Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

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Briefe relation of Ireland, and the diversity of Irish in the same [and] Priests in Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad

Author: various

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James Hardiman

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber and Benjamin Hazard

Introduction and bibliography by Benjamin Hazard

2. Second draft, corrected.

Extent of text: 10965 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the History Department, University College Cork
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Text ID Number: T100077

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This text has two parts. The first, Briefe relation of Ireland, and the diversity of Irish in the same was originally written in Spanish by Philip O'Sullivan Beare in the early seventeenth century. The second part, Parish Priests in Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad, is an independent source addressed to the English authorities. Both sources identify key religious and political figures for the period, preserved in a manuscript which belonged to the Anglican archbishop of Armagh, James Ussher (1581–1656).


    Manuscript sources
  1. Madrid, Real Academia de Historia, Ms. N II, ff 163–6: 'Breve relacion de Irlanda y de las diferencias de irlandeses', c.1618.
  2. Dublin, Trinity College Library, Ms. E.iii.8 (Collectanea Historica, 580), ff. 22, 49–52: 'Briefe relation of Irland and diversity of Irish in the same c.1618' [and] 'Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad', Copia vera, c.1625; see T. K. Abbott and E. J. Gwynn (eds), Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Trinity College Library (Dublin 1921), Ms. 580.
  3. Dublin, Trinity College Library, Ms. E.iii.15, ff. 6, 11b: 'The names of sundrie priests and friars within some dioceses and counties of Ireland, that you may see what number of priests were come over, and whether it were not time to look to their seducing of the subjects', AD 1624 [and] 'A note of the names of the Priests, Commissaries, Friars, and Jesuits, together with their relievers, and maintainors in the City of Kilkenny', AD 1613.
  4. Dublin, University College, UCD-OFM, Ms. D.01, vol. 1, 15–26: 'Briefe relation of Ireland and diversity of Irish in the same, c. 1618.
  5. Maynooth, Russell Library, Salamanca Archive, Ms. S.52.7/40: 'Breve Relation de Irlanda y de los tres differentias de Irlandeses que ay en ella' [This manuscript reference was kindly brought to our attention by Dr Ian Campbell, UCD.]
  1. John Davies, A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued, nor brought under obedience of the crowne of England, until the beginning of his Majestie's happie raigne (London 1612; reprinted 1969).
  2. Charles Byrne, 'Philip O'Sullivan Bear: soldier, poet and historian', Journal of the Cork History and Archaeology Society 21 (1896) 392–7.
  3. M. J. Byrne (ed. and trans.), Ireland under Elizabeth. Chapters towards a History of Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth being a portion of the History of Catholic Ireland by Philip O'Sullivan Beare (Dublin 1903).
  4. John Hagan (ed.), [Bentivoglio's reports on Ireland], in: 'Miscellanea Vaticano-Hibernica: Borghese collection, Vatican Archives', Archivium Hibernicum 3 (1914) 300–02.
  5. R. T. Davies, The golden century of Spain, 1501–1621 (London 1939).
  6. Canice Mooney, 'The Irish sword and the Franciscan cowl', The Irish Sword 1 (1949) 80–8.
  7. Garrett Mattingly, Renaissance diplomacy (London 1955).
  8. Hugh Kearney, 'Ecclesiastical politics and the counter-reformation in Ireland: 1618–1648', Journal of Ecclesiastical History 11 (1960) 202–212.
  9. Thomas O'Donnell (ed.), Selections from the Zoilomastix [The Whipping of the Detractor] of Philip O'Sullivan Beare (Dublin 1960).
  10. Paul Grosjean, 'Un soldat de fortune irlandais au service des Acta Sanctorum: Philippe O'Sullivan Beare et Jean Bolland (1634)', Analecta Bollandiana 81 (1963) 418–46.
  11. Hubert Jedin, The Council of Trent, 1545–63 (2 vols, Edinburgh 1961).
  12. Brendan Jennings (ed.), Wild Geese in Spanish Flanders, 1582–1700 (Dublin 1964).
  13. J. G. Peristiany (ed.), Honour and shame: the values of Mediterranean society (London 1965).
  14. Frederick Jones, 'The Counter Reformation', in: Patrick Corish (ed.), A history of Irish Catholicism (Dublin 1967) vol. 3, part 1.
  15. F. X. Martin, 'Ireland, the Renaissance and Counter Reformation', Topic 13 (1967) 10–16.
  16. J. J. Silke, 'Irish scholarship and the Renaissance, 1580–1675', Studies in the Renaissance 21 (1973) 169–205.
  17. R. L. Kagan, Students and society in early modern Spain (Baltimore 1974).
  18. Thomas Morrissey, 'The Irish student diaspora in the sixteenth century and the early years of the Irish college at Salamanca', Recusant History 14 (1978) 242–60.
  19. Aidan Clarke, 'Colonial identity in early seventeenth-century Ireland', in: T. W. Moody (ed.), Nationality and the pursuit of national independence (Belfast 1978) 57–71.
  20. Thomas Morrissey, James Archer of Kilkenny, an Elizabethan Jesuit: first rector of the Irish College at Salamanca and ally of the great Hugh O'Neill (Dublin 1979).
  21. Nicholas Canny, 'The formation of the Irish mind: religion, politics, and Gaelic Irish literature, 1580–1750', Past and Present 95 (1982) 91–116.
  22. Miguel Ángel Echevarría Baciagalupe, La diplomacia secreta en Flandes, 1598–1643 (Bilbao 1984).
  23. Bernadette Cunningham, 'Native culture and political change in Ireland, 1580–1640', in: Ciaran Brady and Raymond Gillespie (eds), Natives and newcomers: essays on the making of Irish colonial society 1534–1641 (Dublin 1986) 148–70.
  24. S. P. Ó Mathúna, William Bathe SJ, 1564–1614: a pioneer in linguistics (Amsterdam 1986).
  25. Alan Ford, 'The Protestant reformation', in: Ciaran Brady and Raymond Gillespie (eds), Natives and Newcomers: essays on the making of Irish colonial society 1534–1641 (Dublin 1986).
  26. Robert Stradling, The Spanish monarchy and Irish mercenaries: the Wild Geese in Spain, 1618–68 (Dublin 1986).
  27. Brendan Bradshaw, 'Robe and sword in the conquest of Ireland', in: Cross, Loades and Scarisbrick (eds), Law and government under the Tudors (Cambridge 1988) 139–62.
  28. Elena Postigo Castellanos, Honor y privilegio en la corona de Castilla. El consejo de las ordenes y los caballeros de hábito en el siglo XVII (Soria 1988).
  29. Micheline Kerney Walsh, 'O'Sullivan Beare in Spain: some unpublished documents', Archivium Hibernicum 45 (1990) 46–63.
  30. Michelle O'Riordan, The Gaelic mind and the collapse of the Gaelic world (Cork University Press 1990).
  31. Gráinne Henry, The Irish military community in Spanish Flanders, 1586–1621 (Dublin 1992).
  32. Thomas Flynn, The Irish Dominicans, 1536–1641 (Dublin 1993).
  33. Albert Loomie, 'Spanish secret diplomacy at the court of James I', Sixteenth-Century Journal 27 (1994) 230–44.
  34. John Lynch, The Hispanic world in crisis and change (Oxford 1994).
  35. Hiram Morgan, 'Faith and fatherland or queen and country? an unpublished exchange between O'Neill and the state at the height of the Nine Years War', Dúiche Néill 9 (1994) 9–65.
  36. María del Carmen Saavedra Vázquez, 'Algunos rasgos del comportamiento religioso de los militares espaņoles en época austriaca: el ejemplo de La Coruņa', Historia Moderna 7 (1994) 271–86.
  37. Brendan Fitzgerald, Seventeenth-century Ireland: the war of religions (Dublin 1995).
  38. Hector MacDonnell, The Wild Geese of the Antrim MacDonnells (Dublin 1995).
  39. Mícheál MacCraith, 'The Gaelic reaction to the reformation', in Steven G. Ellis and Sarah Barber (eds), Conquest and Union: fashioning a British state, 1485–1725 (London 1995) 139–61.
  40. Micheline Kerney Walsh, An exile of Ireland: Hugh O'Neill, prince of Ulster (Dublin 1996).
  41. Joep Leerssen, Mere Irish and Fíor-Ghael: studies in the idea of Irish nationality, its development and literary expression prior to the nineteenth century (Critical Conditions: Field Day Essays, Cork University Press 1996).
  42. Thomas McCoog, The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland and England, 1541–1588 (Leiden 1996).
  43. Breandán Ó Buachalla, Aisling ghéar: na Stíobhartaigh agus an taos léinn, 1603–1788 (Baile Átha Cliath 1996).
  44. Alan Ford, The Protestant reformation in Ireland, 1590–1641 (Dublin 1997).
  45. Marco van der Hoeven (ed.), Exercise of arms: warfare in the Netherlands, 1568–1648 (Leiden 1997).
  46. Glyn Redworth, 'Beyond Faith and Fatherland: the appeal of the Catholics of Ireland, c.1623', Archivium Hibernicum 52 (1998) 3–23.
  47. Clare Carroll, 'Irish and Spanish cultural and political relations in the work of O'Sullivan Beare', in: Hiram Morgan (ed.), Political ideology in Ireland, 1541–1641 (Dublin 1999) 229–53.
  48. Thomas O'Connor, 'Towards the invention of the Irish Catholic natio: Thomas Messingham's Florilegium (1624)', Ir. Theol. Quart. 64 (1999) 157–77.
  49. Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin, 'Though hereticks and politicians should misinterpret their good zeal: political ideology and Catholicism in early-modern Ireland', in: Jane Ohlmeyer (ed.), Political thought in seventeenth-century Ireland: kingdom or colony (Cambridge 2000) 155–75.
  50. Karin Schüller, Die Beziehungen zwischen Spanien und Irland im XVI. und XVII. Jahrhundert: Diplomatie, Handel und die soziale Integration katholischer Exulanten (Münster 1999).
  51. Aidan Clarke, The Old English in Ireland, 1625–42 (London 1966; repr. Dublin 2000).
  52. Hiram Morgan, ''Un pueblo unido...': the politics of Philip O'Sullivan Beare', in: García Hernán, Recio Morales et al. (eds), Irlanda y la Monarquía Hispánica. Kinsale 1601–2001: guerra, política, exilio y religión (Madrid 2001) 265–82.
  53. Thomas O'Connor, 'Irish migration to Spain and the formation of an Irish college network, 1589–1800', in: François and Isaacs (eds), The sea in European history (Pisa 2001) 109–23.
  54. Ciaran O'Scea, 'The devotional world of the Irish Catholic exile in early-modern Galicia, 1598–1666', in: Thomas O'Connor (ed.), The Irish in Europe: 1580–1815 (Dublin 2001) 27–48.
  55. John H. Elliott, Imperial Spain, 1469–1716 (repr. London 2002).
  56. Ciaran O'Scea, 'Irish wills from Galicia, 1592–1666', Archivium Hibernicum 56 (2002) 73–131.
  57. Kenneth Nicholls, Gaelic and gaelicised Ireland (repr. Dublin 2003).
  58. Ciaran O'Scea, 'The significance and legacy of Spanish intervention in west Munster during the battle of Kinsale', in: O'Connor and Lyons (eds), Irish migrants in Europe after Kinsale, 1602–1820 (Dublin 2003) 32–63.
  59. María del Henar Velasco López, 'Divus Iacobus in Ibernia', in: José-María Nieto Ibaņez (ed.) Lógos Hellenikós: Homeaje al Profesor Gaspar Morocho Gayo (León 2003) 783–95.
  60. David Caulfield (ed.), 'The Tenebriomastix of Don Philip O'Sullivan-Beare: Poitiers MS. 259 (97): an edition of part of book 1 with introduction, translation and notes' (PhD thesis, NUI Cork 2004).
  61. Benjamin Hazard, ''A new company of crusaders like that of St John Capistran'– interaction between Irish military units and their chaplains: 1579–1654', in: García Hernán and Recio Morales (eds), La nación irlandesa en el ejército y la sociedad espaņola, 1580–1818 (Madrid 2007) 181–97.
  62. Jeroen Nilis (ed.), 'Irish students at Leuven University, 1548–1797', Archivium Hibernicum 60 (2007) 1–304.
  63. Declan Downey, 'Purity of blood and purity of faith in early modern Ireland', in: Ford and McCafferty (eds), The origins of sectarianism in early modern Ireland (Cambridge 2005) 216–28.
  64. Igor Pérez Tostado, Irish influence at the court of Spain in the seventeenth century (Dublin 2008).
  65. Óscar Recio Morales, 'Entre lo divino y lo humano: Irlanda en la estrategia general de los Austrias madrileņos', in: Downey and Crespo MacLennan (eds), Spanish-Irish relations through the ages (Dublin 2008) 17–48.
  66. Edel Bhreathnach, John McCafferty and Joseph MacMahon (eds), The Irish Franciscans, 1534–1990 (Dublin 2009).
  67. Enrique García Hernán, Ireland and Spain in the reign of Philip II (Dublin 2009).
  68. Jason Harris and Keith Sidwell (eds), Making Ireland Roman: Irish Neo-Latin writers and the Republic of Letters (Cork University Press 2009).
  69. Denis O'Sullivan (ed. and trans.), The Natural History of Ireland by Philip O'Sullivan Beare (Cork University Press 2009).
  70. Benjamin Hazard, Faith and patronage: the political career of Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire, c.1560–1629 (Dublin repr. 2010).
  71. Óscar Recio Morales, Ireland and the Spanish Empire, 1600–1815 (Dublin 2010).
  72. Thomas Flynn, The Irish Dominicans, 1536–1641 (Dublin, repr. 1993) 180f.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. W. J. Battersby, A briefe relation of Ireland and the diversity of Irish in the same [and] Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad in The Complete Catholic Directory, Almanack and Registry for the Year of our Lord 1841. , Dublin, (1841) volume 1 page 362–373


