Inprimis one David Roehe titular bishop of Ossory keepeth for the most parte with his brother Edward Roehe merchant when he is in the cittie, and when he is abroad with the lord Viscount Mountgarrett at Ballimo.
Item. Doctor White a seditious priest when he resorteth to the cittie keepeth with his brother in law Henry Shee Esqr. now maior of the cittie. Besides he mayntyneth with him one Thomas Morrys a preacher native of the said cittie, whoe when he is in the cuntry keepeth with Mr. Purcell of Ballifoyle gent.
Item. Melchior Ragget a franciscan fryer keepeth usually with his father Richard of the said cittie Alderman, and is reputed as lord abbott of the monostery of Dawiske within the county of Kilkennie.
Item. Father Bryan otherwise named Bryan O Carne a jesuite, and a preacher, hath his residense in Sr. Richard Shea's house in the said cittie and theire is, at this instant, kept and maynteyned by the Lady Shea wyfe to the said Sir James Shea.
Item. Sir Thomas Howeghan priest keepeth with Mr. John Roche Fitz Pierce alderman.
Item. Sr. Wm. Lawles priest keepeth for the most part with Robert Roch esq.
Item. Sr. Laurence Remaghan supposed general Vicar from the pope keepeth in the sayd cittie, sayinge open mass, and is releeved especially by Mr. Thomas Archer Fitz Walter and hath an annuall stipend from the said cittie.
Item. Sr. Patk. Hoane prieste a native borne keepeth in the saide cittie and sayeth masse publiquely.
Item. Sir Lucas Archer priest brother to Patk. Archer esq. keepeth with his brother in lawe Nicholas Archer
Item. Sir Patrick Bolger prieste doth usuall say masse at one Lettice Shee's house widdow.
Item. Sir Edmond Seix priest saith mass ordinarily at his brother's house one Redmond Savage, and when he is abroad keepeth with Sir Richard Butler of Paulstowne knight.
Item. One Will. Maurus a franciscan doth commonly say masse within St. Francis Abbye in the said cittie.
Item. One Father Wall keepeth with one Nicholas Wall a Brasier in the saide cittie.
Item. One Sir Thomas Brehon priest keepeth with his father John Brehon in the said cittie.
Item. One David Kearney a titular archbishop of Cashell keepeth for the most part at the upper court with Lucas Shee esq.
It. Sir John Brenan priest keepeth for the most parte with Mr. Edward Butler of the old Abbye gent.
It Sir John Murphy priest, keepeth altogether at Thomastowne.
It Sir James Joyce and one Sr. Murlogh priestes keepe at Callan.
It Sir Teige O Heyly priest, keepeth with Walter Walsh of the Mountaine Esq.
It Sir James Daton, priest, keepeth with Mr. Daton Kilmodaley gent.
It Sir Nichs. Marus, priest keepeth with Mr. James Butler, gent. brother to the lord Mountgarrett, alsoe he Maintaynath one Sir Mathew Roch priest, whoe goeth once every yeare into Spayne.
It Teige O Fagho priest keepeth with Richard Comersford of Balibrin gent.
It John Coppinger also Father Coppinger, keepeth for most part with the lord Mountgarrett.
It Sir Henry Fleaminge priest keepeth at Dunfert.
It Sir Robert Cantwell priest, keepeth most with Mrs Mary Fitzgerrald, alias Cantwell, widdow.
It Sir John Archdeacon, priest, keepeth at Knocktoffer.
It Sir Pierce Stronge, keepeth at Dunkitt.
It Sir William M'Mahone, priest, keepeth with John Walsh of Kilcregan gent.
It Sir Edward Archer priest, keepeth with the Baron of Burnechurch.
It Sir Thomas Woodlock, priest, keepeth with Nicholas Fitz Thomas of the Gurtens, gent.
Item Sir Teige O'Duygin, priest, keepeth with Mr. Robert Grace, of Courtstowne.
Item Sir John Madden, priest, keepeth with Richard Grants of Curadduff, gent.
It. Sir John Fitz Robberts, priest, keepeth at the Grange.
It. Sir Daniel O Gowley, priest, keepeth at Bawnmoore, under Mr. M'Cody.
Item Philip More, priest, at Dunnamaggen.
It Mr Brookebery, of Castletiege, keepeth an English priest whose name is unknown, to whom doe resort the Baron of Burnchurch and his tennants every Sunday.
