Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
De controversia Paschali (Author: Cummianus Hibernus)

paragraph 8

Need I say more? I come to the Apostle saying further: Brothers, let no one lead you astray with regard to a part of the feast day, or the new moon, or the Sabbath. These are only a shadow of things that are to come, but the substance is Christ's.’’

Col. 2:16-17

Holy Augustine of venerable memory explains this beautifully, saying: 'The feast day is the Pasch,’’

Unidentified source

as the evangelist Luke says: Now the feast of unleavened bread approached when it was necessary to kill the Pasch.’’

Luke 22:1 and 7

The Pasch is killed and is brought to life. It is a part of the feast day, the fourteenth moon, not the whole feast, in which we are led astray, but in the part, and in the restful Sabbath and in the heralded new moon, which are but a shadow, not the substance, of Christ. The shadow is killed, the truth is brought to life.' And this I ask: Consider diligently how you might excuse me or direct me to some better understanding by your words or with more valid writings and more certain proofs — if you have any — and I will gratefully accept it, as I have accepted this. If, however, you do not have any, be silent and do not call us heretics. For it is written: Woe to those of you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness. ’’

Isa. 5:20 (V)

For we are sons of the day, not of night nor of shadows.’’

1 Thess. 5:5

You should


also take heed of what is said about others: They were putting to death souls that were not dead, and keeping alive souls that are not alive.’’

Ezek. 13:19

We do not, therefore, hate you, but we defend ourselves with the truth. Jerome, again, is at hand as a helper saying: It should not be considered that there is one church of Rome, another of the whole world. For the provinces of Gaul, Britain, Africa and Persia, the East and India and all barbarian nations adore one Christ, observe one rule of truth. If authority is sought, the world is greater than a city; the bishop of Rome or of Alexandria.’’

Hieronymus, Ep. 146 ad Evangelum (CSEL 56: 310)

And somewhat


further on: From one side, [he says,] the Arian madness, supported by the powers that be in the world, bears down. From the other, the Church, rent into three parts, hurries to harm itself. The ancient authority of the monks in the surrounding area rises up against me. Meanwhile I cry out: 'Whoever is joined to the chair of St Peter is mine.' Therefore either two deceive or all deceive.’’

Hieronymus, Ep. 16 ad Damasum (CSEL 54: 69)

Troubles on all sides of me!’’

Dan. 13:22 (V)

If I shout this with Jerome, interpreter of divine Scripture and opponent of all heretics, I am opposed by you. If I do not cry out, I am excommunicated by the universal Catholic Church, to which the authority of binding and loosing was given by God.