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1953–54 1. ed. ‘Beatha Eoin Bruinne’, Éigse 7 (1953–54) 248–53 (edition of an acephalous and lacunose text of the Life of St John from Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48, loosely translated from Ps-Mellitus and other texts by Uighistín Mag Raidhin (†1405), without translation). 1955 2. ‘A note on the placename “Aranea”’, Bull Ulster Place-Name Soc 3/3 (1955) 59–60. 1956–57 3. ed. ‘Na manaigh liatha sa 17ú céad: trí cáipéisi’, Galvia 3 (1956) 12–15 (edition, without translation, of three documents bearing on the Irish Cistercians in the first half of the seventeenth century (two in Latin and one in French) from Rome, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Barberini Latini, 8642, and 7951). 4. ed. ‘De disposicione corporis Mariae’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 70–77, 137 (edition of an Irish translation (? s. xvi) from Dublin, RIA, 475 olim 24 P 25 of an unidentified Latin original). 5. ed. ‘Disiecta membra’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 74–77 (three fifteenth-century translations from Latin in Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48 and Dublin, RIA, 475 olim 24 P 25). 6. ed. ‘Uilliam Mac an Leagha cecinit’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 133–34 (edition of a Modern-Irish poem from London, BL, Additional 30512). 7. ed. ‘Tiontó ar an Adoro te devote’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 135–37 (edition of a translation into Irish of Adoro te devote, from Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48). 8. ed. ‘Carta humani generis’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 204–21 (edition, without translation, from three manuscripts (Dublin, King’s Inns, 10; London, BL Additional 11909; and Dublin, RIA, 1226 olim 3 B 22) of an Irish translation, made c.1443, of the Middle-English poem Testamentum Christi). 9. ed. ‘Exempla’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 237–38 (edition, without translations, of two brief exempla from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 513). 10. ed. ‘Na seacht neamha’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 239–41 (edition, without translation, of an Irish text on the Seven Heavens from Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48). 11. ed. ‘Blúire de “Breviloquium” N. Bonaventura’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 322–29 (edition, without translation, of a late-medieval Irish translation of Bonaventure, Brevi-loquium, iv 11, from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 513 and Rennes, Bibliothèque municipale, 598). 12. ed. ‘Beatha Eoin Bruinne, II’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 222–30 (a further portion of the Life of St John in Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48: see ‘Beatha Eoin Bruinne’ above). 13. ed. ‘Betha ocus bás Chaitreach Fína’, Éigse 8 (1956–57) 231–38 (edition of the Life of St Catherine from Dublin, RIA, 475 olim 24 P 25, without translation). 14. ed. ‘Meabhrán dlí ó Mhuintir Eolais, 1497–1513’, Galvia 4 (1957) 25–26 (edition, without translation, of a list in Latin of the feudal dues of Uilliam Mhág Raghnaill, lord of Muintir Eolais, from Dublin, NLI, G 3, with introduction and notes in Irish). 1958 15. ed. ‘Na haointe órga’, Éigse 9 (1958–61) 32–33 (tract in prose and verse on the Golden Fridays from Dublin, RIA, 475 olim 24 P 25). 16. ed. ‘Dhá dhán le Risteard Buitléir’, Éigse 9 (1958–61) 83–88 (edition of two Modern-Irish syllabic poems by Richard Butler, from London, BL, Additional 30512, with introduction in Irish). 17. Review of Robert T. Meyer (ed), Merugud Ulix maic Leirtis, MMIS 17 (Dublin 1958) in Éigse 9 (1958–61) 134–36. 18. ed. ‘Gluais na paidre’, Éigse 9 (1958–61) 153–58 (edition, without translation, of commentaries on the Pater noster from London, BL, Egerton 136 and Liber Flavus Fergusiorum al. Dublin, RIA, 476 olim 23 O 48). 19. ed. ‘Saothrach bocht in domhan-so’, Éigse 9 (1958–61) 253–54 (edition of a Modern-Irish poem from Dublin, RIA, 1218 olim C ii 3, 2–3). 