[...]But howe soeuer the successe shall proue, there is agret aparance of gladnes and good will shewed in every place wher the yonge Erlle of Desmond came, Corke only excepted, whosse magistrates seemed not to be glad of any tinge, that might induce mor streinght or possibiliti in the Englis government then to be as it is, nor so muche it shelfe [...] but what shewe the comon sort ther, and euery sort, from the cheffest, to the loest, in other places, doe make uppon his cominge, I doe referr it to the honest berer his report, and the fruits thereof shall very seortly (God willinge) make the same manifestthe yonge Erlle was not 48 howres in the land when sure promisse was mad to hym of Castellmayn tobe delinked tohym; for which purpose his Lord and my selffe were suters tomy Lord President, to giue us a companei of horsmen to goo thether to make present triall of that promiss; but his Lordship ueisly consideringe hou warfuly traytor's promisses shulde be trusted, toght fitest tosend a trusti man from Desmond to make proffe of the promiss, then to go in person; wherupon John Pouer is sent, be whome we expecte good newes this night or the next. The next day afther John is departure others came to Desmond makinge sure promisses of 12428 to be delivered (or at the least) discouered to hym within few dayes accordinge to the first plott.