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text covers pages 362–373; and an Introduction exclusively written for CELT by Dr Benjamin Hazard covers pages i–xiii.

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Profile Description

Created: First part by Philip O'Sullivan Beare; second part by an English government agent. Date range: first part 1618–1619; second part c.1613–24.

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in seventeenth-century English.
Language: [LA] Some words are in Latin.
Language: [ES] Some words in the Introduction are in Spanish.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: T100077

Briefe relation of Ireland, and the diversity of Irish in the same [and] Priests in Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad: Author: various



The following documents were written in the opening quarter of the seventeenth century. The contents and provenance tell us much about political, religious and cultural interaction in early-modern Ireland. The first, Briefe relation of Irland and diversity of Irish in the same, is a contemporary English translation of an intercepted document drafted in Castilian. James Ussher, Protestant archbishop of Armagh, assigned it to Philip O'Sullivan Beare. This point was corroborated by Sir James Ware. Ussher once referred to O'Sullivan Beare as ‘the most egregious liar as any that this day breatheth in Christendom.’ In his Decas Patritiana, a verse life of St Patrick published at Madrid in 1629, O'Sullivan Beare called his reply to Ussher's censure Archicoringeromastix: A Whip for the Arch-Horned One.

O'Sullivan Beare regularly enumerated items in his written work. In the 1620s, he compiled lists of Irishmen and women living abroad; the Irish saints; Irish ecclesiastics and lawyers; a catalogue of birds animals, plants and minerals; and writers ancient and modern.

