The Forte of Blackwater holdeth out still, notwithstandinge Tyrone hath lyen afore it above a moneth, and hath spent the most parte of that tyme in plashinge of passes, and digginge deepe hoales in the Rivers, the more to distresse the armye that should come to releeve yt. Captain Thomas Williams comamndethe in the forte, hath done many worthy services in defence of yt as well by soundly sallyes, wherein he repulsed the traytors and slew some of their best men, as by many rare stratagems by which he hath draiven into the forte many of their horses and garrans, which stande him and the garrison in good steade for foode: The Gentleman deserveth great commendacions, to whom if your Honour wolde procure a lettre from the Lords acknowledging his good services yt wolde comfort him muche and give others incoragement.