Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 40

Esola quidem est frutex: i.e. esola is a brush and it is its root which serves as medicine. Nature: hot and dry in the third degree. It has the virtue of depleting the phlegmatic humors primarily, and for that reason is useful for every disease caused by natural phlegm such as arthritis, podagra, chirogra, paralysis, iliac13, and leucophlegmansia.

Note that of the items which purge through their sourness, next after scammony esola is the best. It is administered in one of the oils because of being too objectionable. For that reason every medicine which purges phlegm is made sour by it, or it is possible to make it sour with esola.

Dosage: it suffices as maximum dose of it, singly or with another medicine, one dram; and the


minimum amount, singly, from one to two scruples.