It Mr. Nath. Poole of Poulerath likewise keepeth an English priest whose name is unknown.
It One Father Arthure, keepeth with Oliver Shortall of Ballilorkan, Esq. who also keepeth another chaplin.
It. Sir Patrick Bowden, priest, is commonly at Radstowne.
It. Sir Lucas Archer, priest, is comonly maytayned by Mr. Denham, gent. dwellinge neere Thomastowne 4 miles from Kilkenny.
It. Sir Donagh O'Hellye, priest, mayntayned by Walter Walsh, whoe dwells twelve miles from Kilkenny.
It. Donagh O'Gonry, priest, whoe dwelleth at Ballyraggett, a towne of my lord Mountgarretts.
It. John Shea, priest, resident for the most part at Wm. Comersford of Killcooley, gent. in the parish of Fartie the small, in the said county.
Thomas Marny or Marry, Jesuite, keepeth in our about Kilkenny, alsoe Brian M'Morogho, preachers at Fermoy. He keeps about Clonmell.
Thomas M'Donogh, Vice Primate of Ardmagh, a Franciscan frier. He keepes commonly in the county of Clonmell, a great preacher.
Sir William Furlonge, Sir JohnWaddinge, Sir William Devoux, Sir John Garrold, Sir Richard Stafford.
Sir David DowellSir Mathew RocheJames Fitz Nicholas.
John O'DodyJohn M'William, Rawgh O'DedySouldiars.
Bryan M'Chair from Trally, a Scholer.
A son of old Mr. Husseytwoe sonnes of Gerrott M'Morice from ClammorrisA sonne to John M'Thomas of BallykelyJohn Brenagh.
Henry Fitz Symons, Jesuite, Christopher Cusack, priest. Presedent . . .. . .. Laurence Sedgrave, prefecte: oute of the county of Dublin.
James Montell, priest from Mounster.
John O'Doly, Nicholas Fitz Garrett, John M'Daniell, Richard Fitz Garrett, son to Captain Moria Fitzgarrat. John Molgne. John Feild. Thomas Hay.
David Bourke.
Morsanos Celly, Thomas Derry, William Ovington, Felym O Neile, Christopher Dallahide, James Barnewall.
Marks Arsticin.
Hugh O Bewen priest from the North, Edmond Celly Civilian from Connaught, Guly Bridy O'Hoy fryer from the North.
Richard de la Hide out of Leinster.
Christopher Rochford studient from the county of Dublin.
Laurence Strong, John Fennell, Garret Scanell, John Costy, Thomas M'Diarmodo: Physitians out of Mounster.
Gille ne Neve O'Larkin, Nicholas O'Niadan: Priests out of Connaght.
Patrick Feyning, and Dominicke White: Departed from Lymrick to Bourdeaux.
Jordon Roch, son to Dominick Roch of Lymrick in Rochiell, Patk. Sarsfield, son to John Sarsfield of Lymrick in Bordeaux.
Thomas Archer, Nicholas Bourke, Steven White: Lately returned from several dominions beyond seas, whear they remayned 3 or 4 years.
James Branghan in Doway, with whome went one of Mr. Plunkett's sons of Dublin, in Michas. 1611.
A son of widow Wafer of Dublin, in Salamanca.
Edmund Purcell of Dublin, sent his son to Doway.
Doneghan of the county of Downe, Browne of Athboy: Sent their sons beyond seas.
Connor O Dwyeds . . .
John Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerrald, Dermod M'Conner M'Donagh, from Glanbark hane, Donnogh M'Connor went from thence also . . . Teige M'Donnell na Contey: Pentioners.Barath alias Balrodagh. These are all Captens over Companies and did depart from the County of Corke.
Donell O'Sulyvane alias O'Solyvan, Beere.
Teige O Donughue alias O Donughue More.
Donell Mc Moragh, Mc Sweeny.
Donogh Mc Owen Mc Sweeny.
Turlagh Mc Owen Mc Sweeny.
Owen Mc Melmury Mc Sweeny.
Bryan Mc Hugh Mc Sweeny.
[gap: extent: one word] Mc Donell Mc Sweeny.
Donogh Mc Fynyne.
Cormock Mc Fynyne.
Melmore Mc Teigh Mergagh and his three sonnes.
Morris Moragh O Connell.
