Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 80

Take note that if in the different members with the exception of the genitals, different humors should accumulate in equal proportions, it is proper to compound different medicines in equal proportions; and should they accumulate in different proportions it is proper to compound them in different proportions so that they might contain more of one particular remedy than of the other remedy. Note also that the compound remedies are made bitter by various bitters in order that they may work more powerfully. Addition of the bitters is varied in proportion to the variation of the humors, and of the members; and for that reason the medicine which purges the phlegmatic humors of the head should be made bitter by one and one half scruples of colocynth corrected by one dram of tragacanth, or by one and one half scruples of scammony which has been corrected by mastix, or by


pasty as we have said above, or by one dram or more of esola.