Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 56

Pruna: they are identified as plums.17 Nature: cold at the beginning of the second degree, and wet at the end of the third degree. The darkest species of them is the best for medicine, especially the species called damasenica, called so after a country. When they are collected ripe they have the virtue of cooling and lubricating the intestines, and are for that reason suitable for high fevers and for constipation of the abdomen when caused by dry or hot humors. Avicenna says that all confections in which they are operate on, or purge choler all the more efficaciously and that they (prunes) purge more readily when wet than dry. They may be administered in draughts in accordance with the


greatness or littleness of the choler. Should it be little let ten of them be given as a dose; and if great from fifty to one hundred depending on the costiveness, i.e. the stoppage of the entrails.