Translated by Kuno Meyer
Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber
Proof corrections by Beatrix Färber
Funded by The HEA via PRTLI 4
1. First draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text: 1355 words
Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: T303012
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div0=the tale; div1=the section.
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Created: By Kuno Meyer (May 1904)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (text capture)
The first four volumes of the Ancient Laws of Ireland published under the auspices of the Brehon Laws Commissioners have repeatedly been made the subject of severe but just criticism. Among other things, the urgent necessity of a collation of the printed text with the original manuscripts from which O'Donovan and O'Curry made their transcripts has often been pointed out. Such a collation I hope will soon be undertaken
As did Finn ua Baiscne. When the fian were at Badamair on the brink of the Suir, Cúldub the son of Ua Birgge came out of the fairy-knoll on the plain of Femen (ut Scotti dicunt) and carried off their cooking from them. For three nights he did thus to them. The third time however Finn knew1 and went before him to the fairy-knoll on Femen. Finn laid hold of him as he went into the knoll, so that he fell yonder.2 When he withdrew his hand, a woman met him3 (?) coming out of the knoll with a dripping vessel in her hand, having just distributed
Some time afterwards they (i.e. the fian) carried off captive women from Dún Iascaig4 in the land of the Dési. A beautiful maiden was taken by them. Finns mind desired5 the woman for himself. She set her heart on a servant whom they had, even Derg Corra son of Ua Daigre. For this was his practice. While food was being cooked by them, the lad jumped to and fro across the cooking hearth. It was for that the maiden loved him. And one day she said to him that he should come to her and lie with her. Derg Corra did not accept that on account of Finn.6 She incites Finn against him7 and said: Let us set upon him by force! Thereupon Finn said to him: Go hence, said he, out of my sight, and thou shalt have a truce of three days and three nights, and after that beware of me!8
Then Derg Corra went into exile and took up his abode in a wood and used to go about on shanks of deer (si uerum est) for his lightness. One day as Finn was in the wood seeking him he saw a man in the top of a tree, a blackbird on his right shoulder and in his left hand a white vessel of bronze, filled with water, in which was a skittish trout, and a stag at the foot of the tree. And this was the practice of the man, cracking nuts; and he would give half the kernel of a nut to the blackbird that was on his right shoulder while he would himself eat the other half; and he would take an apple out of the bronze vessel that was in his left hand, divide it in two, throw one half to the stag that was at the foot of the tree, and then eat the other half himself. And on it he would drink a sip of
Then Finn put his thumb into his mouth. When he took it out again, his imbas illumines him and he chanted an incantation and said: 'Tis Derg Corra son of Ua Daigre, said he, that is in the tree.
Pöstyen, Hungary,