Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: T840000-001
Travels in Ireland
Author: Johann Georg Kohl
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Translated by [not identified]
Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber, Sara Sponholz
Funded by School of History, University College, Cork
1. First draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text:
198065 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2011) (2013) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: T840000-001
Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
As Kohl's biographer, Dr Thomas Elsmann of the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, Germany, has informed CELT, the English translator of this edition has not yet been identified, for the bulk of Kohl's correspondence for 1842 does not survive, and the publisher's archive in Dresden and Leipzig was destroyed in World War II. However, Dr Elsmann suggests it might have been either Henry George Bohn, or Charles Frederick Lascelles Wraxhall. Both were employed in translating other works of Kohl for London publishers Chapman and Hall. Another translation of this text into English is listed below. Again, CELT's sincere thanks are due to Dr Thomas Elsmann for kindly bringing it to our attention.
Editions and translations- Johann Georg Kohl, Reisen in Irland (Dresden und Leipzig, Arnoldische Buchhandlung 1843) [German Original.] Available in .pdf format in two volumes from Göttingen University (
- J. G. Kohl, England, Wales and Scotland (London: Chapman and Hall, 1844). [This includes material on Ireland, Scotland and Wales.]
Other works by Johann Georg Kohl- J. G. Kohl, Die deutsch-russischen Ostseeprovinzen, oder Natur- und Völkerleben in Kur-, Liv- und Esthland, 2 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1841).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen im Inneren von Russland und Polen (Dresden 1841).
- J. G. Kohl, Russia and the Russians, in 1842, 2 Vols. (London 1842, 1843).
- J. G. Kohl, Russia. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, Riga, Odessa, the German provinces on the Baltic, the steppes, the Crimea, and the interior of the empire (London 1842).
- J. G. Kohl, Hundert Tage auf Reisen in den österreichischen Staaten, 5 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1842).
- J. G. Kohl, Austria. Vienna, Prague, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube; Galicia, Styria, Moravia, Bukovina, and the military frontier (London 1843).
- J. G. Kohl, Austria. Vienna, Prague, etc. etc. (Philadelphia 1844).
- J. G. Kohl, Land und Leute der britischen Inseln, Beiträge zur Charakteristik Englands und der Engländer, 3 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1844).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in England und Wales, 2 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1844).
- J. G. Kohl, England, Wales and Scotland (London 1844). [See note above under 'Editions and translations'].
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in Schottland, 2 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1844). [Translated into English by Seumas Simpson and Ursula Cairns Smith, but unpublished (?)].
- J. G. Kohl, Ireland. Dublin, the Shannon, Limerick, Cork, and the Kilkenny Races, the Round Towers, the Lakes of Killarney, the County of Wicklow, O'Connell and the Repeal Association; Belfast and the Giant's causeway (New York 1844). [Contains much of the same material as that in the present electronic edition.]
- J. G. Kohl, England and Wales (Philadelphia 1846).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in Dänemark und den Herzogthümern Schleswig und Holstein, 2 Bde. (Leipzig 1846).
- J. G. Kohl, Die Marschen und Inseln der Herzogthümer Schleswig und Holstein. Nebst vergleichenden Bemerkungen über die Küstenländer, die zwischen Belgien und Jütland liegen, 2 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1846).
- J. G. Kohl, Petersburg in Bildern und Skizzen, zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage, 3 Bde. (Dresden-Leipzig 1846).
- J. G. Kohl, Bemerkungen über die Verhältnisse der deutschen und dänischen Nationalität und Sprache im Herzogthume Schleswig (Stuttgart-Tübingen 1847).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in Südrußland, zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage, 3 Bde (Dresden-Leipzig 1847).
- J. G. Kohl, Alpenreisen, 2 Bde. (Dresden und Leipzig: Arnold).
- J. G. Kohl, Der Verkehr und die Ansiedlungen der Menschen in ihrer Abhängigkeit von der Gestaltung der Oberfläche, Zweite Ausgabe (Leipzig 1850).
- J. G. Kohl, Aus meinen Hütten. Oder Geständnisse und Träume eines deutschen Schriftstellers, 3 Bde (Leipzig 1850).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in den Niederlanden, 2 Bde (Leipzig 1850).
- J. G. Kohl, Skizzen aus Natur- und Völkerleben, 2 Bde. (Dresden 1851).
