Let it not be offensiue, I besech you, to be troubled with the lynes of an unknowne stranger, who though yong in years, yet being old in miserye, taught therby to apprehend any meanes of favour whersoever vertue may move compassion. My hard fortune and my faultelessness I hope ar nether unknowne unto you; howe only by being born the unfortunate sone of a faulty father, I have since my infancy never breathed out of prison,the only hellish torment to a faithfull hart tobe houlden in suspect, when it never thought upon offence,the favour and comfort which I have alwaise receyved from my especiall good Lord your father, hath, I verily thinke, ben the preserver of my sorowfull lyfe, which er this would els have pyned away with greef: And nowe in his Lordship's absence, I am therfore inbouldned to solicitt your Honor, as a worthy branch of soe true, noble, and vertuous a stocke; hoping to find the same favorable inclination towerds me which his Lord hath alwaise shewed. Lett me then humbly entreat and obtaine att your Honour's handes to further my humble request which I shall this day make unto your honorable assembly at the Counsell table, and soe fur as it shalbe thought resonable and convenient to lett it be comended to Her Majestie. If you shall afford me any favour heerin, soe furr as so unhappy a man shalbe able to doe you service, assure yourselfe to have made a purchase of a most faithfull and thankfull hart.
Thus praying for the preservation of yor health, and daily increase of Honor, I humbly take my leave.
Your Honor's ever to com and,
Frome the Towre,