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From Celtia, May-June 1903: address to the Oireachtas of the Gaelic League A SCHOOL OF IRISH RESEARCHLECTURE BY PROFESSOR KUNO MEYER, PH.D. On Thursday, May 14, Dr. Kuno Meyer delivered a lecture in the
Large Concert Hall of the Rotunda. The lecturer chose as his
subject, "The Necessity for Establishing a School of Irish
Literature, Philology, and History." Dr. Douglas Hyde,
President of the Gaelic League, occupied the chair, and there
was a large attendance. But, for all that, I would not venture to prophesy. Not long
ago Principal Rhys, the eminent Welsh scholar, told me that
some time during the seventies of the last century he had
predicted that the Welsh language would linger on for a of his
nationality and of his native language; and yet see how false
his prediction has been. Some hidden fire still smouldered unnoticed
among the ashes, a fresh breeze springs up, and almost in a moment the
whole country from end to end is in a blaze. The Welsh language is now
more firmly established than it has been for centuries. (Applause.)
It is spoken and written by a young generation in a purity which has
been unknown since the days of Goronwy and Lewis Morris in the
eighteenth century. It is taught in the schools, recognised by
the National University as ranking by the side of Greek and
Latin; papers and periodicals abound; a national press is
issuing the classics of the nation in splendid editions; a
national library has been founded; the Eisteddfod - the Welsh
Oireachtas flourishes. (Applause.) A similar development
seems to be taking place in Ireland under our eyes.
(Applause.) Wherever one goes now one finds men and women,
young and old, able to speak and read and write Gaelic; it is
taught in the schools; ancient customs are revived; papers are
springing up; Irish literature is being printed; the interest
in the history and traditions of the country and the race is widening
and deepening - (applause) - scholars are encouraged in their
work. And, over and above this, the lives of thousands have
been transfigured, and a new zest and spirit has entered into
a nation whose despondency, whose listless, hopeless attitude
towards itself and its interest used to be the saddest feature
in its character. (Applause.) But I need not dwell on
this wonderful transformation, familiar as it is to you all. I
believe that its beneficial effects will not be confined to Ireland.
I do not mean to refer to the advantage which must inevitably accrue to
the best interests of the Empire from a strengthening of the Irish
nation - there is the history of many centuries to prove that
the policy to keep it weak was disastrous - (applause) -
I desire to speak of a much humbler sphere, which the Gaelic
revival is sure to influence most favourably - Celtic
scholarship at home and abroad. (Applause). One of the discouraging phenomena to the foreign student
hitherto was the curious indifference that in what should have
been the home of Irish and Celtic studies prevailed among the
learned as well as among the general public and the people at
large. Another no less discouraging circumstance was the
difficulty of acquiring, either through books, or by an easy
intercourse with the people, the necessary knowledge of the
spoken language in all its idiomatic force, and with all its
dialectical varieties. Anyone who has followed the development
of modern philology knows that its greatest achievements are
derived from a minute study of the living languages, not from
that of the more or less artificial language of literature. It
would have been an irreparable loss to Celtic research for all time if
the Irish language, which the German philologist, Schleicher, rightly
called the Gothic of the Celtic family of speech - that is, the most
primitive and original of all Celtic languages - had been
suffered to die without having been studied exhaustively at
the source, and on the spot, without having been chronicled
down to the minutest details of sound, grammar, and idiom.
There is no fear of that now. (Applause.) Ireland is in
the fortunate position of having retained her dialects, while in other
countries like England, they are now rapidly disappearing before a
colourless and artificially polite standard, on the one hand,
and the vulgar and debased speech of the great cities on the
other. (Applause.) Let me here express the hope that
nothing will be done to discourage the dialects as the spoken
language of the home and everyday life. (Applause). They
are the rich source from which the literary language will continue
to draw its best inspiration. The literary language can take care of
itself. It will develop with the taste, the culture, the
learning of the individual writers. As the language spreads
and grows, great writers will come to set the standard, to
serve as models, as Keating has done now, for many
generations. Now, while this is the hopeful prospect of the movement, there
yet remain two important and essential things to be done, and
the sooner they are done the better. One is to broaden and
strengthen the movement at the root, by rousing those
districts in which Irish is still the mother tongue to a
better realisation of their importance and responsibility. (Applause.)