- J. G. Kohl, Naturansichten aus den Alpen (=Alpenreisen Bd 3) (Leipzig 1851).
- J. G. Kohl, Reise nach Istrien, Dalmatien und Montenegro (Hannover 1851).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in Deutschland. Erste Abtheilung: Reisen im südöstlichen Deutschland, 2 Bde. (Leipzig 1852).
- J. G. Kohl, Die Donau von ihrem Ursprunge bis Pesth. (Triest 1854).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen in Canada und durch die Staaten von New York und Pennsylvanien (Stuttgart-Augsburg 1856).
- J. G. Kohl, A descriptive catalogue of those maps, charts and surveys relating to America, which are mentioned in Vol. III. of Hakluyt's great work (Washington 1857).
- J. G. Kohl, Reisen im Nordwesten der Vereinigten Staaten (New York 1857).
- J. G. Kohl, Kitschi-Gami, oder Erzählungen vom Obern See. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der amerikanischen Indianer, 2 Bde. (Bremen 1859).
- J. G. Kohl, Kitchi-Gami, Wanderings round Lake Superior, engl. transl. by Lascelles Wraxall (London 1860).
- J. G. Kohl, Geschichte der Entdeckung Amerika's von Columbus bis Franklin (Bremen 1861).
- J. G. Kohl, Das Haus Seefahrt zu Bremen (Bremen 1862).
- J. G. Kohl, Älteste Geschichte der Entdeckung und Erforschung des Golfs von Mexiko und der ihn umgebenden Küsten durch die Spanier von 1492 bis 1543 (Berlin 1863).
- J. G. Kohl, Nordwestdeutsche Skizzen. Fahrten zu Wasser und zu Lande in den unteren Gegenden der Weser, Elbe und Ems. 2 Bde (Bremen 1864).
- J. G. Kohl, Unser geliebtes Schleswig-Holstein. Eine kurze und übersichtliche Geschichte des Landes und seines Rechts, abgefaßt von einem Bremer für seine Mitbürger (Bremen 1864).
- J. G. Kohl, Aphoristische Bemerkungen über das Studium der Nationalitäten, seinen Nutzen, seinen Umfang, seine Schwierigkeit und seine Zeitgemässheit, in Vierteljahresschrift f. Volkswirthschaft und Kulturgeschichte 3.4 (1865) 7581.
- J. G. Kohl, Deutsche Volksbilder und Naturansichten aus dem Harze (Hannover 1866).
- J. G. Kohl, Die Völker Europa's (Hamburg 1868).
- J. G. Kohl, Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erforschung von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf den grossen amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg. Eine Monographie zur Geschichte der Oceane und der geographischen Entdeckungen (Bremen 1868).
- J. G. Kohl (ed), Pilgerfahrt des Landgrafen Wilhelm des Tapferen von Thüringen zum heiligen Lande im Jahre 1461 (Bremen 1868).
- J. G. Kohl, A history of the discovery of Maine, in: William Willis (ed), History of the State of Maine, Vol. 1 (Portland 1869).
- J. G. Kohl, Zur Vorgeschichte Livlands (Leipzig 1870).
- J. G. Kohl, Alte und neue Zeit. Episoden aus der Cultur-Geschichte der freien Reichs-Stadt Bremen (Bremen 1871).
- J. G. Kohl, Über Klangmalerei in der deutschen Sprache (Berlin 1873).
- J. G. Kohl, Die geographische Lage der Hauptstädte Europa's (Leipzig 1874).
- J. G. Kohl, Am Wege: Blicke in Gemüth und Welt in Aphorismen, neue Folge (Bremen 1874).
- J. G. Kohl (trans.), Geschichten aus Alt-Japan. Von A. B. Mitford, zweitem Secretär bei der britischen Gesandschaft in Japan. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J. G. Kohl. Mit Illustrationen von japanischen Künstlern 2 Bde (Leipzig 1875).
- J. G. Kohl, Kleine Essays (Wien 1876).
- J. G. Kohl, Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen und Schifffahrten zur Magellan's-Strasse und zu den ihr benachbarten Ländern und Meeren (Berlin 1877).
- J. G. Kohl, Die natürlichen Lockmittel des Völker-Verkehrs (Bremen 1878).
