Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 23

'A Conjectural Estimate of Her Majesty's Armie in Ireland', 20 September 1598.

In the end of April last the Armye in Ireland was certified to be in the heads—25

ParticularsArmy numbersCombined forceTotal
Of English2,319......
Of Palesmen1,785......
Meere Irish2,478......
In July last there were sent out2,000......
which considering the dead pays and the deficiencies may be accounted...1,700...
More sent in August with Sir Samuel Bagnal, accounted 2,000, which in head may be...1,800...
At this time 100 horse were sent..........
Wherof by estimate there might be lost at the defeat of the Marshal, and Runaway...1,300...
And so remain about......8,782

How many of them English, or Irish, is uncertain: if all English, then so many the fewer remaining. Of those, English by estimate 5,319. Pale men, and Meer Irish 3,263.

It is to be remembered that since the certificate sent in, the end of April, many are like to be decayed, which will abate their total. In April aforesaid there were certified to be of Horse in Bands.

ParticularsHorseCombined forceTotal
viz., Of English100......
Pale men292......
Mere Irish129......
And sent with Sir Samuel Bagnall100......
And with Sir Richard Bingham50......

Whereof English, 250.