James I's ambassadors and agents at the court of Philip III paid close attention to Irish activity. This composition illustrates the tensions which existed between the different Irish factions in Spain and its dominions. The second text, Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad, is a composite source. It consists of a set of lists compiled for the English authorities in the 1610s and early 1620s. Both texts are preserved in a manuscript which belonged to Ussher, now kept at Trinity College Library, Dublin. James Ussher was Protestant bishop of Meath before his appointment to Armagh. The dates for the second set of lists suggest that they came to Ussher from his immediate predecessor, Christopher Hampton, who was primate of the state church in Ireland from 1613 to 1625. Ussher also acquired the text of the papal commission by which Paul V appointed David Rothe Catholic vice-primate in 1609.


The Briefe relation, termed the Breviate in the Manuscript Catalogue by Abbott and Gwynn, was originally compiled for the benefit of the Council of State in Madrid. It reflects the consistent content of reports presented at the Spanish court by Gaelic exiles from the early 1600s onwards. This was a time when hopes of a military assault on Ireland were hindered by the Spanish administration's preference for peace with England. As the Breviate explains, Gaelic exiles traced their origins to the Spanish king Milesius. His three sons are said to have conquered Ireland about the time of Alexander the Great.

Born on Dursey Island, Co. Cork, and sent to Spain as a child, Philip O'Sullivan Beare was educated at Santiago de Compostela, trained as a soldier and served in the Spanish fleet. The opening description of Ireland's past and the terms of the Laudabiliter in the Breviate neatly summarize O'Sullivan Beare's Compendium of the Catholic History of Ireland, published at Lisbon in 1621. Both sources attest the strength of ‘affection and love to the Spanish nation’ felt by Gaelic families, defining the ‘Ancient Irish’, ‘Myxt Irish’, and ‘English Irish’ found in Spanish territories.

Two names in the Breviate and their accompanying descriptions show that it was completed between July 1618 and July 1619. On 16 July 1618, following a duel with Philip O'Sullivan Beare, John Bathe of Drumcondra killed Donal O'Sullivan Bearre. His son Dermot, a knight of Santiago, succeeded him as earl of Bearhaven. Donal O'Sullivan Bearre is not included in the Breviate, whereas his surviving son and heir Dermot is described as ‘Earle of Bearhaven, in Madride.’ Raymond de Burgo died the following summer. Named here


amongst the ‘Mixt seculars’ he was claimant to the earldom of Clanricard and styled himself baron of Leitrim. He arrived in Spain in 1602 with Red Hugh O'Donnell. Both Raymond de Burgo and Philip O'Sullivan Beare were at Lisbon in 1618.

The names of the ‘Auncyent Irish Ecclesiasticall’ open with ‘Owen M'Mahon’, i.e. Dr Eóghan Mac Mathghamhna, aliter Eugene Matthews, Catholic archbishop of Dublin. Related by birth to the Ulster earls, he was educated at Salamanca. After his consecration, Mac Mathghamhna made his way from Leuven to his diocese. This corresponds to the Breviate which states that he was in Ireland. Mac Mathghamhna died in 1623.

The document then declares that ‘Don Florence Conrio’, i.e. Flaithrí Ó Maoil Chonaire, was ‘entertayned by his Majestie in the states of Flaunders’. He had returned to Leuven in the Spring of 1618, indicating that the Breviate was written after his departure. The name of Donatus Mooney occurs next. He was elected minister provincial of the Irish Franciscans by the chapter held at Waterford in 1615. In the closing months 1617 and the early part of 1618, Mooney wrote a history of the Franciscan province of Ireland. His name is mentioned here in conjunction with that of Francis Colman, ‘who hath bene provinciall of the order of St Frauncis in Ireland.’ Colman held office for the usual three-year term, from 1609 until 1612.

Rocque de la Cruz OP, i.e. Roche MacGeoghegan, was a native of the diocese of Meath related to the O'Neills. Minister provincial of the Irish Dominicans, MacGeoghegan later became Catholic bishop of Kildare. His confrères Bernard O'Brien and Vincent Hogan, ‘of this order’, were the priors of St


Saviour's at Limerick and Loragh respectively. O'Brien was an uncle of the martyr Terence Albert O'Brien, coadjutor bishop and vicar general of Emly. ‘Hugh Cawill of St Fraunces in Lovayne’ refers to the noted Scotist theologian, aliter Aodh Mac Aingil, who was guardian of St Anthony's College, Leuven, when the list was compiled. In 1618, he published Scáthán Shacramuinte na hAithridhe. Fr John Baptist Duguin, ‘of the Societie Rector in Lisborne’, later served as Jesuit superior of the mission to Connacht.

Of the ‘Auncyent Irish Seculars in his Majesties dominions’, ‘John O'Neile, Earle of Tironne’ had succeeded to the title after his father's death at Rome in 1616. Albert Hugh O'Donnell, named ‘Earl of Tyrconnell, Page to the Infanta in Flaunders’, arrived at Leuven with his father Rury in 1607. ‘Don Eugenis O Neile, Serjeant Major’, i.e. Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill, accompanied his cousin Henry to Madrid in 1609. ‘Don Artus O Neile, Capten’ was Eoghan Ruadh's brother. ‘Don Thadie O Sulivan, Capten’ may refer to the Captain Tadeo Osullevan in Spanish sources for 1618. ‘Samuel M'Donnell’ is almost certainly Somhairle Mac Domhnaill, the young earl of Tyrone's cousin, who arrived in the Low Countries in 1615. Promoted to the rank of captain, he fought in the battle for Prague and returned to the Army of Flanders after Spain's renewal of war with the United Dutch Provinces in 1621. At Oostende and Leuven, he commissioned Irish scribes to copy Gaelic manuscripts for him. In 1621, ‘Owen O'Hanlon’, Eugenio Hanlon, received a commission as captain which fell vacant on the death of Rury O'Doherty. As he shared the same name as his father, he was also known as Owen Ogy.

It is difficult to say who is meant by ‘Robert Davies’ in the Breviate, particularly when placed among the names of Gaelic exiles. It may refer to Captain Robert Daniell of Waterford


who, in 1606, was listed as one of Colonel Henry O'Neill's captains. Suffering from gout seven years later Captain Daniell applied to Ambrosio Spínola, commander of the Army of Flanders, for a post at Antwerp Castle. On 2 December 1619, his request to retain his pay at Antwerp was granted by Philip III.

‘Cormock O Neile’, aliter Conacio O'Neill, was nephew of Hugh, earl of Tyrone, who had escaped capture in Ireland and took refuge at St Anthony's College, Leuven, after the execution of his brother in London. At the request of the Archduke Albert, Philip III granted Conacio an allowance for his studies in September 1616. Some confusion arises in the case of ‘Owen Carty’. There are several individual references to the name in the first half of the seventeenth century: at Lisbon and Valladolid in the early 1600s; and in the infantry company of Conor O'Driscoll. In each case, these are the names of principal individuals as the Breviate states at this point: ‘cum multis aliis, quos nunc prescribere longum.’

Among the ‘Mixt Irish ecclesiasticall’, Fr Robert Nugent SJ had been based in the Low Countries, where he helped to place Irish students. Nugent succeeded Christopher Holywood as superior of the Jesuit mission to Ireland and was a skilled harpist. Of the ‘Mixt seculars’, Balthazar Bourke, son and heir of the McWilliam Bourke, was made a knight of Santiago in 1607. Baptized Walter, his name was adapted to overcome pronunciation difficulties for the Spanish. William Burke was one of five brothers who left Ireland to enrol in Spanish service in the late 1580s.

Without specific accompanying information, however, caution must be exercised with some of these names. This is especially in the case of families who used the same Christian names from one generation to the next.

