Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E580000-002

A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602

Author: Richard Combus

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Daniel McCarthy (Glas) of Gleann-a-Chroim

Electronic edition compiled and proof-read by Benjamin Hazard

Funded by University College, Cork, via the HEA (PRTLI 4)

1. First draft

Extent of text: 19,915 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the School of History, University College Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E580000-002

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This electronic edition contains manuscript material from the time of the second Desmond rebellion (1579–1583) until the latter stages of the Nine Years War (1594–1603). The authors of this material are the following: Sir William Stanley, Sir Owen Hopton, Sir Richard Barclay, James Fethergill (apothecary), Sir Geoffrey Fenton, The Lords Justices, The Irish Council, Sir George Bourchier, Sir Anthony St Leger, Sir Henry Wallop, Chief Justice Sir Robert Gardener, Lord Chancellor Adam Loftus, Thomas Butler, tenth earl of Ormond, Francis Cosbie, Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Robert Cecil, James FitzGerald, fifteenth earl of Desmond, Patrick Crosby, Miler Magrath, Lord Dunsany, Richard Combus. This material was printed in the edition by Daniel McCarthy (Glas). He structured the primary source material in the main body of the text in lists and tables. The electronic edition presents the documents in their chronological sequence.


    Primary sources, including those cited by Daniel McCarthy (Glas)
  1. Philip O'Sullivan Beare, Historiae Catholicae Iberniae compendium (Lisbon 1621; repr. Dublin 1850).
  2. Thomas Stafford, Pacata Hibernia: or, A history of the wars in Ireland during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, especially within the province of Munster under the government of Sir George Carew, and compiled by his direction and appointment (London 1633, repr. 2 vols; Dublin 1896).
  3. John O'Donovan (ed. and tr.), Annála Ríoghachta Éireann: Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters (7 vols, Dublin 1848–51; repr. 1990).
  4. Daniel McCarthy (Glas) (ed.), 'The 'Jorney' of the Blackwater: from the State Papers of Queen Elizabeth,' Journal of the Kilkenny and South East of Ireland Archaeological Society, ser. 2, 1/2, (1857) 256–282.
  5. John O'Donovan (ed.), 'Military proclamation in the Irish language issued by Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone, in 1601,' Ulster Journal of Archaeology, ser. 1, 6 (1858) 57-65.
  6. John Maclean (ed.), Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew (London 1864).
  7. Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Jan. 1598–Feb. 1601, ed. Mary Anne Everett Green (London 1869).
  8. John T. Gilbert (ed.), Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Ireland (4 vols; Dublin 1874–84).
  9. Edmund Ignatius Hogan (ed.), Description of Ireland and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598 (Dublin 1878).
  10. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland, ed. H.C. Hamilton, E.G. Atkinson and R.P. Mahaffy (24 vols, London 1860–1912; repr. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus, 1974–79); Elizabeth, 1574–85 (London 1867); 1586–8 (London 1877); 1588-92 (London 1885); 1592–96 (London 1890); 1596–97 (London 1893); 1598–99 (London 1895); 1599–1600 (London 1899); 1600 (London 1903); 1600–01, with addenda for earlier years (London 1912); 1601–03, with addenda, 1565–1654 (London 1912).
  11. Geoffrey Keating, Foras Feasa ar Éirinn, ed. Comyn and Dinneen, Irish Texts Society 4, 8–9, 15 (4 vols, London 1902–15; repr. 1987).
  12. Nicholas Browne, 'Munster in A.D. 1597,' Journal of the Cork Archaeological and Historical Society, 12 (1906) 54–68.
  13. Hiram Morgan (ed.), 'The 1597 ceasefire documents,' Dúiche Néill, 11 (1997) 8–33.
