Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Annals of the Four Masters (Author: [unknown])

Annal M1463


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1463. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-three.


Gilchreest Mac Edigen, Vicar of St. Patrick's Church at Elphin, and a Canon Chorister, died.


Conor, the son of Cathal Roe Mac Rannall, Lord of Clann-Bibsaigh, died.


James, son of Garrett, Earl of Desmond, died.


Dermot More, son of Dermot O'Conor, was slain by the sons of Teige O'Conor at Eas-Da-Conna, on the River Boyle.


Cuilen O'Dempsy was slain by the English.


Cormac Ballagh, the son of Conor Mac Donough, and son of a chieftain, the most illustrious for hospitality and prowess, and the most profoundly skilled in every science of all the Irish of Lower Connaught in his time died, after the victory of Unction and Penance.


William Burke, the son of Richard, marched to attack the castle of Muilenn-Adam, in revenge of the loss of his eye. He was pursued to the borders of Ballymote, where he turned round on his pursuers, and killed fifteen of them, with the son of Manus, son of Dermot Mac Donough, and with the sons of O'Neill, who had some time before put his eye out at that castle.


The son of Main Barrett, Lord of Tirawley, and Siacus Cam, the son of Farrell, Lord of the Clann-Auliffe O'Farrell, died.



Grainne, the daughter of Teige O'Rourke, and wife of Mac Donough, died.


Teige, the son of Donnell More Mac Donough, Lord of half the territory of Tirerrill, died.


Henry, the son of Felim O'Reilly, was slain by Thomas, son of Donough Oge Maguire.


Hugh, the son of Gillapatrick Maguire, died.


The King of England sent presents to O'Neill, Henry, the son of Owen, i.e. forty-eight yards of scarlet, a chain of gold, &c.


O'Neill gave wages to Teige, son of Turlough O'Brien, Lord of Thomond.

Annal M1464


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1464. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-four.


Fearsithe Mac Duibhne, Bishop of the two Breifnys Kilmore, died.


Dermot Mac Murchadhain, a worthy priest, died.



Teige O'Conor died on the Saturday before the first Festival of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was interred with honour at Roscommon, among the descendants of Cathal Crovderg from the East and West, and the other septs of Sil-Murray


Kedagh O'More, Lord of Leix, died of the plague.


Donnell O'Rourke; John, son of the Official, son of Murtough Oge O'Farrel; Melaghlin, the son of Brien, son of Murtough Oge O'Farrell, and his wife More, daughter of James O'Kennedy; and wife of Mageoghegan, with her daughter; and Murtough, the son of John O'Duigennan, all died of the same plague.


Murtough, the son of Art O'Melaghlin, and his wife, daughter of O'Coffey, and three others besides, died in one day from having seen a horse that had perished of the same spasms.


Redmond, son of Prior, who was son of Loughlin O'Farrell, died of the plague.


Donnell Cam, the son of Conor Mac Donough, died.


Mac Dermot Roe, i.e. Dermot, the son of Melaghlin; Cathal Bacagh, son of Cormac of Formaoil; and Beanmumhan, the daughter of O'Flanagan, died.


Con, the son of Niall Garv O'Donnell, and Aengus, son of Niall O'Donnell were slain by Egneghan, the son of Naghtan O'Donnell, at Findruim, on the 8th day of May.


A plundering army was led by O'Neill and the sons of Naghtan O'Donnell into Tirconnell, after the killing of Con O'Donnell; and they burned the country as far as Ballyshannon, and seized upon many horses and cows. This, however, did not pass unrevenged, and for what they carried off they left a dear price behind them, for Brian, the son of Conor Oge, son of Conor Roe Maguire, one eminent for hospitality and prowess, and who had kept a house of general hospitality, was slain together with twenty-eight of the army.



Breasal, the son of Donough O'Kelly, and Melaghlin, the son of William O'Kelly, who were in contest with each other for the lordship of Hy-Many, both died within the one week, at the end of April. When Melaghlin's servant came to see Breasal in his last sickness, Breasal said, ‘I shall meet Melaghlin in the presence of the Lord of us both at the end of a week;’ and both did attend that meeting.


A great war broke out between the sons of William O'Kelly and the sons of Donough O'Kelly, after the death of Melaghlin.