That, I understand, is already part of the programme of the Gaelic
League. The second requirement will form the chief subject of
my address to-day. It is the necessity of bringing the
movement into direct and intimate relations with scholarship,
to provide an avenue for every student of Irish to the higher
regions of study and research, to crown the whole edifice by a
revival of native scholarship, and thus to bring about a
second golden age of Irish learning. (Applause.) The aims of the
Gaelic revival and those of scholarship are not incompatible; it would
be deplorable for either if they were. The scholar's task is to study
and elucidate the same past in which the roots of the movement lie the
same past, the chasm between which and a degenerate, modern Ireland you
have succeeded in bridging over. This chasm threatened to sever for all
eternity the Ireland of the past from an Ireland rapidly becoming
wholly Anglicised. (Applause.) In 1851 Dr. O'Donovan,
writing to a correspondent who had asked where the best
speakers of Irish might be found, answered: "In the
poorhouse." You have altered this. You have placed the best
speakers of Irish in a seat of honour. (Applause.) But, remember,
that you have also to fill a void - the gap which, through the death of
O'Donovan and O'Curry, was cleft in native scholarship. The work which
those two men achieved has never yet met with full recognition.
(Hear, hear.) Apart from the work they did themselves, it was their
knowledge and their original research which enabled scholars
like Petrie, Todd, and Reeves to achieve great results in
Irish archaeology, history, and literature. When O'Donovan and O'Curry were dead, further progress was
rendered difficult, and almost impossible. The work which they
left behind them has been, in Ireland at least, almost at a
complete standstill since then in what I may call academic and
official scholarship. You have all heard of the severe
criticism which scholars at home and abroad have directed
against the five volumes published under the auspicies of the Brehon
Law Commission. The fact is that the bulk of the five volumes
of laws is merely work done by O'Donovan and O'Curry over
forty years ago. O'Donovan died in 1861, O'Curry in 1862; the
fifth volume was published in 1901. It seems that the Brehon
Laws Commissioners consider their work ended now that the
excerpts and translation prepared and left by O'Donovan and O'Curry
have come to an end. I gather this, in the first place, from the fact
that a glossary to the five volumes has been published, a glossary
again based upon faulty impressions of O'Donovan and O'Curry's
extracts, not upon the original MSS.; and, secondly, from the
rumour which has come to my ears that the Commissioners
entertained the idea of sending an Irish scholar abroad to
search for unpublished manuscripts of Brehon Laws in the
libraries of the Continent. This would have been a wildgoose chase,
for the MSS. do not exist - for every scholar knows that if O'Donovan
and O'Curry had lived they would have told them that, with the
exception of a few fragments of a legal treatise at
Copenhagen, which has already been published by Stokes, of
which there is a copy in the Royal Irish Academy, there are no
law tracts in any of the Continental libraries. When I tell
you, further, that all the time there are the most valuable
legal documents Iying unused and unpublished in the libraries of
Trinity College, of the Royal Irish Academy, of the British
Museum, and of the Bodleian, you will have some information as
to the value of Royal Commissioners. Am I not right, then in saying that Irish scholarship,
academical and official, is extinct since the time of
O'Donovan and O'Curry? The question seems to me of such great
importance that I may mention that it is my intention to
address an open letter to the Commissioners on the whole
subject. (Applause.) I am not, of course, unaware of the fact
that there are excellent and hardworking Irish scholars in
Ireland, but these scholars are isolated. They are working
single-handed, and in the positions in which they are placed
have no chance of creating a School of Irish Philology or
History. There is the crux of the whole matter. If O'Donovan
and O'Curry had but left a school behind, and in every other country
they would have been enabled to do so, we should not complain
of the standstill of Irish scholarship in Ireland.