20. ed. ‘De cura rei familiaris’, Éigse 9 (1958–61) 255–61 (edition, without translation, of an Irish translation of Ps-Bernard, Epistola de cura rei familiaris, from Dublin, TCL, 1346 olim H. 4. 22 (s. xvi), with an introduction in Irish). 21. ed., ‘Fragment d’une version irlandaise de la Lettre du Prêtre Jean’, Études Celtiques 8 (1958–59) 417–19 (from Dublin, RIA, 466 olim C iv 2; edition, without translation, of a fragment of an Irish translation of the Letter of Prester John). 22. ed. ‘Cáipéisí ón gceathrú céad déag’, Galvia 5 (1958) 32–42 (edition, without translation, of fourteenth-century documents: De rebus gestis in Hibernia, 1315–18, being an account of the Bruce invasion, from Cambridge, University Library, Additional 3392c, origin Dublin Cistercian house [33–35]; Annála gearra, 1360–1402, short annals, from Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Gaelic MS 2, f 79 and 88 (s. xv) [35–42]; two colophons by Murchadh Ó Cuindlis, from the Yellow Book of Lecan al. Dublin, TCL, 1318 olim H. 2.16, col. 320). 1959 23. ed. ‘Cairt ó Mhaolmhórdha Ó Raighilligh, 1558’, Breifne 1 (1959) 134–36 (charter from Dublin, NLI, D 10023, with translation and notes). 24. ed. ‘Annála gearra as probhinse Ard Macha’, Seanchas Ardmhacha 3/2 (1959) 337–40 (edition, with introduction in Irish and without translation, of brief annals from the reign of Laegaire to AD 1134, from London, BL, Additional 30512, f. 30r–40r). 25. ‘Annála Uladh agus Annála Locha Cé, 1014–1220’, Galvia 6 (1959) 18–25 (comparisons between Annals of Ulster and Annals of Loch Cé, with introduction in Irish). 26. Na manaigh liatha in Éirinn, 1142–c.1600 (Dublin 1959) (history of the Cistercians in Ireland, with resumé in French). 27. ed. ‘Obligationes pro annatis diocesis Elphinensis’, Archivium Hibernicum 22 (1959) 1–27. 1960 28. ed. (with Ludwig Bieler), ‘Fragment of an Irish double psalter with glosses in the library of Trinity College, Dublin’, Celtica 5 (1960) 28–39 (a single bifolium bound into Dublin, TCL, 1337 olim H. 3. 18). 29. ed. ‘Dán do Chormac Mág Shamhradháin, easpag Ardachaidh, 1444?–1476’, Seanchas Ardmhacha 4 (1960–61) 141–46 (a poem for Cormac Mág Samhradháin, bishop of Ardagh, edited, with diplomatic and normalised text, from London, BL, Egerton 1781). 1961 30. ed. Notitiæ as Leabhar Cheanannais, 1033–1161 (Dublin 1961) (charters edited from the Book of Kells and from later transcripts of matter now lost from the manuscript (in London, BL, Additional 4791), together with two further charters from an inspeximus of 1390, with introduction and notes in Irish). 31. ed. ‘Fragments d’un coutumier monastique irlandais du VIIIe–IXe siècle’, Scriptorium 15 (1961) 228–33 (Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Fragmentum Augiense 20). 32. ed. ‘A dhorus crín a’ dísgán’, Éigse 10 (1961–63) 313–14 (Classical Irish text on a creaking door, from Dublin, TCL, Uí Raghallaigh papers, MS [6]). 33. ed. ‘Sdair na Lumbardach’, Studia Hibernica 1 (1961) 89–118 (edition, without translation, of the unique (and imperfect) text of a translation of ‘De sancto Pelagio papa’ by Jacobus a Voragine, from the Book of Lismore, with introduction in Irish). 34. Review of Mario Esposito (ed), Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram Sanctam, SLH 4 (Dublin 1959), in Studia Hibernica 1 (1961) 248–51 (with significant emendations). 1962 35. ed. ‘Un document inédit sur l’antagonisme de race parmi les cisterciens en Irlande au 14e siècle’, Cîteaux 11 (1962) 152–54. 36. ed. ‘An unpublished fragment of the register of the Hospital of S. John the Baptist, Dublin’, J Roy Soc Antiq Ire 112 (1962) 67–69. 37. Review of J. A. Watt, J. B. Morall & F. X. Martin (ed), Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn SJ (Dublin 1961), in Studia Hibernica 2 (1962) 264–66. 1963 38. ed. ‘Duanaire Ghearóid Iarla’, Studia Hibernica 3 (1963) 7–59 (edition, with diplomatic transcript, of the poem-book of Gerard, 3rd earl of Desmond (†1398), from the Book of Fermoy, Dublin, RIA, 1134 olim 23 E 29, with introduction and notes in Irish). 39. ed. ‘Blogh de ‘Tochomlad Mac Míledh’, Celtica 6 (1963) 259–61 (from Cambridge, Trinity College, R.14.48). 