Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women (Author: Unknown)

section 23

To her it was a great matter, the sheep I was killing, and she visited her father and said that there was a wolf on the hill killing the sheep, telling him he should gather the hounds and set the hunt on him. He took the hounds with him and went on the hunt in the hope of killing me. As there was the sense of a human creature in me, when the hounds were coming up with me, I went on my knees in the king's presence. He lifted me up between his arms and did not allow the hounds to kill me. Then he took me with him to his own house. At this she was quite beside herself with him, when he did not kill me at once. Her father then told her he would not kill me and he would thank no man who would do anything to him, and he himself on his knees asking pardon, and got it from him.