A William Burke was with Donal O'Sullivan Beare at Dunboy Castle in 1602. Another, brother of the Baron Leitrim, signed himself Lord of Bealatury in Spanish documents of 1616. ‘Murish Fitzgerald’ may refer to one ‘Mauricio Geraldino’ of Spanish records who commanded an infantry company in 1611. Thomas Fitzgerald, a cousin of Maurice Fitzgerald, was noted in records of 1589 to have been shipwrecked off Scotland with the Great Armada before making his way to the Low Countries. Edward Fitzgerald's career in the Spanish Army of Flanders began in the 1590s as captain of an independent Irish infantry company. In 1611, Fitzgerald, by then a major, was transferred to serve the Archduke Albert.

The names of ‘English-Irished, eclesiasticall’ begin with Peter Lombard, ‘archbishop of Armagh and Primate in Rome’. Lombard was born at Waterford and excelled at the University of Leuven. He died at Rome in 1625. He and Thomas Walsh, ‘of the habite of St John of Jerusalem in Ireland’, were first cousins of Luke Wadding. Thomas Walsh was also related to the Whites of Clonmel. In a separate source, Philip O'Sullivan Beare states that Walsh ‘preached the faith in Ireland’ before becoming Catholic archbishop of Cashel and Emly in 1626.

Luke Wadding was theologian to the Spanish embassy which Philip III sent to Rome in 1618. Nevertheless, the description of Wadding as ‘Vice Secretary to the Governor of St. Francis in Rome’ appears not to match to the 1618–19 chronology.


In 1632, he was appointed vice-procurator general of the order and was named its vice-commissary in Rome twelve years later. ‘Paul Ragget [...] of the order of St. Bernard’ was abbot of St Mary's Cistercian Abbey, Co. Dublin. In the 1620s, he appealed to the Spanish authorities to send Irish soldiers based in Flanders on a military expedition to Ireland. The Raggett family of Kilkenny were related by marriage to Archbishop David Kearney of Cashel and Paul Raggett was named as a possible candidate to succeed him. William Talbot OP is recorded here as ‘William of the Holy Ghost’. An associate of John Bathe, he resided at Antwerp and Madrid.

‘Richard Convoy’ refers to Richard Conway of the Society of Jesus who was born at New Ross in the early 1570s. After leaving Ireland, he was educated at Monterrey and the Irish college in Salamanca, where he frequently served as vice-rector before becoming prefect of all the Irish colleges in the Iberian Peninsula. He then served as rector of the Irish college at Santiago until 1618 and died eight years later. Conway influenced Philip O'Sullivan Beare's outlook. Complete extracts of his work are copied into those of O'Sullivan Beare who frequently cited Conway's help. Christopher Holywood of Artane Castle, Co. Dublin, mentioned above, published three works at Antwerp in 1604, the second edition of which appeared in 1619. He lived in Ireland where he governed the Jesuit mission for twenty-three years. Holywood died on 4 September 1626.

Thomas White SJ of Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, is described as ‘Rector of the Irish Seminarie in Salamanca’. In 1592, he was granted a bequest by Philip II to establish the college and was subsequently placed in charge of the Irish college at Santiago before his second period as rector at Salamanca began in 1617.


Two years later, he held responsibility for the Irish college at Seville. White was born in the 1550s and died at Santiago de Compostela in May 1622. His illustrious brother, Stephen, is amongst the names recorded in the second text dealt with below.

Of the ‘Englished-Irish Seculars’ named next, Captain James Gearnon commanded an Irish infantry company at Oostende in 1616 when 112 soldiers under his command collected 850 escudos for the Irish Franciscans at Leuven. Gearnon may have been related to Anthony Gearnon, the Franciscan army chaplain and author of Parrthas an Anma. Born in 1585, Thomas Preston, son of the Viscount Gormanston, was married to a Flemish noblewoman named Margaret de Namur. He received a commission as a captain in the Army of Flanders in 1605 and rose to the rank of maestre de campo. The military career of Walter de la Hoyde lasted forty years, the first four with the Catholic confederates during the Nine Years Wars in Ireland, and the others as the captain of an Irish infantry company in the Spanish Army of Flanders. In 1621, Captain George de la Hoyde received a commission to raise a company of 200 Irish infantry. William Walsh was from Galway. He was awarded a commission in 1605 after recruiting sixty soldiers in Ireland at his own expense. Significantly, the majority of levies among Irish exiles that year were conducted by Old English captains. Walsh was wounded in 1616 while in the service of Colonel John O'Neill.

In 1608, one Nicholas Wise served with Captain Thomas Stanihurst's infantry company. Six years later, Ó Maoil Chonaire proposed that Nicholas Wise be appointed Irish consul in Andalusia.


His brother, Andrew Wise, a knight of the order of Malta, supported Donal O'Sullivan Beare's application to enter the military order of Santiago. During the Nine Years War, Ensign Thomas Stanihurst had served as a messenger between Hugh O'Neill and the Archdukes Albert and Isabel. Stanihurst's more famous brother, the historian and scientist Richard, died in 1618. That he is not included in the Breviate, indicates that the list was compiled after his demise. The Stanihursts of Corduff, Co. Dublin, were civic administrators related by marriage to the Usshers.

Two members of the clergy who defy the set definitions are David Kearney, Catholic archbishop of Cashel since 1603, and the Jesuit Fr James Archer. The Breviate explains that Kearney, despite ‘descending by righte lyne from the auncient Irish [...] is of an Englished condicion’. Correspondence for the period clearly identifies him as a political ally of Peter Lombard and David Rothe. This the Breviate attributes to Kearney's training as a canon lawyer and the guidance he received from the Society of Jesus. He was retained at court in Madrid on 1,000 ducados per annum from 1619 until his death five years later. During this time, he sat on the Junta of six advisers who debated over negotiations for the Spanish Match. Conversely, James Archer of Kilkenny, ‘though alltogether Englished’, allied himself to the King of Spain and Hugh O'Neill during the Nine Years War. Born in 1549, James Archer had served as rector at the Salamanca Irish college. According to Edmund Hogan SJ, Archer was sixty-eight years of age in 1617, the oldest Irish Jesuit at the time. His name is not, however, in the catalogue of Irish Jesuits of 1626, so he must have died between 1617 and 1626.


Amongst Irish military officers, the Old English Captain Walter de la Hoyde had fought on the side of ‘the auncyent Irish in the last warres’; while the earl of Thomond, ‘being an auncient Irish did helpe the English’. The misspelling of his name as Whyte at the start of the manuscript, combined with James Ussher's ascription of the original source to Philip O'Sullivan Beare in Madrid, shows that this was a translated copy. Furthermore, the name of Fr Richard Caron OP of Co. Meath, known in Spain as Fray Ricardo de la Peņa, appeared in the earliest Spanish collation now kept at the Real Academia de Historia.

Although informed by different sources, comparing their contents suggests that the Breviate and Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad were submitted together for inclusion in Ussher's manuscript. Towards the end of the Breviate, John Bathe is amongst the names of ‘English-Irished seculars.’ In Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad, John Bathe of Drumcondra Castle, Co. Dublin, is referred to as aforementioned. John Bathe was consulted as an adviser at court and accompanied Henry O'Neill to Madrid in 1609. Before departing for Leuven nine years later, Ó Maoil Chonaire advised Philip III against appointing John Bathe as Irish representative in Madrid, alleging that he was a double agent.

In contrast to the Breviate, which clearly favours Spain and the papacy, the second set of lists was addressed to government officials at Whitehall and Dublin Castle. These lists were compiled from 1613 until 1624. They reveal the reliance of the Catholic clergy upon ties of kinship when community life for the religious was prohibited by law. Late sixteenth-century efforts to suppress the religious orders made it impossible to instruct aspirant Catholic clergy in Ireland, which led to the founding of colleges abroad. With the accession of Charles I, a period of partial toleration began. As was the case in England during the same period, use of the prefix 'Sir' denotes a priest rather than a knight.


