Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Shining Sword and the Knowledge of the Cause of the one Story about Women (Author: Unknown)

section 8

On the next day he left early in the morning and was walking all day until the end and close of day came upon him. He drew out his fire things, struck sparks of fire out of them, lit a fire, got ready his supper and began to eat. Then came to him a little hawk and begged a little crust or a small bone — ‘a bit by itself, or an equal bit for myself and my little hawks.’ ‘A little crust and a small bone, a bit by itself or an equal bit,’ (said M.) ‘and the devil a taste I'll eat till you come and


share with me.’ ‘Is it the like of an ugly draggled hawk like me that would get a share with the like of a king like you? That 's much better than the Hard-cheeked Warrior who passed this way yesterday, who would eat a pig and an ox, and would not ask his beautiful wife if she had a mouth to her. But wherever any time you be in straits, call the Little Hawk of the Grey Wood, and I'll be with you.’