Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 46

Senna quidem est herba que intrans marinus partibus crescit: i.e. senna is a herb which grows east of the ocean, particularly around Babylon and Arabia. Nature: hot and dry in the second degree. It purges melancholia primarily, and choler secondarily. For that reason it specifically purges or relieves melancholia, epilepsy, syncope and colicus.14 It strengthens the heart, and is suitable for diseases of the spleen and liver, and for hemorrhoids and quartan fever. Note that the foliage of the senna is better towards the action of the cure than its blossom. Dosage: it suffices as maximum dose, when administered singly, one ounce; and should it be given with other laxatives from three to four drams.