David Rothe ‘bishop of Ossory [who] keepeth for the most parte with his brother Edward’, was born at Kilkenny and served as vice-primate in Ireland on behalf of Peter Lombard. Rothe was appointed Catholic bishop of Ossory in 1618. His Analecta Sacra, dedicated to the Catholic princes of Europe, was published at Köln. In his letters Rothe used the alias Nicholas Laffan. A synod of the ecclesiastical province of Dublin was convened at Kilkenny in 1614 and was probably held at the house of his brother Edward Rothe. The ‘Davy Roche [...] sente from Rome, since Tyrone's abode there [...] and hath beene in the North since his arrivall, but is nowe for the most parte in Munster’ refers to David Rothe's term as vice-primate of Armagh. The Roche family were cousins to the Rothes, which may explain the confusion surrounding the spelling of his name here. David Rothe died in 1650.

‘Bryan O Carne a jesuite, and a preacher’ was a brother of David, the Catholic archbishop of Cashel, referred to above, who was in Ireland until 1619. Here it is said he ‘keepeth for the most part at the upper court with Lucas Shee esq.’ ‘Sir Lucas Archer priest’ refers to the Cistercian vicar general in Ireland who was also abbot of Holy Cross, Co. Tipperary. John Coppinger was a graduate of Leuven. In 1608, he published Mnemosymum or memorial to the afflicted Catholickes in Ireland and Theatre of the Catholick and Protestant Religion twelve years later. In the State Papers, ‘Jean Copengere’, a priest from Waterford, is mentioned as one of the first students of the Irish College, Bordeaux. The ‘Henry Fitz Symons’ recorded in Ussher's manuscript refers to the Jesuit military chaplain who worked with soldiers from Ireland and England based in Flanders from the late 1580s onwards. In 1614 and 1615 he published two works at Douai and on 8 November 1620 he was at the battle for Prague. In the same vein as Rothe's Analecta Sacra and Coppinger's Mnemosymum, Fitzsimon's writings included Irish Catholic martyrologies.


‘Christopher Cusack, priest’ was from Meath. In 1594 he founded St. Patrick's seminary at Douai for the diocesan clergy. He died in office as president of the college thirty years later. In Ussher's manuscript, Laurence Sedgrave is recorded for his role as prefect at Douai. Sedgrave was a cousin of Christopher Cusack and his successor at the college. In 1624–5, his name was mentioned as being eligible for a bishopric in Ireland. ‘A Note of Divers younge Gentlemen, pentioners Soulders, and schollers gone beyond the seas’ mentions one ‘Steven White’. This is most likely the Stephen White who was the third scholar named in the foundation charter of Trinity College Dublin. He attended the Irish college at Salamanca established by his brother, Thomas. He researched and taught at Biburg, Ingolstadt, Kassel, Ratisbon, Schaffhausen and Dillingen where he held the chair of theology. He co-operated with the Irish Franciscans at Leuven in their work on the Lives of Irish Saints, helped Heribert Rosweide SJ and the Bollandists in their research and supplied manuscripts from Swiss and German libraries to the Protestant primate James Ussher. About the year 1613, Stephen White composed his Apologia pro Hibernia, refuting the errors of Cambrensis on the ecclesiastical history of Ireland before the Norman period. White was known amongst his peers as ‘Polyhistor’ and David Rothe described him as the ‘Wonder of Germany.’ The list of soldiers from Desmond who made their way to Spain and Flanders dates from 1602.

The names and descriptions reveal inconsistencies in the second set of lists compared with independent sources for years of appointment, service and travel. This implies that the compiler kept adding details over a long period. Two examples suffice, ‘Owen Groome Magrath [and] Morris Ultagh’, both from Ulster. They occur consecutively among the ‘divers priestes and fryers’ recorded around Westmeath. Owen Groome Magrath is described as guardian of ‘the fryers of Multyfernam where he liveth.’ He served as guardian at the abbey for five years and was suceeded by Maurice Ultagh O'Donleavy. During Magrath's guardianship the abbey was raided in 1613. According to Donatus Mooney's history, Magrath was still living in 1616.


Ussher's list states that Ultagh ‘was beyond the Seas and in Tyrone's companie and came lately from thence and lives neaer for most part at Multyfarnan.’ Maurice Ultagh O'Donleavy was one of the outstanding Franciscans in Ireland in the first half of the seventeenth century. He returned to Ireland in the early 1610s and became guardian of Multyfarnham in 1615. Christopher Nugent, ‘the principall countenance of the said fryers’, provided patronage and protection to the Franciscans. He died in 1626 and was buried at Multyfarnham Abbey. The following decade, Ultagh contributed one of the attestations in favour of the Annals of the Four Masters and died three years later in 1639.

The penultimate name recorded, ‘William Bathe, Jesuite’, refers to John Bathe's brother. Trained as a musicologist and linguist, William was educated at Oxford. In 1611 he published his Janua Linguarum, or Gate of Tongues, at Salamanca. This book provided a method for acquiring a working knowledge of Latin in a short time and was translated into nine languages within twenty years. William Bathe died in Madrid at 48 years of age on 17 June 1614.

A volume of Irish Franciscan manuscripts at University College Dublin preserves another seventeenth-century copy of the Breviate and extracts of O'Sullivan Beare's Zoilomastix, showing the popularity of his works among the exiled community. The transcripts from Trinity College Dublin which James Hardiman contributed to The Complete Catholic Directory in 1841 point to the development of nineteenth-century Irish nationalism.

Benjamin Hazard
August 2010.


A briefe relation of Ireland and the diversity of Irish in the same. (From the rare MS of O'Sullivan Beare, supplied by the Editor's particular friend, Jas. Hardiman, Esq.)

In the kingdom of Ireland, there be three kinde of Irish, to wit—auncient Irish, English Irish and mixt Irish.

The aunciente Irish descend from the Spaniards whoe, above 1000 yeares agoe got that kingdome from the Graecians, and governed it with just and holie lawes, being holpen thereon by the doctrine and holynes of many holy miraculous and learned men of there owne, until the comeing of the Danes, the which by overthrowing and destroying churches and Universityes in that island, broughte in much barbaritie, and evill customes, with tyranny, after which there followed, even in the Irish themselves sinnes and offences against God, civil wars, and domesticall hatred, murthers, &c.

Notable was the wickednesse of Dermitius king of Leynster, one of the five kynges of Ireland, who took away by force the wife of O'Roarke, another king of the same island, for which the said Dermitius being pursued by O'Roarke, was fayne to fly the land, and to crave aide of Henry the second King of Englande, whoe at this time was in France, and gave free libertye to all his subjectes, that voluntarilie would, to helpe Dermetius to recover his lost kingdome, whereupon, with ayde of certaine of the king of Englands subjectes, he regained his owne, and laied hold on other men's lands besides.

Henry the second seeing the Irish divided amongst themselves by a false relation (as they say) to Pope Adrian the fourth, an Englishman; obtained of his holynes lycense to conquer the land, and to be collector of the church rentes, which the see Apostolicke had in Ireland, with the title of Lord of Ireland: But after the kings of Englande forsaking the true fayth have by their own proper authoritie intitled themselves Kings of Ireland.

These Englysh which at first passed over into Ireland with Dermitius, and others alsothat came after are divided into two sortes.

The chief nobility and gentlemen married with the daughters of the ancyent Irish, and so have their discentes down after them in such sort, that those whoe doe now inherite have equallie as much of the Irish bloud as of the Englishe, and in their language habite and custome doe conforme themselves for the most part with the Irish, and these are they whom I call mixt Irish. Such are the earles of Kildare, Desmond, Clenrickard, Ormonde, Viscount Barry, Roche, &c.

The Englishe that did not marry with the auncyent Irish, not took hold either of their customes, manners or language, but kept their former English stille, these are called English-Irished, and are all for the most part marchants, men of trade in all the cities and townes of Ireland.


There are also some knightes and gentlemen, which live in the county of East Meath and about Dublin and in the counties that the Irish call the pale.

