Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Calendar of Manuscript Material relating to Ireland, 1580–1602 (Author: Richard Combus )

Document 10

The Lords Justices to the Privy Council, 22 July 1598.

The Forte of Blackwater is yet helde with greate honour and resolution by that valyant Gentleman Capten Thomas Williams, whoe comanded it; and althoughe Tyrone have lately bent his whole forces to surprize it, and have lost many men still about yt, whoe have blocked them in on all sydes of that forte, yet that worthie Captain dothe still defende himselfe and the place; and as wee understande hathe latelie by some stratagem issued forthe, and besydes killing of 2 or 3 principall men of Tyrones hath gotten divers horses and mares of theires into the forte, which as we are enformed is victualled yet for a month; and we hope that upon the Lord Leeutenants coming hither his Lorship will have an honourable care for the reliefe and supplye of that servitor, and the risk of the soldiors in that forte (who have hitherto with suche honor and resolution preserved yt for Her Majestie from the many assaltes used by the rebell to gett yt) wherein wee will assist His Lordship with or best advise and furtheraunce.