Mac Richard Butler, the most illustrious and renowned of the English of Ireland in his time, died.


Ir, the son of Cathal Roe Mac Rannall, Tanist of his own territory, and worthy to become lord of it for his clemency and veracity, died, a week before Michaelmas; and in the same week Ir, the son of William Mac Rannall, was slain by Gilla-Glas Dillon, while he was with his mother's brother, William Dalton.


Donnell, the son of Murtough Bacagh O'Conor, Lord of Carbury-Drumcliff; with his kinsmen, except a few, was slain by the sons of Owen O'Conor; and Rory, the son of Brian O'Conor, was made lord in his i.e. Donnell's place.



Felim, son of Donough, who was son of Tiernan Oge O'Rourke, was taken prisoner by O'Rourke; and Hugh, son of Teige O'Rourke, was taken prisoner by Tiernan Oge, son of Donough, in revenge of him Felim.


Tomaltach O'Gara was slain, in a nocturnal attack on Sliabh Lugha, by Maurice, the son of Cormac Mac Dermot Gall, and Edmond-an-Mhachaire Mac Costello.


Loughlin, the son of Maoilin O'Mulconry, died, after a long sickness, and after the victory of penance, and was interred at Elphin.


Loughlin, son of Feirceirtne O'Higgin, died.


Thomas Greannach and Donnell, two sons of Don Maguire, were slain by their brother, Rory Glas.


A sudden predatory excursion was made by the sons of O'Kelly, i.e. by Colla, Prior of Teach-Eoin, and Rory O'Conor, at the instigation of Brian O'Breen of Brawny, and of the sons of Ross, the son of Murtough Midheach O'Farrell; but both met the fate they deserved for what they had done, for both were slain, together with sixteen of their people.


Brian O'Breen, with ten of his people, and ten others of the inhabitants of Caladh, under the conduct of William, son of Donough, son of the Prior O'Farrell, were slain by Magawly.


O'Donnell, Mac William Burke, and many of the Irish and English of Ireland, repaired to Dublin to meet Thomas, Earl of Desmond, at that time Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, and entered into a league of friendship and fealty with him.


Tir-Tuathail was plundered by Hugh Mac Dermot, Lord of Moylurg. Mac


Dermot Gall and the nobles of Tir-Tuathail set out in order to prevent him from carrying off the prey; and they gave hostages to Hugh, for they had continued tributary to the Mac Donough from the death of Tomaltach Mac Dermot until that time.


Nine of the Lord Justice's people were slain in Fingal, at the instigation of the Bishop of Meath; and, thereupon, the Chief Justice, the Bishop, and Preston, went over to the King of England's palace to make complaints against one another.


Thomas, Earl of Desmond, returned from the King of England, having been appointed the King's Deputy, and bringing great presents from the King.


Felim O'Rourke and Hugh were set at liberty on both sides, and a peace was concluded in Breifny.


William, the son of Maine, son of Hugh, Lord of the descendants of Conor Mac Branan, died.


Donnell Cam, son of Conor Mac Donough, died.


A Franciscan monastery was founded at Ath-dara, in Munster, in the diocese of Limerick, on the banks of the River Maigh, by Thomas, Earl of Kildare, and his wife Joan, daughter of James, Earl of Desmond, who erected a tomb for themselves in it.


Annal M1465


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1465. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-five.


Thomas, the son of Maurice, son of Matthew, Abbot of Lisgool, died.


Gormlaith Kavanagh, the daughter of Mac Murrough, King of Leinster, and wife of O'Neill, died.


Hugh, the son of Conor Mac Dermot, Lord of Moylurg, died; and Conor Oge, the son of Conor Mac Dermot, was appointed in his place by the suffrages of the descendants of Hugh Mac Dermot, both clergy and laity, excepting only the sons of Rory Mac Dermot, who, however, suffered for their opposition; for they appointed a day to meet on Carn Fraoich, O'Conor Don, Donough O'Kelly, and the sons of Rory, on the one side, and Mac Dermot and his adherents on the other; and a battle ensued between them, in which Dermot, the son of Rory Mac Dermot, was slain, a great cause of sorrow in his territory. Teige, the son of Rory Boy, was taken prisoner, and O'Conor Don defeated.


John Duv, the son of Donough, son of Hugh Maguire, was slain by John, the son of Philip Maguire.


