Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Metrical Dindshenchas (Author: [unknown])
poem 41
Crotta Cliach
- Here a man of the fairies made music,
Cliach of the harp sweet sounding:
he met a horror, amid the charm of his noble chant,
at his timely tryst with Conchend.
- 5] He was a year, among throngs of chiefs,
without food and without sleep:
while the Fairy host was making music,
the grief of woman's might was urging him.
- Bodb, powerful prince, would not allow
10] Cliach to approach the fairy hill of the men of Femen;
with inquiry he divined the design,
the wooing, the solicitation.
- The earth opened, with plenty of delights,
before the hosts in endless durance:
15] more wonderful than deeds of might, a boast of journeys,
ease among the indolent fairies.
- At the spot where he died of terror,
Cliach sang sweet melody;
there seized him there suddenly, not unprotected,
20] the loathly dragon that dwells in this place.
- Loch Bel Dragon fierceness of exploits,
without mistake and without obscurity
a great and mighty sea in the east,
where Cliach was, in this place made he music.