Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The destruction of Da Derga's Hostel (Author: [unknown])

section 112

The Room of the Swineherds.

‘I beheld a trio in the front of the house: three dark crowntufts on them: three green frocks around them: three dark mantles over them: three forked
(?) above them on the side of the wall.


Six black greaves they had on the mast.65 Who are yon, O Fer rogain?’

‘Easy to say,’ answers Fer rogain: ‘the three swineherds of the king, Dub and Donn and Dorcha: three brothers are they, three sons of Mapher of Tara. Long live he who should protect them! woe to him who shall slay them! for greater would be the triumph of protecting them than the triumph of slaying them!’

‘Ye cannot,’ says Ingcél, etc.