John, the son of Alexander, son of John More Mac Donnell, was slain by Con, the son of Hugh Boy O'Neill.


Melaghlin O'Beirne, Chief of Tir-Briuin-na-Sinna, and his young son, the


Gilla-Duv (Melaghlin was his real name), were slain and burned by their own kinsmen and tribe, on the Sunday before Allhallowtide; and Melaghlin's other son, Carbry O'Beirne, was killed by one discharge of an arrow at Bearnach Balbh, by the same people, in the same month.


Mac Consnava and his son were treacherously slain by O'Rourke and his sons, who then settled in his country.


Hugh, the son of Teige O'Rourke, died.


Cormac Mac Dermot Gall, Lord of Airtech, died.


Hugh, son of Naghtan O'Donnell, died.


The monastery of Cill-Credhe in Munster, in the diocese of Cork, was founded for Franciscan Friars by the Mac Carthys; and they erected an honourable tomb in it for the interment therein of their gentlemen and chieftains.


Annal M1466


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1466. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-six.


Brian, the son of Gillapatrick Maguire, Abbot of Lisgool, and Donnell O'Leannain, a Canon of the family of Lisgool, died.


Felim, the son of Brian Mac Mahon, Lord of Oriel, died.


Brian, the son of Auliffe Maguire, the chief of his own tribe, and Lord of Clann-Awley, died.


Aine, the daughter of Mageoghegan, and wife of Maguire, died.


Conor, son of O'Conor Roe, died.


Brian Duv, the son of Teige O'Conor, died on the 15th day of March.


Richard, the son of Edmond Tyrrell, and Thomas Gillda, the son of Edmond Tyrrell, died.


William, son of Walter Burke, and William Burke, son of John, the son of Mac Walter, died.


O'Duigennan of Kilronan (Farrell) and Maurice the Canon, son of Conaing, the Canon O'Mulconry, and Conor, the son of Teige Mac Branan, died.


Owny, the son of Farrell O'Reilly, died.


Donough, the son of Murtough O'Daly, died.


Hugh, son of Owen O'Neill, gained a great victory over the English of Machaire Oirghiall.


An army was led by the English of Meath and Leinster into Offaly. O'Conor


Faly, i.e. Con, the son of Calvagh, assembled his forces to oppose them; and, first of all, he slew John Mac Thomas, the best and most illustrious captain of the English, whose death was an omen of ill success to the English, for the Earl and his English were defeated next day, and the Earl himself was taken prisoner, and stripped of his arms and armour. Teige O'Conor conveyed the Earl, his own brother-in-law, and a great part of his army along with him, to Castle-Carbury. Christopher Plunket, and the Prior of the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Trim, William Oge Nugent, Barnwall, and many others along with them; but the English of Dublin came and carried off all that had, after this defeat, been sent unto the castle of Carbury, in despite of their enemies. After this, marauding parties from Offaly were in the practice of going northwards as far as Tara, and southwards as far as Naas; and the inhabitants of Breifny and Oriel continued for some time afterwards to devastate Meath in all directions, without opposition or pursuit.


Teige O'Brien, Lord of Thomond, marched with a great army across the Shannon in the Summer of this year, and plundered the Irish of Desmond and West Munster. The English of Leinster gave him his demands. He then returned to his house. This O'Brien, after having possessed himself of the territory of Clann-William and the county of Limerick, both of which the Earl made over to him as a condition of obtaining peace from him for himself and


his country, and after having obtained a perpetual tribute of sixty marks yearly from the inhabitants of Limerick, died of a disease at his own house; and Conor, the son of Turlough O'Brien, was installed in his place.


Rickard, the son of Mac William Burke, i.e. the son of Richard Oge, Tanist of Clanrickard, died.


O'Dowda and his son were treacherously slain by the sons of Mulrony, the son of Rory O'Dowda.


The English of Meath gained a great victory over Mac Mahon, in a battle in which many were slain, and Hugh Oge Mac Mahon and Mac Donnell of Clann-Kelly taken prisoners.


Owen and Hugh Duv, two sons of Rory, the son of Cathal Duv O'Conor, and Teige, the son of Brian, son of Cathal, were slain by Dermot, the son of Teige O'Conor, and the sons of Dermot Roe, son of Teige O'Conor, on Easter Monday, on the moor of Leitrim.


