The 12the of August thay cam from the Newry to Armaghe: The 14th of August theye sete forwardes towardes the Blackewater with 4000 footemen and 350 horses.
Captain Percy and Captain Cosbey led the firste regiment of foote, being 2000; Captain Percy was hurt: Cosbey slaine; and almoste all the regimente slayne.
Sir Henry Bagnall ledd the second regiment, being of 1000, he was shott into the hedd, slayne, and moste of the regimente.
Sir Calistianes Brooke ledd the horses, being 350, was shott into the belly, and thought to be slayne. Abought 2000 footmen slayne, and
Names | ... | ... |
Captain Cosbey | Captain Banke | Captain Bourke |
Captain Evans | Captain Petty | ... |
Captain Morgan | Captain Henserve | ... |
Captain Turner | Captain Bethel | ... |
Captain Leighe | Captain Fortescu | ... |
Captain Streete | Captain Harvey | ... |
Captain Elsden | Captain Molmarey Orrely | ... |
William Poule Commesarey a vollentarey, slayne
Jaymes Harrington, soone to Sir Henry Hamilton
Maximilaan Brooke taken or slayne,
Mr Counstable a vollintarey gentelman slayne.