Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The bardic poems of Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn (1550–1591) (Author: Tadhg Dall Ó Huiginn)

section 42


¶1] This is an address to the race of Colla, to complain amongst them, the mighty youth from the Plain of Mar, of the misfortunes which afflict me.

¶2] Do not overlook a single man of Colla's race from the fertile borders of Cliún, but address each of them severally, they are men who will not allow me to be refused.

¶3] Tell to my avengers, the progeny of Turlogh, son of Marcus, a company most modest towards poets, the sum of my wrong and injustice.

¶4] I shall tell thee, man, my complaint, my foreboding to the great affable, pleasant, generous throng, in the hope that thou wilt remember what I say.

¶5] Many scattered captains of bands, many quarterings and kern—alas for him who [...]28 wrong me.

¶6] The kern of the house next to me are full of wickedness and surliness, entering my house every other day, they and the assembly which is around me (?)