Melaghlin and John, two sons of Owen Mac Dermot Roe, died within one fortnight.


Owen, the son of John Mac Donough, and Murtough, son of Cuconnaught O'Daly, died.


The monastery of Trinity Island in Lough Key, and the image of the Trinity there, were burned by a candle.


Annal M1467


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1467. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-seven.


James O'Farrell, Abbot of Leath-ratha Abbeylara, a charitable and truly hospitable doctor, died.


Niall, son of Mahon Magrath, Official of Lough Erne, and Parson of Inis-Caoin, died.


Owen, the son of Rury Mac Mahon, Lord of Oriel, died; and Redmond, the son of Rury, assumed the lordship after him.


Turlough Roe, the son of O'Neill (Henry), died.


O'Reilly, i.e. Cathal, son of Owen, died.


Mac Cathmhaoil, Owen, died.


Hugh, son of Brian O'Kelly, Lord of Hy-Maine, died, and was interred at Athlone; and Hugh-na-Coille, the son of William O'Kelly, assumed his place.


Donnell Boy O'Farrell, Chief of Annaly and Laoighseach, the son of Ross, son of Conor, son of Cathal O'Farrell, died. Irial O'Farrell was installed in his place; and John took the place of Irial.


Hugh Duv, son of Donough, who was son of Brian Ballagh, Teige, his brother, Teige, the son of Brian, and Hugh Roe, the son of Dermot More, son of Dermot O'Conor, were slain in a nocturnal assault by Dermot O'Conor, the sons of Dermot Roe, son of Teige O'Conor, and Cathal, the son of Rory Oge O'Conor.


Colla, the son of Manus Mac Mahon, and eleven of his people, were slain while in pursuit of a prey which the Breifnians were carrying off from him.


David Mac Costello was slain by Thomas Mac Feorais Bermingham.


Donough, son of John, who was son of Melaghlin O'Ferrall, died on his way to Rome.


John, son of Edmond, who was son of Farrell O'Reilly, died.


The son of Mac William of Clanrickard died of a sudden fit of sickness. There is no worldly glory but ends in gloom.



Christopher Plunkett; Pierce, son of Pierce Dalton; James Oge, the son of James Dalton; and the son of Petit of Mullingar, i.e. the Prior of Mullingar, died of the plague.


John, the son of the Dalton, was slain by his own tribe.


Turlough, the son of Cathal O'Conor was slain at Roscommon by the sons of Donnell, son of Manus Cam O'Kelly.


O'Neill (Henry) marched with an army into Oireacht Ui-Chathain O'Kane's territory. It was on this expedition that Philip Maguire, the best man of his country in his time, was slain.


O'Kelly and the sons of William Burke were defeated at CrosMoighe-Croin, by Mac William of Clanrickard, and by the O'Briens. William Caech Burke, the son of Mac William, two sons of O'Kelly, Hugh Boy, son of Turlough Mac Donnell, Constable of their Gallowglasses, and ten of the gentlemen of the Clann-Donnell who were along with him, were slain in the conflict. One hundred and sixty gallowglasses, and numbers of others, were also slain. O'Donnell i.e. Hugh Roe, son of Niall Garv, went to Connaught, to take revenge for this defeat, for Mac William and O'Kelly were his friends and confederates. He forced the Clanrickards to make peace, and then returned home in safety.


The island of Lough Cairrgin was taken from its keepers by O'Conor Don and the grandsons of Felim.


Teige O'Conor, Mageoghegan, and Mac Feorais Bermingham, committed innumerable depredations in the plain of Teffia, and plundered the country from Imper to Baile-mic-William.



The castle of Cuil Maoile (Coloony) was taken by the sons of Cormac Ballagh Mac Donough from the descendants of Cormac Mac Donough.


An English Justiciary arrived in Ireland, and Thomas Earl of Desmond was removed, an occurrence which wrought the ruin of Ireland.

Annal M1468


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1468. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-eight.


Conor O'Melaghlin, Bishop of Elphin, died.


