Tomás Ó Ruadháin, bishop of Luighne, rested.
Ó Tórmaigh, bishop of Conmhaicne, rested.
The first of January on Friday and the twelfth day of the moon.
Donnchadh Uaithneach son of Aodh son of Ruaidhrí [Ó Conchobhair] was killed by Tadhg son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair].
Donnchadh son of Duarcán Ó hEaghra, king of Luighne, was captured by Tadhg son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg, and when he was being taken into captivity the sons of Aodh Ó hEaghra killed him on the way.
Maol Ruanaidh son of Donnchadh Ó Dubhda was killed by Maol Sheachlainn son of Conchobhar Ruadh son of Muircheartach Ó Conchobhair and Tighearnán son of Cathal Ó Conchobhair.
Castles were built in Muinntear Mhurchadha, in Conmhaicne Cúile, and in Ceara.
Ruaidhrí son of Aodh Ó Flaithbheartaigh was captured by Galls.
The round tower of Eanach Dúin was built.
A great hosting by the Galls of Ireland against Mac Lochlainn, and he was banished from his country and his kingship, which was taken by Ó Neill's son.
The bishop, i.e. the archbishop Ó Ruanadha, died.
The first of January on Saturday and the twenty-third day of the moon.
Muircheartach son of Domhnall Ó Briain died this year.
Toirdhealbhach son of Ruaidhrí Ó Conchobhair, king of Connacht, died.
The battle of Carn tSiadhail was fought by Domhnall Mac Lochlainn, and in it Domnall Tamhnaighe Ó Néill, Mac Mathghamhna, nobles of Cinéal Moáin, and a number of others were killed. He had been deposed the year before, and he took the same kingship again after that great defeat which he inflicted.
The first of January on Sunday; fourth day of the moon.
Aodh son of Giolla na Naomh Crom Ó Seachnasaigh was killed by Conchobhar son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair] and by Fiachra Ó Floinn.
Feidhlimidh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair], king of Connacht, went across to the king of England, and the journey resulted in great honour to him.
Cormac son of Tomaltach [Mac Diarmada] was deposed.
Fearghal son of Cú Chonnacht Ó Raighilligh was killed by Maol Ruanaidh son of Fearghal [Mac Diarmada] and Conchobhar son of Cormac [Mac Diarmada].
Donnchadh son of Muircheartach [Ó Conchobhair] took the kingship of Carraig [Locha Cé].
Giolla na Naomh Ó Dreáin, erenagh of Ard Carna, died.
Sadhbh, daughter of Ó Cinnéidigh, wife of Donnchadh Cairbreach Ó Briain, died.
The first of January on Tuesday and the fifteenth day of the moon.
Domhnall Mac Lochlainn, king of Cinéal Eóghain, was killed with his kinsmen by Brian Ó Néill in the battle of Caméirghe.
Domhnall Mór Ó Domhnaill, king of Cinéal Conaill and Fir Mhanach, died in bed after a victory over the devil and the world, and was buried in the monastery of Eas Ruaidh.
Murchadh Ó Flaithbheartaigh, bishop of Eanach Dúin, died.
Diarmaid son of Maghnus son of Toirdhealbhach [Ó Conchobhair], a man celebrated for hospitality and valour, died.
Tadhg son of Ruaidhrí Ó Gadhra died.
The first of January on Wednesday and the twenty-sixth day of the moon.
Donnchadh Cairbreach Ó Briain, king of Thomond, and his son, Toirdhealbhach, died side by side.
An tAthchléireach [i.e. The Ex-Cleric] son of Aodh son of Ruaidhrí [Ó Conchobhair] was killed by Toirdhealbhach son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair].
Brian Ó Dubhda, king of Uí Fhiachrach [Muaidhe] and Uí Amhalghadha, died.
A great hosting by the Justiciar and Feidhlimidh Ó Conchobhair into Tír Chonaill in pursuit of Tadhg Ó Conchobhair, and they took Ó Domhnaill's hostages on that occasion.
Tadhg Ó Conchobhair was captured this year at the instigation of Feidhhmidh [Ó Conchobhair] by Cú Chonnacht Ó Raighilligh.