These severall kindes of Irish agree all in one thing, to wit, in being true Catholickes, and children of the church of Rome; yet doe they differ in their manner of living, natural inclinations and desires to have princes and lawes over them, every one desireing his naturall inclination, and imitating his predecessors. And therefore, the auncient Irish, as these that are descended from the Spanyards, desire alwayes to be governed by the kings of Spayne and their successors, and beare greate affection and love to the Spanish nation. Contrarywise greate hate and enmity to their enemyes, and in sharpnes of wit and valour in warr are altogether like unto the Spaniard.

The Englished-Irish follow the inclination of the English, and affect the laws, manners and government, which they had first from them; and if the king of England would grant them libertee of conscience, or permitt to keepe in their houses priestes to say Masse privately and minister the holy sacraments, they would be right glad that there should be noe change of lawes at all in Ireland, nor of government of King, and amongst these sortes (unlesse there be some od ecclesiasticall men to whom the pope hath assigned some benefice or church rent) there is none that careth much whether there be ever made restitution of church livings or not, or whether the church obtain her publick government; nay many of them have no other landes nor liveinge, but such as were taken from the church when the kings of Englande withdrew themselves from her obedience.

The mixt Irish as their bloud is mingled with the English and Irish, so their inclynations and manners of life doe inclyne generally: for notwithstanding what most of them and the noblest and best qualified, doe follow the inclinations of the auncyent Irish yet doe other follow that of the English.

These three sortes of Irish have their abovesaid inclynations soe deepely rooted in them, that in what state soever they live, they keepe them still; which is true not only in seculars, as Knightes, souldiers, and others, but allso in others as schollers, priestes, yea and religous men; yet as man hath free will by which he may forsake his owne inclynation, and follow the contrary, soe wee have seene sometymes, that an English-Irished hath followed or imitated the auncyent Irish, and auncient Irish the English, as it fell out with Capt. Whyte whoe being an Englished-Irish fought against the Englishe for the King of Spayne, and the Earle of Thomonde being an auncient Irish did helpe the English.

The difference of naturall inclinations and love did plainely appeare in the last warres which the Irish, holpen by this Catholicke Majesty made against the Englishe, for the auncyent Irish, and allso the most and noblest of the mixt Irish held for the King of Spayne, and allmost all the Englyshed-Irish held with the King of England, yet after that peace was confirmed betwixt Spayne and Englande great persecution was used against all three sortes of Irish without exception, whereby the Englished-Irish now perceive how farre they were overseene in helping the English and resisting the auncyent Irish and mixt, and now at this present they repent it very much, and are very desirous to get occasion to


make satisfaction and to serve the Catholicke King of Spayne: But if they were shutt of their persecution and troubles, their naturall inclynations carryeth them more towards the English king and nation.

And to the end that the Lords of the Councell and Officers of his majestie may know of what Irish they make use of in the King's occasions, wee will lay down a table of the names and estates of such as have been bred here and speake the Spanysh tongue and serve his Majestie in severall places of his dominions.

Auncient Irish ecclesiasticall

Owen M'Mahon archbishop of Dublin which is the Court of Ireland, who was bred in Salamanca by his Majestie's appointment and now in Ireland.

Don Florence Conrio, arch. of Twomond in Ireland, entertayned by his Majestie in the states of Flaunders.

F. Fraunces Collman who hath beene provinciall of the order of St. Frauncis in Ireland.

F. Donnough O'Moonie provinciall that now is of the same order in Ireland.

The presented fryer Ross, Vicar-Generall of St. Dominick's order.

Vincent Ogane of this order.

Don de la Crux of this order in Lisborne.

Bernardus O Brien of the same order.

Hugh Cawill of St. Fraunces in Lovayne.

John Baptista of the Societie Rector in Lisborne.

Cornelius de la Roch of the same Societie.

William Macrath of the Societie Reader in the Seminary of Lisborne.

Cornelius de Schole Benedictine now going for Ireland.

Auncyent Irish seculars in his Majesties dominions

Don John O'Neile, Earle of Tironne, Corronell of the Irish in Flaunders.

Don Hugh O'Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell, Page to the Infanta in Flaunders.

Don Dermitius O'Sulivan, Earle of Bearhaven, in Madride.

Don Eugenius O Neile, Serjant Major.

Don Artus O Neile, Capten.

Don Thadie O Sulivan, Capten.

Cormock O'Donnell.

Samuel M'Donnell.

Owen O'Hanlon.

Robert Davies.

Cormock O Neile.

Owen Carty.

Morish O'Mahone, cum multis aliis, quos nunc prescribere longum.

Mixt Irish eclesiasticall

Father Francis Nugent, of St. Dominick's order in Salamanca.

F. Robert Nugent, of the Societie, in Ireland.

F. Nicholas Nugent, his brother, of the Societie, Prisoner in Dublin for the Catholicke faith.


Don Redmond Bourke, Baron of Leytrime.

Don Balthazar Bourke Page of the Chamber, William Bourke—Murish Fitzgerald—Edward Fitzgerald—Thomas Fitzgerald—Gerald M'Murish, &c.

English-Irished, eclesiasticall

Peter Lombard, archbishop of Armagh and Primate in Rome.

Thomas Walsh of the habite of St. John in Ireland.

Paul Ragett, Vicar General of the order of St. Bernard in Ireland.

William of the Holy Ghost, Dominican in Madride.

Luke Waden, Vice Secretary to the Governor of St. Francis in Rome.

Thomas White of the Societie, Rector of the Irish Seminarie in Salamanca.

Richard Convoy of the same order, Rector of the Irish in St. James.

Christopher Hollywood, Superior of the Societie of Jesus in Ireland, who is a pure Englished, and allmost all those of this order, yea the very auncyent Irish that enter into the same order become allmost all Englished, conforming themselves to their superior, not only in their rules of Religion, but alsoe in their rules of policie, and government, and manner of life, procuring to conforme themselves to the tymes, and to winne the wills of the mighty.

English-Irished seculars

Nicholas Wise—Capten Thomas Preston—James Gernon—Walter de la Hoyde who served the auncyent Irish in the last warres—George de la Hoyde—William Walsh—Capten Bathe—Thomas Stanyhurst—John Bathe, &c.

Noe where can we find place amongst the above names for Don David Carney, archbishopp of Cashell—nor for Fa. Archer of the Societie: for the archbishopp being intertayned by His Majestie with allowance of a 1000 Crowns Yearly, and descending by righte lyne from the auncient Irish, notwithstanding having somewhat of the English bloud, and not being a divine, but a canonist, and guided by the fathers of the Societie, his kinsman, is of an Englished condicion. On the contrary side Father Archer though alltogether Englished; yet is he of the inclynation and condicion of the auncyent Irish, and much affected to the Spaniards and their King, and their manner of living, more then to the auncyent Irish whom he followed and aided in the last warres.

These are those that are known here (i. e. in Spayne,) of the three sortes. Notwithstanding there be in Ireland many more, both lord knights captayns and souldiers, and other several persons of different qualitie and state.

Now if you aske me of what sorte there are most in number, greatest in power and dignity, I aunswere that the auncient are most in numbers for they have many lords of title and knights amongst them, and withall the vassalls of the mixt and Englished lords and knights for the moste part are auncient Irish. Next unto these the mixt are most in number.

For power and strength of money the Englished passe, because for the most part either they or their auncestors have bene or are officers and dealers in the Court. Neither doe they use such liberality and hospitality as the auncient Irish and mixt doe use, frankly and gratis to all


straungers and passengers, therefore it is thought that they have store of coyne gathered together, but the auncients and mixt have more lands and goods, notwithstandinge that they have lost farre more then the Englished in the persecution, yet they are more powerfull to make souldiers and armies, and truly many of the three sortes doe excellent service to his Majestie, in the exercise of their weapons and the skill of military discipline both in Flaunders and in Ireland.

