A.D. 1184. Ruaidhrí Ó Conchobhair, king of Connacht and of Ireland for a time, renounced the world and went to ... on a pilgrimage. Conchobhar Maonmhuighe, son of that Ruaidhrí, took the kingship of Connacht.
A hosting by Murchadh Ó Cearbhaill, king of Oirghialla, and Hugo de Lacey, lord of the Galls of Ireland, and they were three nights at Armagh encamped against Tríocha Céad Oiridh and the north of Fearnmhagh.
A.D. 1185. Art Ó Maoil Sheachlainn, king of Midhe, was killed by Diarmaid son of Toirdhealbhach Ó Briain.
A castle [built] at Ceall Áir in Iarthar Midhe by Hugo de Lacy.
Englishmen on Lough Erne with Flaithbheartach Ó Maoil Doraidh ..., and the territories of the lake around were laid waste and plundered by them.
A.D. 1192. Great slaughter of the Galls by Domhnall Ó Briain in a battle at Thurles.
Numerous castles [were built] by the Galls in Munster, and there were frequent forays in Thomond.
Mathghamhain son of Muireadhach Ó Muircheartaigh was killed by the Uí Eachach.
Fínghin Lice Lachtáin son of Mac Carthaigh left the Church for the laity, without the advice of monks or clergy.
Conchobhar son of Maghnus Mac Duinn Shléibhe, king of Ulaidh, was killed at Armagh by Ardghal Ó hAnluain, king of Uí Nialláin.
The castle of Brí Uis was built by the Galls, with the consent of Ó Briain, if the general report be true, as a check on Domhnall son of Mac Carthaigh.
Cathal Odhar son of Ceallachán son of Mac Carthaigh was treacherously killed by Domhnall Mór son of Diarmaid Cille Baghdhun son of Cormac Muighe Thamhnach son of Muireadhach Mac Carthaigh.
Cú Midhe Ó Floirin, king of Uí Thuirtre and Fir Lí, was treacherously killed by the followers of John de Courcy, in Aointreabh.
Fínghin son of Mac Carthaigh turned against his own brother and took him prisoner.
Domhnall Mór son of Toirdhealbhach son of Diarmaid son of Toirdhealbhach son of Tadhg son of Brian Bóramha died this year. Muircheartach, his son, took the kingship of Thomond.
Muircheartach son of Domhnall Mór Ó Briain was treacherously taken prisoner by the Galls and blinded by them.
Tadhg son of Mathgharnhain Ó Briain was treacherously killed by the Galls at Cashel, despite the protection of the legate and Patrick.
Giolla Ailbhe Ó Caoimh and his kinsman were treacherously killed by the Galls, with the approval of Mac Carthaigh's son.
A.D. 1195. Cathal Croibhdhearg Ó Conchobhair, king of Connacht, came to Munster and demolished many of the castles of the Galls there, and everybody thought that the Galls of Munster would be destroyed by himself, Síol Briain, and Clann Charthaigh.
The churches of Tír Eóghain were plundered and laid waste by Ruaidhrí Mac Duinn Shléibhe, king of Ulaidh. The churches of Domhnach Mór, the refectory of Cruimthear Coluim, the church of Doire Loráin, and Tearmann Comáin were plundered, and the church of Díseart Dá Chríoch was burned.
A.D. 1196. Donnchadh Ó Donnagáin was killed by Donnchadh Cairbreach Ó Briain, with the assent of Fínghin son of Mac Carthaigh.
Conchobhar Ruadh son of Domhnall Mór Ó Briain captured Donnchadh Cairbreach son of Domhnall Mór, and robbed Mac Con Ó hEidirsgeóil; and Giolla na bhFlann Ó Súilleabháin died.
A prey [taken] by Domhnall son of Diarmaid Cille Badhuna [Mac Carthaigh] from the castle of Ceall Fiacla, and eight Galls were killed there, and two of their nobles were taken by him as hostages. He demolished castles in Uí Mac Caille, and put people to death.
A hosting by the Galls of Munster and Cork, and they sent marauders throughout Féardhruim, and killed Corc Ó Muircheartaigh, and Giolla Mucuille Ó Céadfadha, and the son of Buadhach Ó Súilleabháin, and many others. Slaughter was inflicted on the Galls as they were returning to Cork.
A hosting by Cathal Croibhdhearg Ó Conchobhair and the nobles of Munster came to destroy Cork, but Domhnall son of Mac Carthaigh prevented them, after he had handed over the town on his own conditions to the Galls.
Louth was plundered and burned, together with its castle, by Niall Mac Mathghamhna and John de Courcy.
Defeat and slaughter [were inflicted] by Cinéal Eóghain and the Oirthir on Ruaidhrí Mac Duinn Shléibhe, king of Ulaidh, near Armagh.
Muircheartach Ó Lochlainn, king of Cinéal Eóghain, was treacherously killed by Conchobhar Ó Cathain and the Cinéal Eóghain themselves, in violation of the security of Patrick and his saints, the Three Shrines, the Canóin, and Clog an Udhachta.
A.D. 1197. Conchobhar Ruadh Ó Briain turned against Donnchadh Cairbreach, his own kinsman, and brought Galls with him to Thomond, which they plundered, both church and lay property. They killed Cú Meadha Mac Con Mara, Conchobhar Ó Cuinn, and many others.
A hosting by the Galls to Durrus, but they did no harm there other than the burning of churches, and they turned back.
Conchobhar Ó Cathain, king of Fir na Craoibhe and Cianachta, fell by the power of Patrick together with his saints and relics, inretribution for the violation of his security.
Flaithbheartach Ó Maoil Doraidh, king of Cinéal Conaill, Cinéal Eóghain and the territories as far as Eas Dara and Loch Gile in the north of Bréifne, died after he had renounced the world.
A hosting by John de Courcy past Tuaim into Tír Eóghain to Ard Sratha, Magh Nidh, Ráith Both, and Derry. A battle between him and Cinéal Conaill at Cnoc na Sgam, in which slaughter was inflicted on them, and Eachmharcach Ó Dochartaigh, their king, was killed. John plundered well-nigh all Inis Eóghain, and returned in triumph.
A.D. 1198. Ruaidhrí son of Toirdhealbhach son of Ruaidhrí [Ó Conchobhair], king of Connacht, who had the kingship of Ireland for a time, died on a pilgrimage at Cunga, having renounced the world.
A castle [was built] by the Galls at Ard Pádraig.
Muircheartach son of Domhnall Mór Ó Briain was banished by his kinsman, Conchobhar Ruadh son of Domhnall Mór, out of Thomond, and he himself took the kingship in Thomond after him.
1. A.D. 1199. Richard, king of England, died, and John, his brother, took the kingship of England.
Richard Carew, a noble baron, died at Cork.
A great war was made by the Galls on the Gaels, in which the territory froze the Shannon to Féardhruim was laid waste.
A castle [was built] by the Galls at Eas Geibhtine.