Thomas, Earl of Desmond, the son of James, son of Garrett, who had been Lord Justice of Ireland, the most illustrious of his tribe in Ireland in his time


for his comeliness and stature, for his hospitality and chivalry, his charity and humanity to the poor and the indigent of the Lord, his bounteousness in bestowing jewels and riches on the laity, the clergy, and the poets and his suppression of theft and immorality, went to Drogheda to meet the English Lord Justice, and the other English of Meath. These acted treacherously by him, and, without any crime on his part, they beheaded him; the greater number of the men of Ireland were grieved at the news of it. His body was afterwards conveyed to Traigh-Li, and interred in the burial-place of his predecessors and ancestors with great honour and veneration.


O'Rourke, Tiernan Oge, the son of Teige, worthy Lord of the Hy-Briuin, and of all the race of Aedhe-Finn, died, after having overcome the world and the Devil; and Donnell, the son of Teige O'Rourke, was elected in his place by O'Donnell and his other friends. But the descendants of Tiernan, the son of Tiernan More, son of Ualgarg, unjustly rose up against him Donnell, the son of Tiernan More; and they themselves, and the people of Carbury, and the Clann-Donough, inaugurated Donough Losc, the son of Tiernan More. O'Donnell, when he had heard of this, crossed the Erne with a numerous army, and destroyed Lower Connaught. He seized on great spoils in the east of Tir-Fiachrach of Cuil-Cnamha and Coillte-Luighne, which spoils he afterwards carried home. Mac William Oughter, i.e. Ulick, son of Ulick-an-Fhiona, and O'Conor Don, with the English and Irish forces of both, marched to the relief of Lower Connaught; and they burned the town of O'Rourke. But this was all the good they did; and they returned home without battle or booty.


Rory, the son of Conor Mac Donough, Lord of Tirerrill and of Baile-an-duin, died, after having gained the victory over the world and the Devil.



Turlough, the son of John O'Reilly, was elected to the lordship of Breifny.


O'Kane, i.e. Manus, died.


Cathal Oge, the son of Cathal Roe Mac Rannall, full Chieftain of Muintir-Eolais, died in his own house on the first Sunday in Lent, after the victory of Unction and Penance; and his son, i.e. Teige Mac Rannall, was nominated Chief, but William Mac Rannall was called another chieftain by the descendants of Melaghlin Mac Rannall.


Art, son of Con O'Melaghlin, Lord of Meath, was slain at Cnoc-Ui-Choscraigh, on Easter Tuesday precisely.


O'More and Mac Gillapatrick died of the plague.


Benmumhan, the daughter of Owen O'Conor, and wife of O'Kelly, i.e. Hugh, the son of Brian, died.


Edmond of the Plain Mac Costello was slain by his brother, William Mac Costello.


Conor Boy, the son of Conor Mac Branan, died.


Owney Mageoghegan was killed by one cast of a javelin in the castle of Cnoc-Ui-Chosgraigh Knockycosker..


Rory, the son of Dermot Roe, son of Teige O'Conor, and his wife, the daughter of Carbry O'Conor, died of a short sickness.


Teige Mac Tiernan, a rich and flourishing Brughaidh-Cedach farmer, and his wife Nuala, the daughter of the son of Donough Reagh, i.e. Farrell, died.


Gilla-duv, the son of Cormac Boy Mac Donough, died.


Conor, son of Edmond, who was son of Melaghlin O'Hanly, died on Low Saturday.


Torna O'Mulconry, Ollav of Sil-Murray in history and poetry, died in his own house at Lis-Fearbain, shortly after the festival of St. Patrick, and after the victory of penance, and was interred at Elphin. Erard O'Mulconry assumed the ollavship of Sil-Murray after him.


O'Conor Faly, Con, was taken prisoner by the English.


The castle of Bundrowes, which had been in O'Donnell's possession, was restored by him to the descendants of Murtough Bacagh.


Richard Burke went to Moylurg, and made peace with Mac Dermot; and


both set out to oppose O'Donnell, but before they could arrive at where he was, he had crossed the Erne, so that they did not meet one another on this occasion. Richard returned to Machaire-Chonnacht, and took hostages from the sons of O'Conor Roe; and he made prisoners of the descendants of Felim, because they would not consent to give him hostages.


Clann-Conway was plundered by Edmond, the son of William himself, and by his sons, through pride and arrogance.


