Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 7

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 17 June 1598.

Where in the forefronte of this he we made mencion of the forte of Blackwater, and how yt is blocked by the Traytor Tyrone, not mentioning then for how long tyme it was vittled, which is but tyll the last of this monneth at the furthest, and forasmuch neither the traytors force can be removed, nor the place releeved with vittles, but by the cuntenance of an army, yt standing so far in the mayne land, as there is no commodity to succor it by water, wee doubt, that thorow these extremities, yt may receave suche disaster as wee shalbe sorry for; and yet not hable to remedy yt.