John O Falvey.
Dermott Mc Donagh Mc Cartye, Florence Mc Cartye; Sons of Daniell Mc Carttye' brother.
Donell Mc Dermod Mc Teig.
Dermod O'Hullagbane, Corcke O'Falvey, Bellagh Duffes 3 sons, John Mc Teige Mergago: Souldiers.
James Fitz-Garret from Bally Mc Adam, Solman Mc Davy Duff, Donelloge Mc Donell, Sir William Barrick, Sir Richard Fitz-Harris, Sir John O'Quitly brother to the Chauntor of Fearnes: Pentioners.
Sir John Peirse at Carne.
Sir John Sinnott a fryer.
Sir William Hampton neere Moyglass, besides many others in the Countrey.
The names of their maintayners, viz.
William Rosseter of Wexford and Susanna his wife.
Paul Furlong of Wexford, Vyntner.
The place of most publicke note whereunto the Priests doe resort to Masse in Dublin be theese, viz.
The Baker's hall in the College joyninge to St. Audoun's chancell.
A backroom of: Brownes by Newgate; Mr Plunkets, in the Bridg strete; Nicholas Queitrots, in the High streete; Caryes, in the High streete; Widow O Hagens, in the High streete.
Shelton's house beyond the bridge at the corner of hangman lane soe called.
Owen Groome Magrath, Gardian of the fryers of Multyfernam where he liveth.
Morris Ultagh a franciscan fryer, who was beyond the Seas and in Tyrone's companie and came lately from thence and lives neaer for most part at Multyfarnan, where there are eight or nine fryers more. There was a warrant out from the L. Deputy for his apprehension, whereof he having notice, he made meanes to Sir Christopher Nugent, knt. whoe is the principall countenance of the said fryers of Multyfarnnan, that he might have a word of safe comminge, and goinge to and from the lord Deputy, which he had accordingly.
Thomas Gitz-Garret, a franciscan fryer, that uset the moste in Munster.
John Fitz-Davy, a priest for the most part in Munster.
Rowland Bourke, a titulary bishop in Connaught.
One Father Owen, a seminary priest of Connaught likewise.
Henry Duff O Mulkreran, a priest for the most part resident in Connaught.
Paul Raggett. Father Nugent. Christopher Hollywood: These three do for the most part reside in the pale in the province of Leynster.
Edmond O'Mullkerty, a fryar whoe came lately from Rome, and preacheth very seditiously in the north.
Tyrloch Mc Creden, a franciscan fryer, lately came from beyond the seas, and is resident in the North, and hath divers, unlawful meetings, and assemblies upon hills, in severall counties, where he hath preached, and divers other priests, have been in his company saying mass unto great numbers of the natives, whoe have beene assembled together.
Patrick Duff, a priest that lived long with Tyrone, after his beinge beyond the seas, and came not longe since over into this kingdome, and lives about the lord of Slaine's lands.
There is one Davy Roche, a most seditious instrument, who was sente from Rome, since Tyrone's abode there. He takes upon him the name and authoritye of Protonotarius Apostolicus, to have and determyne all Ecclesiastical business for the kingdome of Irelande, and hath beene in the North since his arrivall, but is nowe for the most parte in Munster.
Edward Orpy priest. Christopher Barnewall priest: These two priests use about Leynster, and are upon bonds, to come before the Lord Deputie when they are called for.
James Plunkett.
Bryan O'Conelan.
Bryan O'Molely.
Hugh O'Domoghlan.
Rowry O'Choneghtyn.
Henry M'Bradye.
Philip O'Ferall.
Edmund Brady, fryer.
[gap: extent: two words] a young fryer lately come from Rome.
Francis O Mullaghlan priest provinciall of his order.
Henry Plunkett, priest.
James Plunkett, [gap: extent: one word] Browne: Archpriests.
Owen O'Gallahar, priest.
Conhore O'Donan priest, usuall with my Lord of Upper Ossory.
Sir Richard O'Conell, vicar Generall priest, usuall in Desmond.
[gap: extent: one word] Byrd, priest, usuall about Dublin.
In Collen, Germany
Luke Bath and Humphry Warren, capouchin fryers, and Henry Warren student.
In Spaine, Salamandia William Bath, Jesuite.
In Spaine, in the court of Madrid, John Bath Knight of Malta, as is reported.
[Copea vera.]