- J. G. Kohl, History of discovery and exploration on the coasts of the United States (Washington 1885).
About Johann Georg Kohl- Justin Winsor (ed), The Kohl collection of maps relating to America (Cambridge 1886).
- A. John Wolter, Johann Georg Kohl and America, in: International Conference on the History of Cartography: Abstracts, Bd. 8 (1979), 41.
- Wilhelm Seuß, Johann Georg Kohls Codex Americanus Geographicus: die Studien eines Bremer Gelehrten in Amerika, Wolkenkratzer vorhergesehen, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 9.9.1989 (Frankfurt 1989)
- Geert Demarest (ed), Reisen durch das weite Land: Nordwestdeutsche Skizzen 1864 von J. G. Kohl (Berlin 1990).
- The articular traveler: Johann Georg Kohl chronicler of the American continents, a Library of Congress exhibition, the Madison Building Foyer, March 24 - June 27, 1993 (Washington 1993).
- [Anonymous], 'As others saw us: Waterford in Kohl's 'Travels in Ireland' (1844)', Decies: Journal of the Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society 47 (1993) 2228.
- Hans-Albrecht Koch (ed), Progress of Discovery. Johann Georg Kohl. Auf den Spuren der Entdecker (Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt 1993).
- Eoin Burke, 'The Irishman is no lazzarone": German travel writers in Ireland 18281850', History Ireland 5:3 (1997) 2125.
- Silke Regin, Johann Georg Kohl: ethnographische Sprachreflexionen im 19. Jahrhundert, in: Kasseler Studien Literatur, Kultur, Medien, 7 Bde, 2. Bd. (Siegen 2001).
- C. J. Woods, Travellers' accounts as source material for Irish historians (Dublin 2009).
- Thomas Elsmann, Johann Georg Kohl: Ein Leben zwischen der Alten und der Neuen Welt (Bremen: Schünemann 2010).
Further reading, including authors, books and topics mentioned in the text- Gaius Iustus Solinus, De Mirabilibus Mundi, ed. by C. L. F. Panckoucke (Paris 1847), cap. 23: Britannia (available online at
- Giraldus Cambrensis, Topographia Hibernica, in: J. S. Brewer (ed), Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, (London 18611891), vol. 5.
- Gerard Boate, Ireland's Naturall History, London 1652. Chetham Society. Reprinted as 'Gerard Boate's natural history of Ireland', edited, with an introduction, by Thomas E. Jordan (New York 2006).
- William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum (London 16551673).
- Charles Vallancey, Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language (1772).
- William Hamilton, Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim. Containing a Natural History of its Basaltes: with an account of such circumstances as are worthy of notice respecting the antiquity, manners and customs of that country. The whole illustrated by an accurate map of the coast, roads, mountains, etc. (London 1786). Reprinted 1839.
- Charles Vallancey, Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis. (...) Published from the MSS, vol ii, Antiquities of Irishtown and Kilkenny (Dublin 1786).
- Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth, Essay on Practical Education (1798).
- Sir Richard Musgrave, A concise account of the material events and atrocities, which occurred in the late rebellion, with the causes which produced them, and an answer to Veritas's Vindication of the Roman Catholic clergy of the town of Wexford. (Dublin: Printed for J. Milliken, 1799).
- Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth, Essay on Irish Bulls (1802).
- Edward Wakefield, An Account of Ireland, statistical and political, 2 volumes (London 1812).
- Georges Cuvier, Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles ou l'on rétablit les caractères de plusieurs animaux dont les révolutions du globe ont détruit les espèces. 4 vols. (Paris 1812).
- Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau, Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829, translated and edited by Sarah Austin. Philadelphia 1833. (His letters concerning Ireland are available on CELT.)
- Thomas Moore, A Selection of Irish Melodies (18081834).
- Henry D. Inglis, A Journey throughout Ireland, during the Spring, Summer & Autumn of 1834 (London 1835).
- Gustave de Beaumont, L'Irlande sociale, politique et réligieuse, (Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie 1839). Reprinted 1990 (Lille: CERUIL GDR d'Études Anglo-Irlandaises du Centre National du Récherche Scientifique). An English translation by William Cooke Taylor was published in 1839 and reprinted 2006 by Harvard University Press.