Maghnus Ó Muireadhaigh was killed by Tomás Mac Murchadha.
Niall son of Domhnall Múrach son of Ruaidhrí Ó Conchobhair was burned, together with three of the Uí Sheachnasaigh, in a house in Magh Eó na Saxan by Lewis, one of Mac Muiris [Fitzgerald]'s people.
Toirdhealbhach son of Donnchadh Cairbreach [Ó Briain] died.
The first of January on Thursday and the seventh day of the moon.
Tadhg son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair] captured Cormac son of Tomaltach [Ó Raighilligh] and brought his own mother, who was the wife of Cormac son of Tomaltach L. and the daughter of Mac Carthaigh, with him into the monastery of Boyle, and gave her in marriage to Cú Chonnacht Ó Raighilligh.
Tadhg went again to meet Cú Chonnacht with a small party. He was captured treacherously and his people slain, and Tadhg himself was blinded at the instigation of Gall and Gael by Cú Chonnacht Ó Raighilligh.
A great hosting by the king of England against the king of France. A summons calling up the Galls of Ireland came from the king, and Richard son of William de Burgo was to be sent over, and Richard perished on that expedition.
Ruaidhrí son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair] was drowned on the Shannon at Áth Liag.
Conchobhar son of Aodh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair], a man eligible for the kingship of Connacht, died.
The first of January on Friday and the eighteenth day of the moon.
A hosting by Feidhlimidh son of Cathal Croibhdhearg [Ó Conchobhair] into Bréifne to avenge his foster-son and kinsman, Tadhg Ó Conchobhair, on the Uí Raighilligh and the men of Bréifne. They plundered and killed all the cows and people they met, until they reached Áth na Cuire on the Geirgtheach at Loch Fionnmhuighe ; and the river was in a rough flood (?). There was a gabled house on the bank, and Maghnus son of Muircheartach [Ó Conchobhair] and Conchobhar son of Cormac [Mac Diarmada] went into the house. A gust of wind came and the house fell, a gable falling on top of the son of Muirchertach, breaking his head and neck, and killing him; and many a desperate situation had he come out of before he perished thus.
Donnchadh Ó Dálaigh, a man renowned for poetry and for a guest-house, died.
Donnchadh son of Fínghin son of Maol Seachlainn son of Aodh son of Toirdhealbhach Ó Conchobhair, bishop of Síol Muireadhaigh [i.e. of Elphin], died.
Tuam was burned this year, including houses and churches.
Cormac son of Tomaltach Mac Diarmada of Clann Mhaoil Ruanaidh, king of Magh Luirg, Airteach, Tír Thuathail, and many of the Fortuatha Connacht, died this year.
Fearghal Mac Adáin was treacherously killed by Conchobhar Mac Tighearnáin in Inis Fraoich on Loch Gile.
The first of January on Sunday and the twenty-ninth day of the moon.
Muircheartach son of Muirgheas son of Cathal Mac Diarmada of Clann Mhaoil Ruanaidh was killed by the men of Bréifne.
Conchobhar Ruadh son of Muircheartach Muimhneach [Ó Conchobhair] was killed when separating his own people in Port na Lice. He was killed by Ó Tiomaith, his own steward, in consequence of an altercation, and Giolla Criost Ó Birn, son of Íomhar, killed the steward afterwards.
The castle of Sligo was built by Mac Muiris [FitzGerald] this year, and Feidhlimidh [Ó Conchobhair] was ordered to build it at his own expense.
The first of January on Monday and the tenth day of the moon.
Fiachra Ó Floinn, chieftain of Síol Maoil Ruanaidh, died.
Letters from the king of England to Feidhlimidh Ó Conchobhair and the Galls reached Ireland, bidding them to go to meet the king of England in Wales, in order that he might take the kingship of Wales by consent or by force, and Feidhlimidh was offered lordship by the Galls of Ireland in return. Feidhlimidh and the Galls made this great hosting, and arrived in Wales to meet the king, and they ravaged the country. Feidhlimid was treated with great honour by the king of England, and he returned home from the king gratified. Cearbhall Buidhe Ó Dálaigh rested.