Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: T306000

The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton

Author: [unknown]

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

ed. by F. N. Robinson

Electronic edition compiled by Benjamin Hazard and Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
The Higher Education Authority via the LDT Project

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 61 476 words


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Text ID Number: T306000

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    Manuscript sources
  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, H. 2. 7. For details see T. K. Abbott (ed.) Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin (Dublin 1900) 317 ff.
  1. Max Nettlau, On some Irish translations from medieval European literature, Revue Celtique 10 (1889) 187-91 [A selection of passages from both Lives and notes on two Irish Franciscan fragments of the story of the Holy Grail].
    Other sources for 'Guy of Warwick' (includes some references from
  1. W. B. D. D. Turnbull (ed.), Sir Beves of Hamtoun: A metrical Romance, Maitland Club Publications 44 (Edinburgh 1838).
  2. W. B. D. D. Turnbull (ed.), The Romances of Sir Guy of Warwick and Rembrun his son: now first edited from the Auchinleck manuscript, Abbotsford Club 18 (Edinburgh 1840).
  3. John O'Donovan (ed.), The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country (Dublin 1843) 63, note. (This text is available on CELT).
  4. Eugene O'Curry, Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (Dublin 1861) 193, 658, with facsimiles (plate 13).
  5. Julius Zupitza, Zur Literaturgeschichte des Guy of Warwick, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe 74 (1873) 1, 623-668.
  6. Henri d'Arbois de Jubainville (ed.), Essai d'un Catalogue de la littérature épique de l'Irlande (Paris 1883) 67.
  7. Julius Zupitza (ed.), The Romance of Guy of Warwick: edited from the Auchinleck manuscript in the Advocates Library Edinburgh, and from MS 107 in Caius College, Cambridge, 3 vols., Early English Texts Society 42 (1883), 49 (1887), 59 (1891) (Trübner).
  8. Eugen Kölbing (ed.), The Romance of Sir Beves of Hamtoun, Early English Texts Society e.s. 46 (1885), 48 (1886), 65 (1894), repr. 197 8(Trübner).
  9. Eugen Kölbing (ed.), Amis and Amiloun und Guy of Warwick, Englische Studien 9 (1886) 477-478.
  10. Carl Schmirgel, Appendix: Typical expressions and repetitions in Sir Beues of Hamtoun, Early English Texts Society e.s. 65 (Trübner 1894) xlv-lxvi.
  11. Marianne Weyrauch, Die Mittelenglischen Fassungen der Sage von Guy of Warwick und ihre altfranzösische Vorlage (Breslau 1901).
  12. Theodor Prosiegel, Review of Marianne Weyrauch (1901), Englische Studien 32 (1903) 405-407.
  13. R. S. Crane, 'The Vogue of Guy of Warwick, from the Close of the Middle Ages to the Romantic Revival', Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America 30 (1915) 125-194.
  14. E. G. Schleich (ed.), Guy of Warwick, Nach Coplands Druck zum ersten Male herausgegeben, Palaestra 139 (Leipzig 1923).
  15. A. Ewert (ed.), Gui de Warewic: Roman du 13e Sièle, 2 vols., Classiques français du moyen âge 74-75 (Paris 1932/33).
  16. Laura A. Hibbard Loomis, Chaucer and the Auchinleck manuscript: Thopas and Guy of Wawick, in idem (ed.), Essays and studies in honor of Carleton Brown (New York 1940; repr. 1962) 111-128.
  17. Laura A. Hibbard Loomis, Mediaeval Romance in England (Oxford 1924; repr. New York 1960).
  18. Dieter Mehl, The Middle-English Romances of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries (London 1968).
  19. Eugene Vinaver, The rise of Romance (Oxford 1971).
  20. D. J. Conlon, Le Romaunt de Guy de Warwick et de Herolt d'Ardenne (Chapel Hill 1972).
  21. A. C. Baugh, The making of Beves of Hampton, in: William E. Miller and Thomas G. Waldman (eds.), Bibliographical studies in honor of Rudolf Hirsch (University of Pennsylvania 1974) 15-37.
  22. Maldwyn Mills and Daniel Huws (eds.), Fragments of an early fourteenth-century Guy of Warwick, Medium AEvum Monographs New Series 4 (Oxford 1974).
  23. Madeleine Blaess, L'Abbaye de Bordesley et les livres de Guy de Beauchamp, Romania 78 (1975) 511-518.
  24. D. N. Klausner, Didacticism and drama in Guy of Warwick, Medievalia et Humanistica (1975) n.s. 6: 55-66.
  25. V. B. Richmond, Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess and Guy of Warwick, Papers on Language and Literature 11 (1975) 404-407.
