¶1] Tech Duinn, whence the name? Not hard to say. When the sons of Mil came from the west to Erin, their druid said to them, If one of you climbs the mast, said he, and chants incantations against the Tuatha De, before they can do so, the battle will be broken against them, and their land will be ours; and he that casts the spell will die. They cast lots among themselves, and the lot falls on Donn to climb the mast. So was it done: Donn climbed the mast, and chanted incantations against the Tuatha De, and then came down. And he said: I swear by the gods, quoth he, that now ye will not be granted right nor justice. The Tuatha De also chanted incantations against the sons of Mil in answer from the land. Then after they had cursed Donn, there came forthwith an ague into the ship. Said Amairgen: Donn will die, said he, and it were not lucky for us to keep his body, lest we catch the disease. For if Donn be brought ashore, the disease will remain in Erin for ever. Said Donn: Let my body be carried to one of the islands, said he, and my people will lay a blessing on me for ever. Then through the incantations of the druids a storm came upon them, and the ship wherein Donn was foundered. Let his body be carried to yonder high rock, says Amairgen: his folk shall come to this spot. So hence it is called Tech Duinn: and for this cause, according to the heathen, the souls of sinners visit Tech Duinn before they go to hell, and give their blessing, ere they go, to the soul of Donn. But as for the righteous soul of a penitent, it beholds the place from afar, and is not borne astray. Such, at least, is the belief of the heathen. Hence Tech Duinn is so called.