[...]In the meane I thoght yt my dutie to signifie this muche unto you, that in the seruice of cutting of a badd graff, which when I tooke my leaue of you I promysed to sett a worke, I haue assaied many waies. Butt whate for the difficultie and daunger of the attempt, and for the distrust of requitall in eny proporcion, of a seruice of that consequens, I fownd myne endeuor styll frustrat; butt howe to my greater comfort and hope, I procured (with all circumstance of secrecy and othes,) the mater to be broken to one of gretest nobilitie, spirit, and valure amongst them; promisynge unto him the place and honour for his reward whose ambition tooke the sooner, and faster hould thereof, because his birth dooth in a sort warant him to succeed, as beinge lineally descended from the cheefe house; and for as muche as yfthe matter take wished-effect, som others might labor for ye honor of the proiect, yt may please you to understand yt. Henry Oge Mc Henry McShane is ye man, beeinge linealy descended from Con O'Neyle. This my proceedinge I haue imparted to my Lord Deputie, which I hope in God will take effect!