Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 25

Cecil to Carew, 24 September 1600.

Nowe is the hour come that you shall receave the person of the Earle of Desmond, soe called here by courtesye alredie, and soe resolued by hir Majestie to bee, as maie appeare by the pattent you receave; onlye this is the dyfference, that her Majestie will see som imprest of other mens promises before she geve him plenary satisfaccion; wherein I proteste unto you noe one thinge hathe made hir more to sticke then the doubt which she hath that there wilbe noethinge don for him worthie of soe greate a favour. For the matter I must owne and speake to you my opinyon, yt you and I have made a greate aduenture to presse and importune for a thinge soe subiect to ill successe, in a tyme wnen most thinges are iudged by effect, and shall especially be applyed untoe us; because the mallice of som, and the ignoraunce of others have taught them this odd sentense to hinder any thinge (they wold not have, or understand not,) by saying, 'Yea butt he maie proove a rebell hearafter.' I praie you thearfor when you have him, take this counsayl of me; whensoever you fynd any cause toe doubt him, never feare toe laie holde of him; for therin we will never blame you, butt we will take yt for a thinge that was necessarie, quoniam ipse dixit.