Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Annála Connacht (Author: [unknown])

Annal 1417


1417 First of January on Friday and the fourteenth day of the moon, MCCCXVII. Twelfth year of the Lunar Cycle; tenth year of the Indiction; ninth year of the Solar Cycle. Common year. C.


Ruaidri son of Domnall O Dubda, king of Tireragh, well of prosperity and riches for all Ireland, one who never met any man's plea for food or clothing with a denial, rested in Christ


after anointing and after a repentance adequate in the sight of God and of the Catholic Church and after partaking the Body and Blood, in his own stronghold just at the beginning of Spring. Tadc Riabach his brother succeeded him.


Diarmait Red-hand son of Art Caemanach, son of the [late] king of Leinster, died.


Ruaidri son of Murchad O Flaithbertaig and Ruaidri son of Diarmait Dub O Flaithbertaig and sixteen other Ui Flaithbertaig with them were drowned in Clew Bay this year.


Tomas son of Mac Muiris of Kerry was killed by Seamus son of the Earl of Desmond.


Seaan son of Walter Burke's son was killed by the Archbishop of Cashel's men.


War broke out between Murchad son of Cormac Mac Donnchada and Tomaltach Oc son of Tomaltach Mor Mac Donnchada about the tanistship of Tirerrill, in which war Matha son of Taichlech was killed.


Matha son of Cu Chonnacht O Fergail, lord of Mag Trega, died this year.


Cormac Ballach son of Fergal son of Cu Chonnacht O Fergail was killed by the Galls.


Fore was burned by O Fergail and the Clann Seain this year.


Catirfina daughter of Cathal O Ruairc, wife of Toirrdelbach Mac Domnaill Galloclach, died on the Friday before the first Passion Sunday and was buried at Roscommon.


Furnival took a great prey from the sons of Tomas O Fergail.


Maelsechlainn son of Cormac Mac Diarmata Ruad died.


Ragnailt daughter of Dondchad O Birn, wife of Diarmait Mac Diarmata at first, [then] of William son of Walter son of Sir David Burke, and [then] of Cumscrach Mag Ragnaill, died on the Saturday before the first Passion Sunday and was buried at Roscommon.


Piers son of James son of Edmund Butler, who would have been Earl of Ormond, was killed on the night of Shrove Tuesday, in the house of Donnchad Oirech Mac Gilla Patraic in Ossory, by Donnchad's blacksmith while they were dancing. He was afterwards buried in the monastery of Cuil.


Graine daughter of Fergal Mac Diarmata, wife of O Conchobair Ruad and of Mag Ragnaill Dub, died on the seventeenth of July by the day of the month, a Saturday by the day of the week.



Conchobair of Mucenach, son of Donnchad O Birn, died on the sixth of June by the day of the month, but on Saturday by the day of the week.


The sons of Domnall son of Muirchertach [O Conchobair], namely Eogan and Toirrdelbach Carrach, carried off the cattle of the sons of Muirchertach Baccach O Conchobair, in pledge for the lordship of Brian. Hostages were taken and restoration made to the sons of Muirchertach afterwards.


Lissardowlin Castle outside the bawn was burned.