Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women (Author: Unknown)

section 20

He went upon his slender white horse, and bade the whoreson bring him out the Shining Sword, and hastily departed from the castle. The man followed him, taking the Shining Sword, until he came to the door of his father's house. ‘Is it not possible, son, that you come to my house without being angry?’ ‘I cannot, father.’ On that he drew the Shining Sword and cut off the horse's tail. ‘That can be healed’, said the father. ‘Take with you to-night your own odd shaggy little pony, take off your brogues and go in your stockings. Perhaps, as he has not slept for two nights together, you may find him asleep tonight, and if you do, go in in your stockings, and you will find the Shining Sword hung over the other swords. Lay hold of it and bring it with you, and then he himself will follow you.’