  14. Margaret Clayton, The Council Book for the Province of Munster, c.1599–1649: British Library, Ms. Harleian 697 (Dublin 2008).
    Further sources, including those cited by Daniel McCarthy (Glas)
  1. Richard Cox, Hibernia Anglicana, or, the history of Ireland from the conquest thereof by the English to the present time (2 vols, London 1689–90).
  2. C. P. Meehan (ed. and tr.), The Geraldines, their rise, increase and ruin. Translated from the Latin of Dominic O'Daly, O.P. (Dublin 1847).
  3. Daniel McCarthy (Glas), 'Notes on Irish dress and armour in the 16th century,' Journal of the Kilkenny and South East of Ireland Arch. Soc., ser. 2, 1/2 (1857) 364–370.
  4. Daniel McCarthy (Glas), 'State-craft in the 16th century, as illustrated by a series of documents from Her Majesty's State paper Office,' Journal of the Kilkenny and South East of Ireland Archaeological Society, ser. 2, 1/2 (1857) 398–420.
  5. Daniel McCarthy (Glas), 'The disaster of Wicklow, 1599,' Journal of the Kilkenny and South East of Ireland Archaeological Society, ser. 2/2 (1859) 428–440.
  6. Richard Sainthill, 'The Old Countess of Desmond. An inquiry: did she seek redress at the court of Queen Elizabeth as recorded in the journal of Robert Sydney, earl of Leycester and did she ever sit for her portrait?,' Proc. RIA, 7 (1857–61) 429–73.
  7. Denis Murphy, 'The Sugán earl of Desmond,' Irish Monthly, 5 (1877) 275–286; 489–500.
  8. William Hennessy, 'Desmond Inquisition of 1584,' Kerry Archaeological Magazine, 4 (1910) 213–26; 5 (1910) 263–79.
  9. J. B. Black, The reign of Elizabeth, 1558–1603, G.N. Clark (ed.), The Oxford History of England, vol. 8 (Oxford 1936).
  10. W. T. Walsh, Philip II (London 1938; repr. 1987).
  11. G. A. Hayes-McCoy, 'Strategy and tactics in Irish warfare, 1593–1601,' Irish Historical Studies, 2 (1941) 255–79.
  12. M. Ó Báille, 'The Buannadha: Irish professional soldiery of the sixteenth century,' Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, 22 (1946) 49–94.
  13. Seán Ó Domhnaill, 'Warfare in sixteenth-century Ireland,' Irish Historical Studies, 5 (1946) 29–54.
  14. Cyril Falls, Elizabeth's Irish wars (London 1950; repr. Syracuse 1997) 257–8, 282, 285, 287–9, 320.
  15. J. J. Silke, 'Spain and the invasion of Ireland, 1601–2,' Irish Historical Studies, 14 (1965) 295–312.
  16. R. D. Edwards and D.B. Quinn, 'Sixteenth-century Ireland, 1485-1603,' Irish Historical Studies, 16 (1968) 15–32.
  17. J. J. Silke, Kinsale: the Spanish intervention at the end of the Elizabethan wars (Liverpool 1970).
  18. John Bossy, 'The Counter Reformation and the people of Catholic Ireland, 1596–1641,' in Historical Studies 8 (1971) 155-169.
  19. Kenneth Nicholls, Gaelic and Gaelicised Ireland (Dublin 1972; repr. 2002).
  20. Kenneth Nicholls, Land, law and society in sixteenth-century Ireland (Dublin 1976).
  21. R. Dudley Edwards, Ireland in the age of the Tudors (London 1977).
  22. Anthony Sheehan, 'Political grievance and national revolt: Munster in the Nine Years War,' (Unpublished M.A. thesis, University College Dublin 1981).
  23. Nicholas Canny, 'The formation of the Irish mind: religion, politics, and Gaelic Irish literature, 1580–1750,' Past and Present, 95 (1982) 91–116.
  24. Anthony Sheehan, 'The population of the Plantation of Munster: Quinn reconsidered', Journal of the Cork Archaeological and Historical Society, 87 (1982) 107–117
  25. Henry Jefferies, 'Desmond: the early years and the career of Cormac Mac Carthy,' Journal of the Cork Archaeological and Historical Society, 88 (1983) 81–99.
  26. Anthony Sheehan, 'Official reaction to native land claims in the plantation of Munster', Irish Historical Studies, 92 (1983) 297–318.
  27. Steven Ellis, Tudor Ireland: crown, community and conflict of cultures, 1470–1603 (London 1985).
  28. Ciaran Brady and Raymond Gillespie (eds.), Natives and newcomers: essays on the making of Irish colonial society 1534–1641 (Dublin 1986).
