Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Background details and bibliographic information
The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague
Author: Seághan Ó Coileáin
File Description
translated by Thomas Furlong
Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber
Funded by School of History, University College Cork
1. First draft.
Extent of text: 1578 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.
College Road, Cork, Ireland. (2014) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: T402579A
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Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Manuscript sources for the Irish poem- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 659 (formerly 24 A 22), "written by Mícheál Ó Horgáin, 1824" (O'Rahilly 213).
- Maynooth, Mur[phy] 48, p. 66; "this part possibly in the hand of Bishop Murphy; dated 1818 on title-page" (O'Rahilly 213).
- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 24 C 13, p. 81, "written by Rev. Matthew Horgan" (O'Rahilly 213).
Editions and Translations- Thomas Furlong, 'The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague', in James Hardiman, Irish Minstrelsy, 23543. [An English translation in six-line verses.]
- J. C. Mangan, 'Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga', The Nation, 8 August 1846. [Reproduced online at] Reprinted in John O'Daly, 'The Irish Language Miscellany' [with translation by J. C. Mangan]. Dublin, 1876.
- John O'Daly, 'The Irish Language Miscellany' [with translation by J. C. Mangan]. (Dublin 1876).
- Prose and verse translation, the latter by Sir Samuel Ferguson, 'Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy. No III 'IV (the last part of a review article, which has an appendix with literal prose and verse translations of some of the poems edited by Hardiman), pp. 514-542, Dublin University Magazine, November 1834.
- Verse translation by Sir Samuel Ferguson, Specimens of the early native poetry of Ireland in English metrical translations, ed. Henry Montgomery Riddell. New and enlarged edition (Dublin 1892), 283286. Reprinted in: A Book of Irish Verse: selected from modern writers with an Introduction and notes by W.B. Yeats> Revised edition (London 1900).
- T. F. O'Rahilly, Measgra Dánta, poem 59, p. 15861, which contains an Irish version with modernized spelling (online at CELT in file G402568) and notes p. 21317.
Literature- William H. Jeffery, 'The Furlongs of County Wexford', Journal of the Old Wexford Society 6 (197677) 7379.
- Sean Mythen, Thomas Furlong: The Forgotten Wexford Poet: the Life and Work of Thomas Furlong, 17941827 (Ferns 1998).
The edition used in the digital edition- James Hardiman, The Mourner's Soliloquy in the ruined Abbey of Timoleague in Irish Minstrelsy, or Bardic Remains of Ireland; with English Poetical Translations, Ed. James Hardiman. , London, Joseph Robins (1831) volume 2page 235, 237, 239, 241, 243
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The whole text.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been checked and proof-read twice.
The electronic text represents the edited text; capitalisation at the start of each non-initial line was removed.
Quotation marks have been allowed to stand, to avoid overlapping hierarchies when tagging text within metrical lines.
Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, the page-break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.
div0=the whole poem. Metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered; page-breaks are marked.
Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.
Canonical References
The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.
The title of the text is held as the first head
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The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.
Profile Description
Created: Translation by Thomas Furlong (17941827). Irish original by Seághan Ó Coileáin, (John Collins or John O'Cullane), of Myross (17541817)
Date range: between 1814 and 1827.
Use of language
Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Revision History
Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: T402579A
The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague: Author: Seághan Ó Coileáin
By Thomas Furlong
- 1] Abroad one night in loneliness I stroll'd,
2] Along the wave-worn beach my footpath lay;
3] Struggling the while with sorrows yet untold,
4] Yielding to cares that wore my strength away:
5] On as I mov'd, my wayward musings ran
6] O'er the strange turns that mark the fleeting life of man.
- 7] The little stars shone sweetly in the sky;
8] Not one faint murmur rose from sea or shore;
9] The wind with silent wing went slowly by,
10] As tho' some secret on its path it bore:
11] All, all was calm, tree, flower, and shrub stood still,
12] And the soft moonlight slept on valley and on hill.
- 13] Sadly and slowly on my path of pain
14] I wander'd, idly brooding o'er my woes;
15] Till full before me on the far-stretched plain,
16] The ruin'd abbey's mouldering walls arose;
17] Where far from crowds, from courts and courtly crimes,
18] The sons of virtue dwelt, the boast of better times.
- 19] I paused I stood beneath the lofty door,
20] Where once the friendless and the poor were fed;
21] That hallow'd entrance, that in days of yore
22] Still open'd wide to shield the wanderer's head;
23] The saint, the pilgrim, and the book-learn'd sage,
24] The knight, the travelling one, and the worn man of age.
- 25] I sat me down in melancholy mood,
26] My furrow'd cheek was resting on my hand;
27] I gazed upon that scene of solitude,
28] The wreck of all that piety had plann'd:
29] To my aged eyes the tears unbidden came,
30] Tracing in that sad spot our glory and our shame.
- 31] "And oh," cried I, as from my breast the while,
32] The struggling sigh of soul-felt anguish broke;
33] "A time there was, when through this storm-touch'd pile,
34] In other tones the voice of echo spoke;
35] Here other sounds and sights were heard and seen
36] How alter'd is the place from what it once hath been!"
- 37] "Here in soft strains the solemn Mass was sung;
38] Through these long aisles the brethren bent their way;
39] Here the deep bell its wonted warning rung,
40] To prompt the lukewarm loitering one to pray;
41] Here the full choir sent forth its stream of sound,
42] And the rais'd censer flung rich fragrance far around."
- 43] How chang'd the scene! how lonely now appears
44] The wasted aisle, wide arch, and lofty wall;
45] The sculptur'd shape the pride of other years,
46] Now darken'd, shaded, sunk and broken all:
47] The hail, the rain, the sea-blown gales have done
48] Their worst, to crown the wreck by impious man begun.
- 49] Thro' the rent roof the aged ivy creeps;
50] Stretch'd on the floor the skulking fox is found;
51] The drowsy owl beneath the altar sleeps,
52] And the pert daws keep chattering all around;
53] The hissing weasel lurks apart unseen,
54] And slimy reptiles crawl where holy heads have been.
- 55] In the refectory now no food remains;
56] The dormitory boasts not of a bed;
57] Here rite or sacrifice no longer reigns;
58] Prior brethren prayers and fasts and forms are fled:
59] Of each of all, here rests not now a trace,
60] Save in these time-bleach'd bones that whiten o'er the place.
- 61] Oh! that such power to baseness was decreed;
62] Oh! that mischance such triumphs should supply;
63] That righteous heaven should let the vile succeed,
64] And leave the lonely virtuous one to die!
65] Oh! justice, in the struggle where wert thou?
66] Thy foes have left this scene chang'd as we see it now.
- 67] I too have chang'd, my days of joy are done,
68] My limbs grow weak, and dimness shades mine eye;
69] Friends kindred children, dropping one by one,
70] Beneath these walls now mouldering round me lie.
71] My look is sad, my heart has shrunk in grief,
72] Oh! death, when wilt thou come and lend a wretch relief.