Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 22

Ormond to Cecil, 15 September 1598.

The Lords Justices might have written more advisedly then to say th hole army was overthrowne; truely hit might have been so, yf God had not letted hit; for there disorder was suche as the lyke hathe not bene amonge men of anye understanding, deviding tharmye into six bodies, marchinge so farr asonder as one of them could not second nor help thother till those in the vangard wear overthrowen. Suer the devill bewiched them! that none of them did prevent this grose error. Sir, for that I understand the Lords Justices wrote over to you after this disaster that hit was not there act to send the Marshall, but that it was a plott sett downe betweene him and me, I have thoght goode for profe of the contrary, to send you the inclosed notes which I pray you to make knowen to Her Majestye in my discharge; being lothe to troble you farther at this tyme I committ your guiding to God.

From Ratothe

the 15 of September, 1598.

Your fast assured loving frend,


The bearer was with the Marshall when
he was slayne, who can tell you how
ill owr companies were placed, not
beeing able to com to help one another
I pray you afford him your honourable favor.