  29. Michael MacCarthy Morrogh, The Munster Plantation: English migration to southern Ireland, 1583–1641 (Oxford 1986) 81–85.
  30. Katherine Simms, From kings to warlords: the changing political structure of Gaelic Ireland in the later middle ages (Woodbridge 1987).
  31. Hiram Morgan, 'Writing up early modern Ireland,' Historical Journal, 31 (1988) 701–11.
  32. Hiram Morgan, 'The end of Gaelic Ulster: a thematic interpretation of events between 1534 and 1610,' Irish Historical Studies, 26/101 (1988) 8–32.
  33. Michelle O'Riordan, The Gaelic mind and the collapse of the Gaelic world (Cork 1990).
  34. Brendan Bradshaw, Andrew Hadfield and Willy Maley (eds.), Representing Ireland: literature and the origins of conflict, 1534–1660 (Cambridge 1993).
  35. David Edwards, 'The Butler revolt of 1569,' Irish Historical Studies, 28/111 (1993) 228–55.
  36. Hiram Morgan, Tyrone's rebellion: the outbreak of the Nine Years War (Woodbridge 1993).
  37. Hiram Morgan, 'Hugh O'Neill and the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland,' Historical Journal, 36/1 (1993) 21–37.
  38. Kenneth Nicholls, 'The development of lordship in County Cork 1300–1600' in Patrick O'Flanagan and Cornelius Buttimer (eds.), Cork: history and society (Dublin 1993) 157–212.
  39. Ciaran Brady, The chief governors: The rise and fall of reform government in Tudor Ireland, 1536–1588 (Cambridge 1994).
  40. Marc Caball, 'Providence and exile in early seventeenth-century Ireland,' Irish Historical Studies, 29 (1994) 174–88.
  41. Colm Lennon, Sixteenth-century Ireland: the incomplete conquest (Dublin 1994).
  42. William Palmer, The problem of Ireland in Tudor foreign policy, 1485–1603 (Woodbridge 1994).
  43. Brian Donovan and David Edwards (eds.), British sources for Irish history, 1485–1641: a guide to manuscripts in local, regional and specialised repositories in England, Scotland and Wales (Dublin 1997).
  44. John McGurk, The Elizabethan conquest of Ireland: the 1590s crisis (Manchester 1997).
  45. John Nolan, Sir John Norreys and the Elizabethan military world (Exeter 1997).
  46. Hiram Morgan, 'Westward enterprise,' History Ireland, 6/1 (1998) 52–55.
  47. Enrique García Hernán, Irlanda y el rey Prudente, 2 vols, (Madrid 1999–2003).
  48. Hiram Morgan (ed.), Political ideology in Ireland 1541–1641 (Dublin 1999).
  49. Hiram Morgan, ''Overmighty officers': the Irish lord deputyship in the early modern British state,' History Ireland, 7/4 (1999) 17–21.
  50. Anne Chambers, Eleanor Countess of Desmond, c.1545–1638 (Dublin 1986, repr. 2000).
  51. Paul MacCotter, 'The cantreds of Desmond,' Journal of the Cork Archaeological and Historical Society, 105 (2000) 49–68.
  52. Patrick Duffy, David Edwards and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (eds.), Gaelic Ireland, c.1250–1650: land, lordship and settlement (Dublin 2001; repr. 2004).
  53. Hiram Morgan (ed.), Information, media and power through the ages: Historical Studies XXII: papers read before the 24th Irish Conference of Historians held at University College Cork, 20–22 May 1999 (Dublin 2001).
  54. Hiram Morgan, 'Spanish armadas and Ireland,' in Luc François and Ann Katherine Isaacs (eds.), The Sea in European history (Pisa 2001) 219–28.
  55. Patricia Palmer, Language and conquest in early-modern Ireland: English Renaissance literature and Elizabethan imperial expansion (Cambridge 2001).
  56. Nicholas Canny, Making Ireland British, 1580—1650. (Oxford 2001).
  57. Francis Edwards, Plots and plotters in the reign of Elizabeth I (Dublin 2002).
  58. Enrique García Hernán, Óscar Recio Morales et al. (eds.), Irlanda y la monarquía hispánica: Kinsale 1601–2001. Guerra, política, exilio y religión (Madrid 2002) 137–50.
  59. Óscar Recio Morales, El socorro de Irlanda en 1601 y la contribución del ejército a la integración social de los irlandeses en España (Madrid 2002).