Felim Finn O'Conor took great preys from O'Conor Don, and carried them with him into Moylurg. He also took great preys from Hy-Many, and a prey from the descendants of Felim Cleireach, and a prey from Muintir-Beirne, all which he carried off to Kill-Athrachta, to meet Richard Burke and his army; and he kept this army from dispersing for the space of a week, and maintained them solely by his own provisions; and he would have kept them longer, if they had remained with him. Another great prey was carried off by Felim from Ciarruighe-Mic-Keherny; and he slew the grandson of Hugh Caech O'Conor on the same day. Edmond Mac William rose up against him at Imaire-Uarain, with sixty gallowglasses, and sixty retained kerns, and the cavalry of his own territory; many were wounded between them, and Felim was stripped of the prey, and also of his horses.


Much destruction was caused by Garrett, the son of the Earl of Desmond, in Munster and Leinster, in revenge of the death of Thomas, the Earl.


O'Reilly's mansion-seat and the monastery of Cavan were burned by the English and the Saxon, by whom the Earl of Desmond had been beheaded.


A great victory was gained by Con, the son of Hugh Boy O'Neill, over the English of Lecale at Beann-uamha, where Murtough Roe O'Neill, Lord of Clannaboy, was taken prisoner, and Aengus, the son of Alexander Mac Donnell, the son of Robert Savadge, Lord of Lecale, and many others, both English and Irish, were slain.


Great depredations were comitted by Felim Finn and Mac Dermot, Conor, the son of Cormac, in Ballintober; but O'Conor himself, with all his assembled


forces and tribes, overtook them. Rory O'Conor, with all his forces, and a great party of the Clann-Conway, and all the descendants of the son of Felim at this side, rose up to oppose both. The sons of Dermot, son of Rory Mac Dermot, and the sons of Cormac Oge Mac Dermot, who had been encamped at Beola-Coille, also came up with them. Felim, with all his forces, marched in triumph as far as Scor-mor in Clann-Chathail-mic-Murray; and he and Mac Dermot afterwards engaged them with bravery and success, and routed and dispersed them, so that no man of them would give to his neighbour the loan of a rod. Owen, the son of Turlough Dall, son of Turlough Oge O'Conor, and Felim, the son of Turlough Roe, son of Brian Ballagh, and many other nobles, were slain. Felim carried off the spoil, and returned home victorious, and in triumph, leaving his enemies in grief and sorrow.


Donough, the son of Thomas Maguire, made an incursion against Philip, the son of Cuconnaught Maguire, into Tir-Kennedy, and carried off a great prey. Donough's people proceeded with their prey into Clann-Kelly, leaving Donough in the rear, attended only by a few troops. Philip overtook him in the pursuit; but Donough turned upon the son of Cuconnaught (i.e. Philip), and slew him and his son on this occasion.


Rory, the son of Godfrey Roe Maguire, and Melaghlin, the son of Donough, son of Godfrey, died.


A great number of the Clann-Caffry were slain by the sons of Hugh, the son of Philip-na-Tuaighe Maguire; among whom was Mac Caffry himself, i.e. Donough, as also the son of Felim and his brother John, Dermot, son of this John, and three others besides.


Annal M1469


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1469. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred sixty-nine.


John Boy, the son of John More Magrath, Coarb of Termon-Daveog, died; and Dermot, the son of Marcus, son of Maurice Magrath, was made Coarb in his place.


Mac Carthy More, Lord of Desmond, died.


Hugh, the son of William O'Kelly, Lord of Hy-Many, the most eminent in Ireland for hospitality, a man who had never refused the countenance of man was treacherously slain by the descendants of Donough O'Kelly, i.e. the sons of Breasal and Teige, the son of Donough, on Shrove-Tuesday, the second day before the festival of St. Berach; and two O'Kellys were nominated to succeed him, i.e. William, the son of Hugh, son of Brian, and Teige Caech, the son of William O'Kelly.


Richard Oge O'Reilly, Tanist of Breifny, died.


Donnell, the son of Brian, son of Philip, son of Gilla-Duv Maguire, and Gilla-Isa, the son of Cormac, son of Gilla-Isa O'Flanagan, were slain by the sons of Hugh Maguire, and by Muintir-Manchain, at the port of Achadh-Inbhir, on the 9th of the Calends of September.


