Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Treatise on Fevers (Author: [unknown])

Section 24

{TCD 1302 fol col and line fol 7b2line22} Let it be asked here should diet be given to people near death. It seems it should as Avicenna says food should be given to spasm patients when it is due to ... that this spasm is mortal, so diet should be given to people near death. Then .... de Interioribus these words: ... i.e. Galenus said .... and those understood here are .... a suitable cure for them .... Then Galenus says .... to be given in the third class of hectic fever, and it is clear ... as Platearius says and many other .... diet should be given to people near death. Galenus opposes this in the Aphorisms8 and says ... i.e. people near death should make their confession. And Galenus says the same thing in the tenth book of De ingenio sanitatis ‘Ne recipiam ...’ i.e. he says ... End of fol. 7