Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Metrical Dindshenchas (Author: [unknown])
poem/story 70
- Whence derives the name of Brefne? seek it of scholars: for what cause was the name given to that land of abundant increase?
- Whence derives the name of Sliab Fraech? ye seek of me the learned labour: tell me the famous cause whence Tuaim Regain is named.
- Wherefore was the name Mag Slecht given to Mag Senaig of doughty deeds? tell on with toil and effort the legend of Mag Indusa.
- Brefne, daughter of Beoan mac Bethaig, a brave soldier-woman, fell in conflict for that land with the Children of Ham, with their evil power.
- Regan of the Children of impious Ham, from the army of strong-smiting Balar, was a warrior of prowess and exploits, whom none could face in equal battle.
- Regan it was, dangerous beyond dispute, that engaged the combat; he was leader of the retinue of red-armed Oengus mac ind Oc, with all his army.
- The warrior went his way in good sooth, when he had slain the soldier-woman, to demand an unjust tribute from the hosts of the Gael, though an unrighteous claim.
- There met him, face to face, unaided, the king's son of the Gael; they fought a stern fight, hard by the rock of Asual's son.
- The spot where the Fomoir's head was struck offit was a doughty deedis called after him Tuaim Regain: I hide not from thee the cause of the name.
- Fraechnat of Cesair's following came to the mountain, witness of noble deeds: she rests under a bright windy grave-mound, and from her is named Sliab Fraech.
- Indusa, daughter of long-lived Bress, of the Tuatha Dé Danann kind of face, perished by a deed of manly might at dreadful Mag Indusa.
- Three thousand and ten hundredthis is the true complete account, a famous numberperished of their toil at the Plain of Prostrations.
- Therefore was the name Mag Slecht given to Mag Senaig of doughty deeds, as verses reveal to the aged, since the time of Odbgen son of Sengann.
- I am Fintan son of eager Lamech: I was a stark fighter in equal battle: I am versed in my time in the legend of Betha and of Brefne.