Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The instructions of King Cormac Mac Airt: Tecosca Cormaic (Author: Unknown)

paragraph 21

‘O grandson of Conn, Cormac,’ said Carpre, ‘what is the worst for the body of man?’ ‘Not hard to tell,’ said Cormac. ‘Sitting too long, lying too long, long standing, heavy lifts, exertions beyond one's strength, ...,
5] running too much, leaping too much, frequent falls, sleeping with one's leg over the bedrail, swift racing, gazing at glowing embers, stepping in the dark, wax, beestings, new ale, bull-flesh, curdles, dry food, bog-water, rising too early, cold, sun, hunger, drinking too


much, eating too much, sleeping too much, sinning too much, grief, running up a height, shouting against the wind, a blow beyond one's strength, drying oneself by a fire, summer-dew, winter-dew, beating ashes, swimming on a full stomach, sleeping on one's back, a deep
10] drink, frenzy, foolish romping.’