Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Version of Gualterus de Dosibus (Author: Walter de Agilon/Galterius Agilinus)

paragraph 28

As for example if scammony were given in too large a quantity, or if it were spoiled, or if given alone, or when compounded with another medicine which heightens its sourness (géire: intensity), or if given in the summer time, it purges actively and drastically, lowers the natural temperature, leads to syncope, and constricts the cardiac valve (bel an goile: opening of stomach; cardia.) particularly should it be phlegmatic humor which dominates. However, should it be given in a moderate quantity, when itself is in a fairly good condition and corrected by anise or by mastix, or when boiled into pasty which moderates its sharpness, then it is of benefit if administered to women in. their youth, and to those dominated by


choler; then it is reasonable to administer it. Let the same be understood for the other laxatives.