the meanes whearbye I shold be inhabled to perform that I most desier against the traytors. I protest to God the state of the scurvie fort of blackwater, which cannot be longe held, doth more toche my harte then all the spoyles that ever wear made by traytors on myne owne landes. This fort was always falling, and never victualed but ons (by my self) without an armye, to her Majesties exseding charges.

Your most assured and loving Friend,