The auncient and mixt Irish are not only great soldiers but allso warriors; and the Englished are more inclyned to other imployments than to warre: As for their quality or nobility, the question is easily resolved, considering the originall of every sorte by itselfe; for all the titularyes and knightes of the auncient Irish doe descende from the Kings of Spayne and Ireland, and are of auncient bloud royall of that kingdome, derived from Iberus, Eremon, Evergin and Lucio, foure sons of King Milesius of Spayne which conquered that kingdome some 2900 years agoe, taking it from the Graecians, who had killed a Spanish prince whoe by chance landed in Ireland.

The mixt Irish, although they enjoy not this descent so well authorized by the right lyne of their forefathers, yet they have it by their mothers, who were married to the ancient Irish.

The Englished, although they have not this nobility, yet have they another given by them by the Kings of England, by Parliaments in Ireland, so auncient that it is above 500 yeares that some knightes and Lordes of title began.

And this is in briefe all the relation that may be made of Ireland for the above mentioned intent of the King of Spayne.

Copia vera. about 1625.

A note of the names of the preistes semynaries fryers and jesuits, together with their releevers and maintayners in the cittie of Kilkennie—viz.


Inprimis one David Roehe titular bishop of Ossory keepeth for the most parte with his brother Edward Roehe merchant when he is in the cittie, and when he is abroad with the lord Viscount Mountgarrett at Ballimo.

Item. Doctor White a seditious priest when he resorteth to the cittie keepeth with his brother in law Henry Shee Esqr. now maior of the cittie. Besides he mayntyneth with him one Thomas Morrys a preacher native of the said cittie, whoe when he is in the cuntry keepeth with Mr. Purcell of Ballifoyle gent.

Item. Melchior Ragget a franciscan fryer keepeth usually with his father Richard of the said cittie Alderman, and is reputed as lord abbott of the monostery of Dawiske within the county of Kilkennie.

Item. Father Bryan otherwise named Bryan O Carne a jesuite, and a preacher, hath his residense in Sr. Richard Shea's house in the said cittie and theire is, at this instant, kept and maynteyned by the Lady Shea wyfe to the said Sir James Shea.

Item. Sir Thomas Howeghan priest keepeth with Mr. John Roche Fitz Pierce alderman.

Item. Sr. Wm. Lawles priest keepeth for the most part with Robert Roch esq.



Item. Sr. Laurence Remaghan supposed general Vicar from the pope keepeth in the sayd cittie, sayinge open mass, and is releeved especially by Mr. Thomas Archer Fitz Walter and hath an annuall stipend from the said cittie.

Item. Sr. Patk. Hoane prieste a native borne keepeth in the saide cittie and sayeth masse publiquely.

Item. Sir Lucas Archer priest brother to Patk. Archer esq. keepeth with his brother in lawe Nicholas Archer

Item. Sir Patrick Bolger prieste doth usuall say masse at one Lettice Shee's house widdow.

Item. Sir Edmond Seix priest saith mass ordinarily at his brother's house one Redmond Savage, and when he is abroad keepeth with Sir Richard Butler of Paulstowne knight.

Item. One Will. Maurus a franciscan doth commonly say masse within St. Francis Abbye in the said cittie.

Item. One Father Wall keepeth with one Nicholas Wall a Brasier in the saide cittie.

Item. One Sir Thomas Brehon priest keepeth with his father John Brehon in the said cittie.

Item. One David Kearney a titular archbishop of Cashell keepeth for the most part at the upper court with Lucas Shee esq.

It. Sir John Brenan priest keepeth for the most parte with Mr. Edward Butler of the old Abbye gent.

It Sir John Murphy priest, keepeth altogether at Thomastowne.

It Sir James Joyce and one Sr. Murlogh priestes keepe at Callan.

It Sir Teige O Heyly priest, keepeth with Walter Walsh of the Mountaine Esq.

It Sir James Daton, priest, keepeth with Mr. Daton Kilmodaley gent.

It Sir Nichs. Marus, priest keepeth with Mr. James Butler, gent. brother to the lord Mountgarrett, alsoe he Maintaynath one Sir Mathew Roch priest, whoe goeth once every yeare into Spayne.

It Teige O Fagho priest keepeth with Richard Comersford of Balibrin gent.

It John Coppinger also Father Coppinger, keepeth for most part with the lord Mountgarrett.

It Sir Henry Fleaminge priest keepeth at Dunfert.

It Sir Robert Cantwell priest, keepeth most with Mrs Mary Fitzgerrald, alias Cantwell, widdow.

It Sir John Archdeacon, priest, keepeth at Knocktoffer.

It Sir Pierce Stronge, keepeth at Dunkitt.

It Sir William M'Mahone, priest, keepeth with John Walsh of Kilcregan gent.

It Sir Edward Archer priest, keepeth with the Baron of Burnechurch.

It Sir Thomas Woodlock, priest, keepeth with Nicholas Fitz Thomas of the Gurtens, gent.

Item Sir Teige O'Duygin, priest, keepeth with Mr. Robert Grace, of Courtstowne.

Item Sir John Madden, priest, keepeth with Richard Grants of Curadduff, gent.

It. Sir John Fitz Robberts, priest, keepeth at the Grange.

It. Sir Daniel O Gowley, priest, keepeth at Bawnmoore, under Mr. M'Cody.

Item Philip More, priest, at Dunnamaggen.



It Mr Brookebery, of Castletiege, keepeth an English priest whose name is unknown, to whom doe resort the Baron of Burnchurch and his tennants every Sunday.

It Mr. Nath. Poole of Poulerath likewise keepeth an English priest whose name is unknown.

It One Father Arthure, keepeth with Oliver Shortall of Ballilorkan, Esq. who also keepeth another chaplin.

It. Sir Patrick Bowden, priest, is commonly at Radstowne.

It. Sir Lucas Archer, priest, is comonly maytayned by Mr. Denham, gent. dwellinge neere Thomastowne 4 miles from Kilkenny.

It. Sir Donagh O'Hellye, priest, mayntayned by Walter Walsh, whoe dwells twelve miles from Kilkenny.

It. Donagh O'Gonry, priest, whoe dwelleth at Ballyraggett, a towne of my lord Mountgarretts.

It. John Shea, priest, resident for the most part at Wm. Comersford of Killcooley, gent. in the parish of Fartie the small, in the said county.

Thomas Marny or Marry, Jesuite, keepeth in our about Kilkenny, alsoe Brian M'Morogho, preachers at Fermoy. He keeps about Clonmell.

Thomas M'Donogh, Vice Primate of Ardmagh, a Franciscan frier. He keepes commonly in the county of Clonmell, a great preacher.

A note of the Romish priests in Wexford, that are maintayned there

Sir William Furlonge, Sir JohnWaddinge, Sir William Devoux, Sir John Garrold, Sir Richard Stafford.

A note of the Romish priestes in Ross that are maintayned there

Sir David Dowell—Sir Mathew Roche—James Fitz Nicholas.


John O'Dody—John M'William, Rawgh O'Dedy—Souldiars.

Bryan M'Chair from Trally, a Scholer.

A son of old Mr. Hussey—twoe sonnes of Gerrott M'Morice from Clammorris—A sonne to John M'Thomas of Ballykely—John Brenagh.

A Note of such persons as are departed out of this Kingdom, and remaine in Doway viz.

Henry Fitz Symons, Jesuite, Christopher Cusack, priest. Presedent . . .. . .. Laurence Sedgrave, prefecte: oute of the county of Dublin.

James Montell, priest from Mounster.


Studients in Doway out of Mounster

John O'Doly, Nicholas Fitz Garrett, John M'Daniell, Richard Fitz Garrett, son to Captain Moria Fitzgarrat. John Molgne. John Feild. Thomas Hay.

Studients in Doway out of Conacht

David Bourke.

