My Most Honored Sir. It is no smale greefe unto me that I cannot attend hir Majestie, nor so often accompanie your Honor as in all affection I would; for in both those courses only, under God, my hopes doth rest; but before I begin these fewe lines of my demongstrating necessities I knowe not whither to turn me, if into tyme past, I behold a long misery; if into the present, such a happines, in the comparison of that Hell, as maye be a stopp to anie incrochement. Yett pardon I beeseech you this my humble sute, who washinge with my self hir Majesties liberallyty unto me, and your honourable fauours towards me, that I maye not be distastinge to either in ouerpressinge receaued bounties. I haue here inclosed sent your honor a note of a sute whereof no disbursement shall growe foorthe of hir Highnes' purs, but an encrease of £20 yearly to hir cofers, whichby the aire of your breathe unto hir sacred Majestie, and the blessednes of hir graunt, maye supplye these my wants, which neuer hereafter shall importune you. If it be my misfortune not to haue it, soome other shall, and where can hir Highnes charity more perfectly shine uppon hir humble creature who hath receaued life from hir, and grace by you? wherein as you haue begun with me, so I may not herein find you wanting tome that submitts all his ends to your liking, and in all humblenes doth rest much assuredly bound toyou.
Greenwichthis last of August 1601.I do heere that your honor shalbe ernestly solicited for certaine lands in Ireland, espetially James Fitz Thomas' lands, I beseech your Honor not to procure anie graunt to anie boddy untill the land which shall stand at Hir Highnes fauour to bestowe uppon me be passed.