40. ed. ‘Rudimenta physionomiae’, Celtica 6 (1963) 271–78 (edition of a rendering into Irish, of unknown date, of the Secreta secretorum, 2–17). 41. ed. ‘The charters of John, lord of Ireland to the see of Dublin’, Reportorium Novum 3 (1963–64) 282–306 (with introductions and notes). 1964 42. Na buirgéisí, xii–xv (2 vols, Dublin 1964) (editions of medieval Irish town and city charters with copious commentary; vol. i, texts; vol. ii, commentary, appendixes, and indexes). 43. ed. The Red Book of the Earls of Kildare, Irish Manuscripts Commission (Dublin 1964) (an edition of deeds, grants and documents, AD 1185×1189 to 1519, contained in the Red Book of the earls of Kildare; the edition is not from the original MS (which was not made available) but from photostat 5769 in the National Library of Ireland). 44. ed. ‘Registrum cantariae S. Salvatoris Waterfordensis’, Analecta Hibernica 23 (1964) 136–222 (edition of the register of the Chantry of St Saviour, Waterford, from London, BL, Harleian 3765, s. xv² with later additions, with brief introduction and index). 45. Review of Ludwig Bieler (ed. & tr.), The Irish penitentials, SLH 5 (Dublin 1963), in Studia Hibernica 4 (1964) 218–21. 1965 46. Review of Alban Dold & Leo Eizenhöfer (ed) Das irische Palimpsestsakaramentar in clm 14429 der Staatsbibliothek München, Texte und Arbeiten 53–54 (Beuron 1964), in Studia Hibernica 5 (1965) 186–87. 1966 47. ed. ‘Dhá leagan de scéal Phíoláit’, Celtica 7 (1966) 205–213 (edition of an Irish translation of a passage of ‘De passione Domini’, from the Legenda aurea of Jacobus a Voragine, from Dublin, RIA, 475 olim 24 P 25 and Oxford, Rawlinson B. 513, with introduction in Irish). 48. ed. ‘Quatuor exempla’, Celtica 7 (1966) 214–17 (fragments of an Irish translation of moralitates, from Oxford, Rawlinson B. 513, with introduction in Irish). 49. ‘The origins of the betagh’, Ir Jur 1 (1966) 292–98. 1967 50. ‘Notes on litigation in late Irish law’, Ir Jur 2 (1967) 299–307. 51. ‘Sur l’identité de S. Mainchín’, Analecta Bollandiana 85/1–2 (1967) 59–63. 52. (with [R. H.] Michael Dolley), ‘Some coin-names in Ceart Uí Néill’, Studia Celtica 2 (1967) 118–24. 53. ed. ‘Documents relating to the suppression of the Templars in Ireland’, Analecta Hibernica 24 (1967) 193–226 (edition of (i) an account of the goods of the Irish Templars, from London, PRO, E/101/239/11; and (ii–iii) further details of the Templars’ property supplied by the Irish exchequer, from PRO E/101/239/13, with introduction, but without translation or indexes). 54. (with [R. H.] Michael Dolley), ‘Trí hórmharg’, Éigse 12 (1969–70) 173–76 (proofs that the ‘gold mark’ does not exist outside literary conceit, together with numerous examples of marg supplementary to Dictionary of the Irish language). 1968 55. ‘The heir designate in early medieval Ireland’, Ir Jur 3 (1968) 326–29. 56. ‘The proportional method in dating Irish texts’, Studia Celtica 3 (1968) 47–52. 57. ‘Bartholomæi Anglici De proprietatibus rerum liber octavus: leagan Gaeilge ó thús na 15ú aoise’, Celtica 8 (1968) 201–42; 9 (1971) 266–315 (edition of an early fifteenth-century Irish translation from Dublin, TCL, 1299 and Dublin, RIA, 1233). 58. Review of Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society 1 (1968), in Studia Hibernica 8 (1968) 200–01. 59. Review of R. P. C. Hanson, Saint Patrick: his origins and career (Oxford 1968), in Antiquity 42 (1968) 240–41. 60. Review of Brian Ó Cuív, ‘Literary creation and Irish historical tradition’ Proc Br Acad 49 (1963) 233–62, in Medium Ævum 35 (1966) 136–38. 61. Review of J. J. Tierney (ed. & tr.), Dicuili Liber de mensura orbis terrae, SLH 6 (Dublin 1967), in Medium Ævum 37 (1968) 179–81. 1969 62. ‘Admissible and inadmissible evidence in early Irish law’, Ir Jur 4 (1969) 332–37. 63. ed. ‘Cartae Dunenses XII–XIII céad’, Seanchas Ardmhacha 5 (1969–70) 418–28 (twelfth- and thirteenth-century charters of Downpatrick). 1970 64. ed. ‘Seven Irish documents from the Inchiquin archives’, Analecta Hibernica 26 (1970) 45–69 (edition of six charters from Dublin, NLI, G 863 and one from London, BL, Additional charter 34938, with translations and notes). 