Studients in Doway departed from the North

Morsanos Celly, Thomas Derry, William Ovington, Felym O Neile, Christopher Dallahide, James Barnewall.

Studients in Doway out of the Co. Kilkenny

Marks Arsticin.

Persons departed from Ireland into Loveyn

Hugh O Bewen priest from the North, Edmond Celly Civilian from Connaught, Guly Bridy O'Hoy fryer from the North.

In Liel

Richard de la Hide out of Leinster.

In Paris

Christopher Rochford studient from the county of Dublin.

Laurence Strong, John Fennell, Garret Scanell, John Costy, Thomas M'Diarmodo: Physitians out of Mounster.

In Roan

Gille ne Neve O'Larkin, Nicholas O'Niadan: Priests out of Connaght.


A Note of Divers younge Gentlemen, pentioners Soulders, and schollers gone beyond the seas

Patrick Feyning, and Dominicke White: Departed from Lymrick to Bourdeaux.

Jordon Roch, son to Dominick Roch of Lymrick in Rochiell, Patk. Sarsfield, son to John Sarsfield of Lymrick in Bordeaux.

Thomas Archer, Nicholas Bourke, Steven White: Lately returned from several dominions beyond seas, whear they remayned 3 or 4 years.

James Branghan in Doway, with whome went one of Mr. Plunkett's sons of Dublin, in Michas. 1611.

A son of widow Wafer of Dublin, in Salamanca.

Edmund Purcell of Dublin, sent his son to Doway.

Doneghan of the county of Downe, Browne of Athboy: Sent their sons beyond seas.

Connor O Dwyeds . . .

John Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerrald, Dermod M'Conner M'Donagh, from Glanbark hane, Donnogh M'Connor went from thence also . . . Teige M'Donnell na Contey: Pentioners.—Barath alias Balrodagh. These are all Captens over Companies and did depart from the County of Corke.

A Note of such as went out of Desmond into Spayne and the Low Countryes

Donell O'Sulyvane alias O'Solyvan, Beere.

Teige O Donughue alias O Donughue More.

Donell Mc Moragh, Mc Sweeny.

Donogh Mc Owen Mc Sweeny.

Turlagh Mc Owen Mc Sweeny.

Owen Mc Melmury Mc Sweeny.

Bryan Mc Hugh Mc Sweeny.

[gap: extent: one word] Mc Donell Mc Sweeny.

Donogh Mc Fynyne.

Cormock Mc Fynyne.

Melmore Mc Teigh Mergagh and his three sonnes.

Morris Moragh O Connell.

John O Falvey.

Dermott Mc Donagh Mc Cartye, Florence Mc Cartye; Sons of Daniell Mc Carttye' brother.

Donell Mc Dermod Mc Teig.

Dermod O'Hullagbane, Corcke O'Falvey, Bellagh Duffes 3 sons, John Mc Teige Mergago: Souldiers.


A Note of such as went out of Kerry

James Fitz-Garret from Bally Mc Adam, Solman Mc Davy Duff, Donelloge Mc Donell, Sir William Barrick, Sir Richard Fitz-Harris, Sir John O'Quitly brother to the Chauntor of Fearnes: Pentioners.

A Note of the Romish Priests that are maintayned in the English Baronyes nere Wexford

Sir John Peirse at Carne.

Sir John Sinnott a fryer.

Sir William Hampton neere Moyglass, besides many others in the Countrey.
The names of their maintayners, viz.
William Rosseter of Wexford and Susanna his wife.

Paul Furlong of Wexford, Vyntner.

The place of most publicke note whereunto the Priests doe resort to Masse in Dublin be theese, viz.
The Baker's hall in the College joyninge to St. Audoun's chancell.

A backroom of: Brownes by Newgate; Mr Plunkets, in the Bridg strete; Nicholas Queitrots, in the High streete; Caryes, in the High streete; Widow O Hagens, in the High streete.

Shelton's house beyond the bridge at the corner of hangman lane soe called.

A Note of divers priestes and fryers who are for the most part in and neare the borders of Westmeath

Owen Groome Magrath, Gardian of the fryers of Multyfernam where he liveth.

Morris Ultagh a franciscan fryer, who was beyond the Seas and in Tyrone's companie and came lately from thence and lives neaer for most part at Multyfarnan, where there are eight or nine fryers more. There was a warrant out from the L. Deputy for his apprehension, whereof he having notice, he made meanes to Sir Christopher Nugent, knt. whoe is the principall countenance of the said fryers of Multyfarnnan, that he might have a word of safe comminge, and goinge to and from the lord Deputy, which he had accordingly.

Thomas Gitz-Garret, a franciscan fryer, that uset the moste in Munster.

John Fitz-Davy, a priest for the most part in Munster.

Rowland Bourke, a titulary bishop in Connaught.

One Father Owen, a seminary priest of Connaught likewise.

Henry Duff O Mulkreran, a priest for the most part resident in Connaught.


Paul Raggett. Father Nugent. Christopher Hollywood: These three do for the most part reside in the pale in the province of Leynster.

Edmond O'Mullkerty, a fryar whoe came lately from Rome, and preacheth very seditiously in the north.

Tyrloch Mc Creden, a franciscan fryer, lately came from beyond the seas, and is resident in the North, and hath divers, unlawful meetings, and assemblies upon hills, in severall counties, where he hath preached, and divers other priests, have been in his company saying mass unto great numbers of the natives, whoe have beene assembled together.

Patrick Duff, a priest that lived long with Tyrone, after his beinge beyond the seas, and came not longe since over into this kingdome, and lives about the lord of Slaine's lands.

There is one Davy Roche, a most seditious instrument, who was sente from Rome, since Tyrone's abode there. He takes upon him the name and authoritye of Protonotarius Apostolicus, to have and determyne all Ecclesiastical business for the kingdome of Irelande, and hath beene in the North since his arrivall, but is nowe for the most parte in Munster.

Edward Orpy priest. Christopher Barnewall priest: These two priests use about Leynster, and are upon bonds, to come before the Lord Deputie when they are called for.

A Note of divers other priests and fryers, that live about Ross, the borders of West Meath, and
[gap: extent: one word]

James Plunkett.

Bryan O'Conelan.

Bryan O'Molely.

Hugh O'Domoghlan.

Rowry O'Choneghtyn.

Henry M'Bradye.

Philip O'Ferall.

Edmund Brady, fryer.

[gap: extent: two words] a young fryer lately come from Rome.

Francis O Mullaghlan priest provinciall of his order.

Henry Plunkett, priest.

James Plunkett, [gap: extent: one word] Browne: Archpriests.

A Note of other seditious priests, &c.

Owen O'Gallahar, priest.

Conhore O'Donan priest, usuall with my Lord of Upper Ossory.

Sir Richard O'Conell, vicar Generall priest, usuall in Desmond.

[gap: extent: one word] Byrd, priest, usuall about Dublin.

A Note of sundry persons borne in the realme of Irelande, and departed into sundry places beyond the seas

In Collen, Germany
Luke Bath and Humphry Warren, capouchin fryers, and Henry Warren student.

In Spaine, Salamandia William Bath, Jesuite.

In Spaine, in the court of Madrid, John Bath Knight of Malta, as is reported.

[Copea vera.]

We have been favoured with the following, from James Hardiman Esq. which proves the authenticity of the foregoing interesting history beyond a doubt.—Ed.
My dear Sir,

I have lately found in the manuscript library Trinity College, E .iii. 8, a transcript of the paper which I gave you. It is there headed Parish Priests of Ireland and Gentlemen gone abroad— and contains the following memorandum in the writing of Archbishop Ussher; ‘Presented to the Counsell of Spayne, circa an. 1618, by Florence (Conry,) the pretended Archbishop of Tuam, and thought to be penned by Philip O'Sullivan Bear.’

Notice the above, please, and believe me, truly yours,

James Hardiman

To W.J. Battersby, Esq.