It may please your Lords to understand that uppon consideration had of the forte of Blackwater which yet holdeth out as we are informed, thoughe with great extremetie, and comparinge likewise the state of Leinster endaungered in every pte by the rebells of the same province and ayded by forces from Tyrone, as in or laste former letter wee have written, Sir Henry Bagnall the Marshall is now to drawe into Ulster with parte of the armye consisting upon 3500 foote by polle, and about 300 horse, to revittle the Blackwater; and with an other parte of the armye I, the Lord Lieftennant General with such fewe companies as remayne am to attend the prosecution in Leinster.
The daye appoynted for the Rendevoues for the Ulster armye is the 16th of this month; when all the companies are appoynted to assemble at Ardye, and from thence to marche to the Newrie, and so to the Blackwater; the successe and accydents of well Jorney shalbe advertised to your lordships as they shall fall out; which wee pray God to prosper to Her Majesties Honour, and the saffetie of the armye, onely we understand that Tyrone hath plashed the waies, and digged deepe holes with other trenches and fortificacions to ympeache the armye betweene Armagh and the Blackwater.