  26. Derek Brewer, The arming of the warrior in European literature and in Chaucer: The Tale of Sir Thopas, in: Edward Vasta and Zacharias P. Thundy (eds.), Chaucerian Problems and Perspectives: Essays Presented to Paul E. Beichner, C. S. C. (University of Notre Dame 1979) 221-43.
  27. Jennifer Fellows, 'Bevis of Hampton: Study and Edition', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge (1979).
  28. E. B. Lyle, Sir Orfeo and the recovery of Amis from the otherworld in Guy of Warwick, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 80 (1979) 65-68.
  29. Judith Weiss, The major interpolation in Sir Beves of Hamtoun, Medium AEvum 48 (1979) 71-79.
  30. Nicolas Jacobs, Sir Degarré, Lay le Freine, Beves of Hamtoun, and the 'Auchinleck Bookshop', Notes & Queries 227 (August 1982) 294-301.
  31. Susan Dannenbaum, Guy of Warwick and the question of exemplary Romance, Genre 17 (1984) 351-374.
  32. Tadahiro Ikegami, The tripartite authorship of the Auchinleck Guy of Warwick, Kyoyo-Ronso 78 (1988) 17-33.
  33. Linda Brownrigg, The Taymouth Hours and the Romance of Beves of Hampton, English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700 (1989) 222-41.
  34. Mechthild Gretsch, Mittelenglische Lexikographie und literarische Parodie: Zu einigen Wörtern in Chaucers 'Sir Thopas', Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 108 (1990) 113-32.
  35. Janet Burton, Narrative patterning and Guy of Warwick, Yearbook of English Studies 22 (1992) 105-116.
  36. Douglas Kelly, The art of medieval French Romance (Madison 1992).
  37. P. J. Boehne, Lovesickness as contagion, Guy and Tirant, in: Josep M. Solà-Solé (ed.), Tirant lo Blanc: Text and context. The Proceedings of the Second Catalan Symposium: in memory of Pere Masdevall. Catalan Studies: Translations and criticism, volume 11 (Frankfurt am Main 1993) 5-18.
  38. Tokuji Shimogasa, Popular expressions in the Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun, in: M. Kanno et al (eds.), Medieval heritage, essays in honour of Tadahiro Ikegami (Tokyo 1997) 349-367.
  39. D. E. Best, Villains and monsters: enacting evil in Beves of Hamptoun, Medieval Perspectives 13 (1998) 56-68.
  40. Roger Dalrymple, A liturgical allusion in Guy of Warwick, Notes & Queries n.s. 45 (1998) 27-28.
  41. R. B. Herzman, G. Drake, and E. Salisbury, (eds.), Four Romances of England (Kalamazoo 1999).
  42. Ivana Djordjevic, Mapping medieval translation in: Judith Weiss, Jennifer Fellows et al. (eds.), Medieval Insular Romance: translation and innovation (Cambridge 2000) 7-23.
  43. Thomas Honegger, Luf-talking and Middle-English Romance, in D. Hans-Jürgen and M. Görlach (eds.), Towards a history of English as a history of genres (Heidelberg 2001) 159-182.
  44. Erich Poppe, Beues of Hamtoun in Welsh bardic poetry, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 43 (2002) 49-57.
  45. Corinne Saunders, Desire, will and intention in Sir Beves of Hamtoun, in P. Hardman (ed.), The matter of identity in medieval Romance (Cambridge 2002) 29-42.
  46. Erich Poppe, Codes of Conduct and Honour in Stair Bibuis. In: Michael Richter and Jean-Michel Picard (eds.) Ogma, essays in Celtic Studies in Honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin. Dublin. 2002. 200–210.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. F. N. Robinson, The Irish Lives of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie. Volume 6, Halle/Saale, Max Niemeyer (1908) page 9-180; 273-338: 9-23; 105-180; 298-320


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial Declaration


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The electronic text represents the edited text. Expansions are marked ex. Text supplied by the editor is marked sup resp="FNR". Editorial notes are tagged note type="auth" n="", or integrated into the markup. Text other than in English is indicated. The Irish version is available in a separate file.


Direct speech is tagged q.


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div0=the whole text; div1=the individual Life; page-breaks and paragraphs are marked. Passages in verse are marked by poem, stanza and line.

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Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the Life.

Profile Description

Created: The English translation was created by F. N. Robinson. Date range: 1901-1907.

Use of language

Language: EN

Text is in English.

Language: GA

Some words in Irish are contained in the Introduction and notes.

Language: LA

Some formulaic phrases are in Latin.

Revision History