Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Monks' Rules (Author: Columbanus Hibernus)

Rule 6


Whoever has not quickly fled to the haven of rest of the Lord's humility, when opening the way of argument for others largely as he sticks to a word of pride, let him be cut off in his cell from the freedom of holy church in order to do penance, until his good will is made known, and through humility he be joined afresh to the holy congregation.

He who utters a loud speech to censure the porter's work, that the porter has not kept the hours well, with an imposition of silence or fifty blows. And he who conceals some fault when he sees it in his brother, until he is reproved over another failing or over the same, and then brings it forward against his brother, with three impositions. Let him who corrects or slanders other brothers' works, do penance with three impositions. Let him who utters reproof against reproof, that is, who chides one who is chiding him, likewise do penance with three impositions.