- James Drummond Marshall, 'Notes on the Statistics and Natural History of the Island of Rathlin, off the Northern Coast of Ireland', Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy xvii, (Dublin 1837) 3771.
- Jacob Venedey, Irland (Leipzig: Brockhaus 1844).
- George Petrie, 'The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion, comprising an essay on the origin and uses of the Round Towers of Ireland', Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 20 (Hodges & Smith: Dublin 1845).
- William Reeves (ed), Life of Saint Columba, Founder of Hy. Written by Adamnan, Ninth Abbot of that Monastery. (Edinburgh 1874). (This text is available on CELT.)
- C. Litton Falkiner, 'The Woods of Ireland', in: C. Litton Falkiner (ed), Illustrations of Irish History and Topography, mainly of the seventeenth century (London 1904) 143159. (This article is available on CELT.)
- Thomas Osborne Davis, The Round Towers of Ireland, in: T. W. Rolleston (ed), Thomas Davis: Selections from his prose and poetry (Dublin and London 1910). (This text is available on CELT.)
- A. H. Krappe, Nuada à la main d'argent, Revue Celtique 49 (1932) 9195.
- R. F. Butler, Maria Edgeworth and Sir Walter Scott Unpublished Letters, 1823, Review of English Studies, n.s., 9/33 (February 1958) 2340.
- Elizabeth A. Gray (ed. and trans.), Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired (Kildare 1982). (This text is available on CELT.)
- Líam Kennedy and Philip Ollerenshaw, An Economic History of Ulster, 18201940 (Manchester: Manchester University Press 1985).
- Geraldine F. Grogan, The Noblest Agitator: Daniel O'Connell and the German Catholic Movement, 183050 (Dublin 1991).
- Andreas Oehlke: Irland in deutschen Reisebeschreibungen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt/Main: Lang 1992.)
- Eda Sagarra, Die "grüne Insel" in der deutschen Reiseliteratur Deutsche Irlandreisende von Karl Gottlob Küttner bis Heinrich Böll", in: Jäger, Hans-Wolf (Hg.): Europäisches Reisen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Neue Bremer Beiträge, (Heidelberg: Winter, 1992).
- Andreas Oehlke (ed), Fahrten zur Smaragdinsel: Irland in deutschen Reisebeschreibungen des 19. Jahrhunderts (Thunum/Ostfriesland 1993).
- Peter Murray, George Petrie (17901866): The Rediscovery of Ireland's Past; with essays by Joep Leerssen and Tom Dunne (Cork: Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, 2004), chapter 7.
- K. W. Nicholls, 'Woodland cover in pre-modern Ireland', in: Patrick Duffy, David Edwards and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (eds), Gaelic Ireland, c.12501650: Land, Lordship and Settlement (Dublin 2001) 181206.
- Eoin Bourke, Poor Green Erin (Frankfurt am Main 2011).
The edition used in the digital edition- Travels in Ireland. Johann Georg Kohl First edition [xii+417 pages] Bruce and Wyld, 84 Farringdon St. London (1844)
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The finished text covers pp 9417 of the volume; editorial footnotes are included using note type="auth" n="". Footnotes by the translator are marked resp="trans"; those added at CELT are marked resp="BF" or resp="Spo".
Editorial Declaration
Text proofread twice at CELT.
The electronic text represents the edited text. Obvious typographical errors or translator's errors are either corrected marked corr sic="" resp="BF", or mentioned in a footnote . Fractions have been reproduced using /.
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A selection of place-names, personal names, and group names are tagged. So are titles of books and articles. Words and phrases from other languages are tagged. Words and phrases rendered in Italics are tagged. When comparing the German and English version, the reader may note that the English translation omits some material at the beginning and throughout the text. Where this has come to CELT's attention, it has been noted.
Canonical References
This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the chapter.
Profile Description
Created: By J. G. Kohl resp. an unknown translator
Date range: 1842 (original); 1844 (translation).
Use of language
Language: [EN] The translation is in English.
Language: [FR] Some words and phrases are in French.
Language: [DE] Some words and phrases are in German.
Language: [LA] Some words and phrases are in Latin.
Language: [IT] Some words and phrases are in Italian.
Language: [GA] A few words and phrases are in Irish, including those in anglicized spelling.
Language: [NL] A term is in Dutch.
Language: [RU] A phrase is in Russian.
Revision History