Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 67

Should they be phlegmatic humors which accumulate in them (stomach, etc.) let them be digested by this medicine: take eupatorium, i.e. mugwort, and sage, of each ingredient a fistful; camomile, mellilotus, fennel root, parsley, bruscus, asparagus, cinquefoil, i.e. five leaved, gramen, i.e. male grass, germander, bugle, iris, pes columbe i.e. a species of herb-robert, bitter eryngo, comfrey, bogbean, scariole maidenhair, elecampane, and bugloss, of each item one and one half fistfuls, honey and sugar of each one pound; wine of pomegranate one half pound. Let a syrup be made from them.