65. ‘A propos du vocabulaire social irlandais du bas moyen âge’, Études Celtiques 12 (1970–71) 512–46. 1971 66. ‘Jetsam, treasure-trove and the lord’s share in medieval Ireland’, Ir Jur 6 (1971) 103–10. 67. ed. ‘Tír cumaile’, Ériu 22 (1971) 81–86 (two short Irish law texts on the quality of land, with translation and notes, from Dublin, TCL, 1337 olim H. 3. 18: (i)=CIH 675.18–676.16=ALI iv 276–78; (ii)=CIH 843.3–21). 68. ‘Irish law and the Armagh constitutions of 1297’, Ir Jur 6 (1971) 339–44. 69. ed. (with Úna Nic Énrí), ‘The second recension of the Evernew tongue’, Celtica 9 (1971) 1–60 (edition, translation and annotation of an Irish apocryphon). 1972 70. ‘The contact of Irish and common law’, N Ire Legal Q 23 (1972) 16–23. 71. Ireland before the Vikings, Gill History of Ireland, i (Dublin 1972). 1975 72. The medieval Irish annals, Medieval Irish History Series 3 (Dublin 1975). 73. ‘Land-transfer in 16th-century Thomond: the case of Domhnall Óg Ó Cearnaigh’, N Munster Antiq J 17 (1975) 43–45. 1976 74. ‘The background to the battle of Tarbgna’, Celtica 11 (1976) 133–40. 75. ‘Aspects of Irish law in the thirteenth century’, G. A. Hayes-McCoy (ed), Historical Studies 10 (Dublin & Galway 1976) 25–42. 1977 76. ‘Cairt le Walter de Lacy’, Galvia 11 (1977) 54–56 (edition, without translation, of a charter, dated 1230×1241, from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 329, 159–60, in favour of Craswall priory in Herefordshire). 77. Review of R. A. Butlin (ed), The development of the Irish town (London 1977), in Galvia 11 (1977) 57–58. 1978 78. Review of P. A. Breatnach (ed), Die Regensburger Schottenlegende. Libellus de fundacione ecclesie consecrati Petri (Munich 1977), in Galvia 12 (1978) 61. 1981 79. Irish population before Petty; problems and possibilities (Dublin 1981). 80. ‘Socio-economic problems of the medieval Irish town’, David Harkness & Mary O’Dowd (ed), The town in Ireland (Belfast 1981) 7–21. 1982 81. ‘Investment in early Irish agriculture’, B. G. Scott (ed), Studies on early Ireland: essays in honour of M. V. Duignan (Belfast 1982) 7–9 (early Irish law, clientship, mruigfher). 1983 82. ed. (with †Seán Mac Airt), The annals of Ulster (to A.D. 1131) (Dublin 1983) (edition, translation, and annotation). 1984 83. ‘Christian influence on early Irish law’, Próinséas Ní Chatháin & Michael Richter (ed), Ireland and Europe: the early church (Stuttgart 1984) 151–56. 84. ‘Historians present and past’ Peritia 3 (1984) 593–94 (review of D. Whitelock, R. McKitterick, & D. Dumville (ed), Ireland in early medieval Europe: studies in memory of Kathleen Hughes (Cambridge 1982; John Scott (ed), The early history of Glastonbury: an edition, translation and study of William of Malmesbury’s De antiquitate Glastonie ecclesie (Woodbridge 1981)). 85. ‘The interaction of laws’, James F. Lydon (ed), The English in medieval Ireland (Dublin 1984) 105–17 (Irish law and English law). 1985 86. ‘The colonial town in Irish documents’, H. B. Clarke & Anngret Simms (ed), The comparative history of urban origins in non-Roman Europe: Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia from the ninth to the thirteenth century, BAR Int Ser 255 (Oxford 1985) 373–78. 1986 87. ‘The Irish language manuscripts’, P. Fox (ed), Treasures of the Library, Trinity College, Dublin (Dublin 1986) 57–66. 1988 88. ed. (with Patrick F. Wallace), Keimelia: studies in medieval archaeology and history in memory of Tom Delaney (Galway 1988). 1990 89. ‘The Irish “charters”’, Peter Fox (ed), The Book of Kells (Lucerne 1990) 153–65. 1992 90. ed. Crown surveys of lands,1540–41, with the Kildare Rental begun in 1518. Irish Manuscripts Commission (Dublin 1992) (from London, PRO SC 11/935; SC 11/194, SP 65/3/2; and London, BL, Harleian 3756, with brief introduction and extensive indexes). FOOTNOTE [1]. The compiler of this bibliography is grateful to Professor Dáibhí Ó Cróinín for his help. It makes no pretence to be complete. Donnchadh Ó Corráin, History Dept, University
College, Cork. 14 November 2003 ![]() |
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