  60. Nicholas Canny, 'Writing early-modern history: Ireland, Britain, and the wider world,' The Historical Journal 46 (2003) 723–47.
  61. David Edwards, The Ormond lordship in County Kilkenny, 1515–1642 (Dublin 2003).
  62. Ciaran O'Scea, 'The significance and legacy of Spanish intervention in west Munster during the battle of Kinsale', in Thomas O'Connor and Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish migrants in Europe after Kinsale, 1602–1820 (Dublin 2003) 32–63.
  63. Raymond Gillespie, 'Planned migration to Ireland in the seventeenth century,' in Patrick Duffy and Gerard Moran (eds.), To and from Ireland: planned migration schemes c.1600—2000 (Dublin 2004) 39–56.
  64. B. A. Harrison, The Tower of London prisoner book: a complete chronology of the persons known to be detained at their Majesties' pleasure, 1100–1941 (Leeds 2004).
  65. Anthony McCormack, 'The social and economic consequences of the Desmond rebellion of 1579–1583,' Irish Historical Studies, 34 (2004) 1–15.
  66. Enrique García Hernán, 'Philip II's forgotten Armada', in Hiram Morgan (ed.), The Battle of Kinsale (Dublin 2004) 45–58.
  67. Hiram Morgan (ed.), The Battle of Kinsale (Dublin 2004).
  68. Hiram Morgan, 'Missions comparable? The Lough Foyle and Kinsale landings of 1600 and 1601,' in Hiram Morgan (ed.), The Battle of Kinsale, 73–90.
  69. Bernadette Cunningham and Raymond Gillespie, 'James Ussher and his Irish manuscripts,' Studia Hibernica, 33 (2004-5) 81–99.
  70. Anthony McCormack, The earldom of Desmond, 1463–1583: the decline and crisis of a feudal lordship (Dublin 2005).
  71. Hiram Morgan, 'Gaelic lordship and Tudor conquest: Tír Eoghain, 1541–1603,' History Ireland, 13/5 (2005) 38–43.
  72. June Schlueter, 'Michael van Meer's Album Amicorum, with illustrations of London, 1614–15,' Huntington Library Quarterly, 69/2 (2006) 301–14.
  73. Colin Breen, An archaeology of southwest Ireland, 1570–1670 (Dublin 2007).
  74. Anthony Johnston, 'The Tower of London and the Nine Years War,' (Unpublished M.A. dissertation, Trinity College, Dublin 2007).
  75. John McGurk, 'The Flight of the Earls: escape or strategic regrouping?,' History Ireland, [The Flight of the Earls] 15 (2007) 16–21.
  76. Stephen Alford, Burghley: William Cecil at the court of Elizabeth I (New Haven CT 2008).
  77. Benjamin Hazard, 'Gaelic political scripture in the sixteenth century: Uí Mhaoil Chonaire scribes and the Book of Art Buide Mac Murchadha Caomhánach,' in Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium (Cambridge MA 2008) 149–64.
  78. Ruth Ahnert, 'Writing in the Tower of London during the Reformation, ca. 1530–1558', Huntington Library Quarterly, 72 (2009) 168–192.
  79. Benjamin Hazard, Faith and patronage: the political career of Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire, c.1560–1629 (Dublin 2009; repr. 2010).
  80. Enrique García Hernán, Ireland and Spain in the reign of Philip II (Dublin 2009).
  81. Rory Rapple, Martial power and Elizabethan political culture: military men in England and Ireland, 1558-1594 (Cambridge 2009).
  82. Colin Rynne and James Lyttleton (eds.), Plantation Ireland: settlement and material culture, 1550—1700 (Dublin 2009).
  83. John McGurk, 'Irish prisoners in the Tower of London: pre-requisites for plantation,' in David Finnegan, Marie-Claire Harrigan and Éamonn Ó Ciardha (eds.), The Flight of the Earls: Imeacht na nIarlaí (Derry 2010) 237–46.
  84. Enrique García Hernán, 'Matériel para la Battala de Kinsale,' in Igor Pérez Tostado and Enrique García Hernán (eds.), Irlanda y el Atlántico Ibérico: movilidad, participacióon e intercambio cultural, 1580–1823. Ireland and the Iberian Atlantic: mobility, involvement and cross-cultural exchange, 1580–1823 (Valencia 2011) 69–93.
  85. Christopher Maginn, William Cecil, Ireland and the Tudor state (Oxford 2012).
  86. Eduardo de Mesa Gallego, 'The Irish tercios in the Spanish military revolution, 1621–1644' (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University College Dublin 2013).