(Applause.) But the fault was not theirs. They met with
little encouragement, except from a few enthusiasts. There was
not, and there is not now any proper organisation for the academic
pursuit of these studies. There was, and there still is, little
interest in research and higher scholarship. I know that
O'Donovan held for a time a Professorship in Belfast, but he
seems to have had no pupils. At least, so I gather from a
letter of his which has come into my hands. In the letter,
written in 1851, O'Donovan says: "I shall be in Belfast very
soon again to deliver some lectures on the Celtic dialects. I do not
believe that you or any other friends there will be able to
procure me any pupils, and I am, therefore, afraid I cannot
live among you." I venture to say that if he were to come to
Belfast now he would not be left without pupils, but that
hundreds would flock to his classes. It has not always been so
in Ireland. As late as the 17th century there existed throughout
the country bardic schools, in which the Irish language and Irish
literature, supported by liberal contributions from chiefs,
were taught and studied, just as law schools and medical
schools were kept up and supported in a similar way. These were the academies and universities of ancient Ireland.
As you turn over the pages of the Four Masters you come again
and again upon the obit of one of the professors of these
schools. Now it is absolutely necessary, if there is to
emanate from Ireland work of first-rate importance in history,
philology, literature, archaeology, that there should be established
a school in which the foundation for these studies would be laid by a
study of the Irish language and literature. Without a knowledge of the
Irish language in all its stages - old Irish, middle Irish, modern
Irish - no real advance in our knowledge of the various
subjects mentioned above is possible. because the source, the
documents, are written in Irish. I need not here again dwell
on the wealth and variety of Irish literature in all branches,
or reiterate what I have said elsewhere, that no one is in a
position to speak with authority of it as a whole. The facts are
not yet before us. But let us consider for one moment the magnitude of
the task that has yet to be accomplished. Let me begin with the
language. To trace the history of the language from the oldest
available records to modern times, to establish the laws which
govern it, to follow its changes from period to period, from
dialect to dialect, then, when all this has been done to date
and locate every piece of prose or poetry with exactness -
these are some of the tasks which await the student of Irish
philology. As to literature, the amount and variety of the work to be
done is even greater. Here is the oldest vernacular poetry and prose of
Western Europe - (applause) - handed down in hundreds of
manuscripts, very few of which have been edited, many of which
have hardly been opened for centuries, while the majority have
only been hastily glanced at. I will say once more that, whatever the foreign student may achieve, he cannot hope to cope with its difficulties so successfully as the native student. It is a task which must be accomplished by Irishmen and Irishwomen essentially. Instead of further enlarging on this, let me illustrate what I have said by one single example, which must stand for hundreds that I might give. Among the priceless Stowe MSS. which were deposited by the British Government with the Royal Irish Academy in 1885, there is the "Book of Hy-Many." You may remember the pathetic indignation of O'Curry when he was denied access to the MSS, by their former owner, that churlish nobleman, Lord Ashburnham; O'Curry knew what their contents were, and ate his heart out. Now the MSS. have come back to Ireland; but there they have lain in the Academy unutilised, uncatalogued, for nearly twenty years, and yet what treasures they contain! There are to be found, among other things, the poems of MacLiag - the bard of Tadhg Mor O'Reilly - the follower of Brian na Boroimhe - all unedited. Imagine what might happen if it became known that an old English MS. existed containing poems by a bard attached to King Alfred, who had sung his battles, and the warriors who had fought under him. The news would spread like wildfire throughout the world of letters, and editions, learned and popular, would follow in rapid succession. (Applause.) Now, where are those Irish scholars to lift these and hundreds of similar treasures? They will not be found until a school of Irish philology has given them the necessary instruction and training, and has taught them the proper methods of study and research. (Applause.) The field is there, the materials are abundant, the laboratories, so to speak, are fully equipped, the workers alone are wanting. (Applause. ) This is a national concern. To provide such students with the necessary instruction, to initiate them into the study of the older stages of the language, is, in my opinion, a question of national importance. (Hear, hear.) How is it to be done? At present there is no provision of this kind. If we could rely on the foundation of a National University in the immediate future, of a Celtic University - (loud applause) - if I may so call it, the solution would be easy. In such a University there should be chairs for Irish Philology, for Irish History, and Archaeology, and a well-equipped library, and we might look forward then to a flourishing school of Irish research; but these things lie on the knees of the god's, and meanwhile valuable time is being lost. It is necessary also to train scholars who can take their places as teachers in that University when the time for it comes. (Applause.) Can we expect anything from Trinity College? (Laughter, and "No.") No, I think not. I see no sign of it. Trinity College is modelled upon the obsolescent system of the older English Universities, in which the instruction is given almost exclusively in certain recognised subjects, while the time of instruction is controlled by prescribed curricular examinations, so that the true object of learning is lost sight of. Such a system is concerned almost exclusively with the acquisition of knowledge which is already common property, instead of widening, increasing, and advancing knowledge and learning. The question next arises whether the Royal Irish Academy can be expected, or can be induced, to organise such a school. Not unless the Gaelic League were to storm it, reorganise it on scholarly lines and make it what it ought to be - the home and centre and the workshop of Irish studies and research. (Applause.) No; I think little or no support is to be looked for from these quarters. If it were really alive to the progress and to the needs of Celtic scholarship, if it were really the home and centre of Irish studies, no institution would be more suited to take up such a scheme. But it cannot be called so. It has founded no school, it trains no scholars, it has published no catalogues of its MSS. When its President was approached some time ago to co-operate
in inducing the government to make a grant for the cataloguing
of Irish MSS., he declined to do so. (Shame). Since the
days of O'Curry, it has, I believe, not bought a single MS.
