Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women (Author: Unknown)

section 10

He walked the third day until the end and close of the day came. He laid hold of his fire-things, made a fire, prepared his supper, and was about to eat it, when the Fox of the Pleasant Crag came and begged him for a little crust or a small bone, ‘a bit by itself or an equal bit for myself and my little foxes.’ ‘A little crust and a small bone, a bit by itself or an equal bit for you and your little foxes: so come here and eat with me.’ ‘Is it the like of an ugly draggled fox like me that would get a share with the like of a son of a king like you? That is much better than the Hard-cheeked Warrior who passed this way last night, and would not ask of the beautiful woman that was with him, if she had a mouth to her. But wherever in the world you be in straits, call on the Fox of the Pleasant Crag, and I'll be with you.’