  87. Enrique García Hernán (ed.), The Battle of Kinsale, 1601–1602: study and documents (Valencia 2013).
  88. Benjamin Hazard, ''Very necessarie instrumente in a compani': Irish medical personnel and Spanish military medicine, 1586–1672,' Ossory, Laois and Leinster, 5 (2012–2013) 115–145.
  89. Ruth Ahnert, The rise of prison literature in the sixteenth century (Cambridge 2013).
  90. Gerard O'Carroll, The earls of Desmond: The rise and fall of a Munster lordship (Tralee 2013).
  91. Hiram Morgan (ed.), 'The Deputy's defence: Sir William Fitzwilliam's Apology on the outbreak of the Nine Years War,' Proc. RIA, 114C (2014) 1–34.
  1. Daniel McCarthy (ed.), The Life and Letters of Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, Mac Carthy Mor, with some portion of 'The Histories of the Ancient Families of the South of Ireland,' compiled solely from unpublished documents in Her Majesty's State Papers Office (London & Dublin 1867).
  2. Daniel McCarthy (ed.), The Life and Letters of Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, Mac Carthy Mor, with some portion of 'The Histories of the Ancient Families of the South of Ireland,' compiled solely from unpublished documents in Her Majesty's State Papers Office (facsimile repr. Cork: Miros Press, 1975).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. The Life and Letters of Florence Mac Carthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, Mac Carthy Mor, with some portion of 'The Histories of the Ancient Families of the South of Ireland,' compiled solely from unpublished documents in Her Majesty's State Papers Office.. Florence Mac Carthy Reagh and othersDaniel McCarthy (Glas) of Gleann-a-Chroim (ed), First [xii + 515 pp.] Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer — Hodges and SmithLondon and Dublin; (1867)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text represents primary source material from the printed volume edited by Daniel McCarthy (Glas) of Gleann-a-Chroim. This material deals with the period from the second Desmond rebellion (1579–1583) until the latter stages of the Nine Years War (1594–1603). The following letters and reports relate to Sir William Stanley who, among other things, served as sheriff of Cork before fighting in Flanders; the Battle of the Yellow Ford (August 1598); and the imprisonment of James FitzGerald, fifteenth earl of Desmond. The remaining material published by McCarthy Glas relevant to Florence Mac Carthy Reagh and his extended family during his lifetime is available in a separate file at CELT,

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text. Expansions are marked ex. Editorial footnotes are included, marked note type="auth" and numbered. Page-breaks are commented out in the .xml version for consultation purposes. The titles for each document are marked head. To facilitate the consistent citation of primary sources, a regularized format is attributed to the title of each document.


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div1=the document. The page-breaks referred to at the beginning of each document are those of the printed edition.


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Profile Description

Created: Correspondence, official reports and manuscript extracts, compiled by Sir William Stanley; Sir Owen Hopton; Sir Richard Barclay; James Fethergill, apothecary; Sir Geoffrey Fenton; The Lords Justices; The Irish Council; Sir George Bourchier; Sir Anthony St Leger; Sir Henry Wallop; Chief Justice Sir Robert Gardener; Lord Chancellor Adam Loftus; Thomas Butler, tenth earl of Ormond; Francis Cosbie; Queen Elizabeth I; Sir Robert Cecil; James FitzGerald, fifteenth earl of Desmond; Patrick Crosby; Miler Magrath; Lord Dunsany; Richard Combus. Date range: 1580–1602.

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [LA] Four phrases are in Latin.
Language: [IT] Two phrases are in Italian.

Revision History