What, then, are we to do? At this point, perhaps, you will
bear with me if I tell you an old story, which may be new to
some of you. One day during the end of the eighth century, when
Charlemagne sat upon the Throne, a British merchant ship
landed upon the coast of France having two great Irish
scholars and divines on board as passengers. While the
merchants put forth their wares and were busy proclaiming them,
these two Irishmen cried out to the people: "If there is anyone in
search of wisdom and knowledge, let him come to us; we have some to
dispose of." (Applause.) The rumour of their arrival
spread throughout the land, and reached the ears of the
Emperor. He sent for them, and asked them what they required
for their merchandise. They declared they needed nothing but a
suitable place to teach in, intelligent students to teach, and
for themselves food and dress. Charles immediately placed one of them,
Clement by name, at the head of the school at his own Court, and placed
the other, whose name was Dungal, at Pavia. (Applause.) Such is
the story told by the chronicler of St. Gall. I think its application
to our case is evident. Secure but the necessary scholars, able and
willing to teach; furnish a place for them to teach in, and
provide them with earnest and intelligent students, and the
thing is done. (Hear, hear.) The question of funds is not the
first and only consideration in such matters. The
determination to carry the scheme through, co-operation,
organisation, are infinitely more important. (Hear, hear.) I
venture, then, to suggest the following simple scheme. Begin in the simplest, humblest way. I feel sure that men like
Father Hogan, Father Dineen, Douglas Hyde, Prof. Strachan, Dr.
Joyce, Mr. Coffey - to mention only a few whose names occur to
me - will one and all give their help and their services, each
in his own province of learning. (Applause.) As for myself, I am
ready to begin to-morrow (applause) - if you provide me but with a
room and a blackboard and the students. (Renewed applause.)
Liverpool is but a few hours' pleasant sail from here, and I
can come over often. Let the Gaelic League take the matter in
hand. Hire a room or two somewhere in the centre of the city; furnish
them with the nucleus of an Irish working library. As for the necessary
money - and very little will be needed to start - use your
organisation, approach the Corporation, the rich men and women
in sympathy with the movement, open a subscription list
to-night. (Applause.) Then we will found a periodical
devoted to Irish research, and exchange it with the great
libraries and academies of the world. Perhaps when you have
achieved so much, the eyes of the Government will be opened, and
they will bestow their money where they will get better value for it.
(Applause.) Do not, I beseech you, regard my little scheme as
Utopian. Its success depends upon one thing, and upon one thing only -
the enthusiasm and application of the students. (Hear, hear.)
But I must have gauged the Gaelic movement wrongly if we cannot depend
on this. I believe there are hundreds of young men and women who have
already acquired a scholarly knowledge of the modern language, eager to
avail themselves of every opportunity of becoming better acquainted
with the ancient language of their native land, of equipping
themselves with the necessary knowledge for independent
research in the vast mines of its literature, and of swelling
the ranks of a small band of Celtic students. There I leave
the matter for the present, in the ful1 conviction that I have
not spoken in vain. (Loud applause.) ![]() |
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