Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 28


Cecil to the earl of Desmond, 1600.

1. Touchinge his dysposinge in marriage.

2. Touchinge his servantes and retinewe.

3. That he contayne himself moderate in matters of Religion &c.

4. That he at his first cominge do fashion himselfe in some convenient measure agreeable to the Irish nacion.

5. Several cawtyons for the frugall managinge of his estate.

6. Particuler admonitions tohold himselfe humble, gratefull and loyall towardes her Majestie.

7. Priuate instrucions for his present and future course of lyfe in generall, and in particuler for his correspondence, and his dependencye here, and in Ireland.