Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Metrical Dindshenchas (Author: [unknown])
poem 18
- Alend, meeting place for our youths,
rath of Art with his royal roads:
the chariot pole of victory was he on its plain
till Fal, son of Fidga, found it:
- 5] The grave where Conchend planted his roofpole,
the son of Fergna, a hero of fair fame,
field-captain of Lugaid, hewer of targes;
the seat that was Setna Long-staff's:
- The stead where dwelt stern Messdelmond,
10] by him was reared its lofty wall;
from its springs a draught was drained
by Mess Scegra the Scot of Leinster:
- The lawn of Ruamand, where the spear-point grew red,
with the sties of the honourable prince;
15] a lovely land, a perfect citadel,
the soller where dwelt Andrithir:
- The demesne of Fergus Fairge
a proud and eminent heritage:
the portion of nimble Find mac Rosa
20] the royal keep of Bressal Bregaman:
- Luchdond, who scarred cheeksalas!,
from Gabran even unto Ath Cliath!
in Fal Segi would he swim the water,
dire were his deeds around Alend:
- 25] A furious (?) bear, a flame of valour,12
a resting-place giving vigour to heroes
in the time of Nia Corb (brave chief!)
thou wast a home of the wise, O Alend!
- The chariot of Cathair, coffer of treasures;
30] valiantly did he encompass the leaders of herds;
burden of all discourse (clear fact!)
is the high king of Emain and Alend.
- The chess-board of Fiachu, victorious king,
fiery dragon (stout his body!);
35] he drove red spear-points through kings,
he chained the battalions of Aled.
- The hill of Bressal Beolach the valorous,
to him belonged Tuaim Tenbath Temair,
upon spruce steeds the famous king
40] brandished the weapons of Alend.
- A lordly river visits it,
the Segais which flows from Sid Nechtain,
and Life, swiftest his waters:
they beat upon the bare plain of Alend.
- 45] Three mighty men made essays of trenchings,
Burech, Fiach, and Aururas:
it is they who without flagging (clear fact!)
dug the rampart of Alend.
- Buirech cast from him straightway
50] across the rampart (no weakling he!)
a stone he cast from his spear-arm;
and that is the ail in Alend.
- Here dwelt the wife of the strong-limbed,
heroic daughter of Lugaid;
55] the clan was not disgraced by her repute;13
from her came the royal name of Alend.