Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: T830003-001

Magdalena von Dobeneck's Letters from Ireland to Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach

Author: Magdalena von Dobeneck née Feuerbach

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Translated by Beatrix Färber

Proofread by Dorothy Convery, Hiram Morgan, Benjamin Hazard

Funded by The School of History, University College, Cork

3. Third draft, enlarged.

Extent of text: 19655 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2018) (2019)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: T830003-001


Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only. CELT is grateful to Professor Emeritus Eoin Bourke for making available a hardcopy of this rare book for scanning and to Professor Emeritus Ulrich Harsch for supplying page images for pp. 92–97 (added for the third draft). I am grateful to Dortothy Convery, Hiram Morgan and Benjamin Hazad for reading my draft and suggesting improvements.


    Magdalena von Dobeneck: Life and Work
  1. Sechs Lieder für Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte, etc., Nuremberg 1843.
    Literature mentioned in the work
  1. Sylvester O'Halloran, An introduction to the study of the history and antiquities of Ireland: in which the assertions of Mr. Hume and other writers are occasionally considered, illustrated with copper-plates (Dublin 1772).
  2. Johann Timotheus Hermes, Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen (1769–1773). Band 1, Leipzig 1778.
  3. Jean Paul (=Johann Paul Friedrich Richter), Titan (Berlin 1800–1803 ).
  4. Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach, Merkwürdige Kriminalrechtsfälle (Gießen 1808; 1811).
  5. Hermann von Pückler-Muskau, Briefe eines Verstorbenen. 4 Bde; 1.–2. Theil: Ein fragmentarisches Tagebuch aus England, Wales, Irland und Frankreich, 1828–29 (Stuttgart 1831).
  6. Edward Gwynn (Hg. und übers.), The Metrical Dindshenchas. 4 Bde; Bd 4, Dublin, nachgedruckt 1991 (Erstdruck 1906), Gedicht auf Magh Slecht, p. 19ff.
  7. William Henry Bartlett, Joseph Stirling Coyne, Nathaniel Parker Willis et al., The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland: Illustrated in one hundred and twenty engravings, from drawings by W. H. Bartlett,With Historical and Descriptive Text, 2 vols. (London 1841).
  8. Johann Peter Hebel, Kannitverstan, Rheinländischer Hausfreund 1808.
    Selected further reading
  1. R.A. S. Macalister, 'Silva Focluti', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Seventh Series, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jun. 30, 1932, 19–27.
  2. Theodor Spoerri, Genie und Krankheit. Eine psychopathologische Untersuchung der Familie Feuerbach. Basel/New York 1952.
  3. Sibylle Schönborn, Das Buch der Seele: Tagebuchliteratur zwischen Aufklärung und Kunstperiode, Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, Band 86, Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
  4. Alfred Kröner, Die Familie Feuerbach in Franken (Magisterarbeit), Aufklärung und Kritik, Sonderheft 6/2002, S. 84f.
  5. Pádraig Ó Riain, A Dictionary of Irish Saints (Dublin 2011) (with bibliography).
  6. Eoin Bourke, Poor Green Erin (Frankfurt am Main 2011) [with English translation of extracts from Dobeneck's letters].
  7. Mark Bence-Jones, A Guide to Irish Country Houses, second edition, London 1990.
  8. David Hicks, Irish country houses: a chronicle of change, Cork 2012. (This treats contry houses in general, but has nothing about Northland House.)
  9. For further details about Northland House, see and
  10. You will find more details about the contemporary packet boat service between Calais and Dover at
  11. Professor emeritus Ulrich Harsch, who maintains the website 'Bibliotheca Augustana' has made available scans of Helene's letters from 1831 and 1832 (written in Strasbourg and Paris) at
  12. A Dramatization of this text (From Paris to Perry Street) was performed at Ranfurly Arts & Visitor Centre, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, by Stephanie Lavery of Time Steps Living History, co-presented by Aidan Fee, on 17 May 2019.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Briefe und Tagebuchblätter aus Frankreich, Irland und Italien, mit einem kleinen Anhang von Compositionen und Gedichten. Magdalena von Dobeneck First edition [] RawNürnberg (Nuremberg) (1843)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text contains an English translation of pp 29–97 of the German volume, the first English (complete) translation, published exclusively on CELT. The translation started as an experiment, based on the commercial translation software available at, to assess its suitability for a literary text. It was afterwards copy-edited, compared with the extracts provided by Eoin Bourke, and rechecked. The translation aims to be as literal as possible, taking into account that the original was written in 1832.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proofread twice at CELT.


The electronic text represents the edited text. Footnotes and occasional explanations have been added at CELT by the translator.


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div0=the whole text; div1=the entry page-breaks are marked pb n=""/.

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Dates are standardized in the ISO form yyyy-mm-dd.


Personal names and titles of books and periodicals are tagged. Words and phrases from languages other than English are tagged.

Canonical References

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Profile Description

Created: Original: Magdalene von Dobeneck, née Feuerbach; Translation: Beatrix Färber (Original: 1832) (Translation: 2018/2019)

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [FR] Some words and phrases are in French.
Language: [DE] Some words and phrases are in German.
Language: [GA] Some words are in Irish.
Language: [IT] Some words are in Italian.
Language: [LA] Some words are in Latin.

Revision History