An incursion was made by the sons of Philip Maguire and the sons of Thomas Oge into Midhbholg, against the sons of Hugh Maguire. They carried off a great prey on this occasion; and Brian Maineach, the son of Donough, son of Hugh Maguire, was slain by them.


Another incursion was made by the sons of the same Philip into Lurg, against the sons of the same Hugh, during which they slew Owen, son of Hugh Maguire, and Flaherty, his son.


Turlough, the son of Cathal Oge, son of Manus Maguire, died.


Teige Dubhshuileach, the son of Magrath Maguire, was slain by the sons of Hugh Maguire.


Margaret, the daughter of Philip, son of Gilla Duv Maguire, and wife of Mac Gillafinnen, Teige, the son of Brian, died.



Mac-an-t-Sabhaoisigh, i.e. Patrick Oge, was taken prisoner by the Whites; and Patrick White, by the aid of O'Neill (Henry) and Mac Quillin, assumed the lordship of Lecale; and they banished all the Savadges who had survived.


O'Gara, i.e. Owen, the son of Tomaltagh Oge, son of Tomaltagh More, Lord of Coolavin, died between the two festivals of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Autumn; and his worthy son, Owen, died soon afterwards of a short illness: and Dermot, his other son, assumed the lordship in his father's place.


Teige, the son of Manus, son of John Mac Branan, Lord of Corco-achlann was treacherously slain by his own brother and his brother's sons, a week after Michaelmas; and his place was taken by two chieftains, namely, Donnell, the son of Cormac, by whom he had been slain, and William, the son of Hugh, grandson of Hugh.


O'Flynn, Lord of Sil-Maelruain, and his brother, were slain by Melaghlin O'Flynn, who afterwards assumed the lordship.


Mac Dowell (Owen, son of another Owen) was treacherously slain in his own house by the sons of Colla Mac Dowell.


Hugh, son of Owney O'Hanly, and Teige, the son of Murtough, grandson of Tomaltagh O'Hanly, died; and Teige, the son of Brian, son of Tomaltagh, assumed the chieftainship.


Owen, the son of Hogh Boy Mageoghegan, Tanist of Kinel-Fiachach, was slain by the Clann-Colmain.


Richard, son of Thomas Burke, resigned his lordship; and Richard, son of Edmund Burke, was appointed in his place.


A great army was mustered by O'Donnell (Hugh Roe), with the chiefs of Tirconnell, joined by the rising out of Lower Connaught, and marched, without halting, until he reached Mac William Burke i.e. Richard, the son of Edmond, who came with submission to O'Donnell. These chieftains afterwards held a consultation, and resolved on marching against Mac William of Clanrickard (Ulick, son of Ulick-an-Fhiona), to wreak their vengeance on him for the defeat


of Cros-Moighe-Croinn, which Mac William of Clanrickard had some time before given to Mac William Burke; and being unanimous on this resolution, they proceeded into Clanrickard. Machaire-Riabhach was the first place burned and destroyed by them. They were for a night encamped at Baile-an-Chlair, the town of Mac William, which they afterwards burned; and they continued for some time destroying and laying waste the country on every side. Mac William (i.e. Ulick), however, drew and gathered to his assistance the sons of O'Brien, i.e. Gilla-Duv, the son of Teige, and Murtough Garv, the son of Teige, and a body of the Dalcassian chieftains along with them. Mac William, with his own troops and muster, came up with O'Donnell as he was leaving the country; and Mac William's cavalry and the O'Briens made the first charge on the rear of O'Donnell's army, at Baile-an-Duibh. This was vigorously responded to by O'Donnell's cavalry, and in particular by Egneghan, the son of Naghtan O'Donnell, who was in the rear of O'Donnell's army, so that the cavalry of Mac William and of the O'Briens were finally defeated; and Donnell, the son of O'Conor of Corcomroe, and many others not enumerated, were slain on the occasion. Mac William and the O'Briens, however, rallied their forces, and, placing themselves in array and order, they pursued with one accord the army of O'Donnell. This, however, was of no profit to them, for O'Donnell's army wheeled round on Mac William's and the O'Briens' cavalry at the river which is called Glanog, and there routed them again; and the defeated left many men, horses, and things of value, behind them, and fled in an inglorious retreat This was called The Defeat of Glanog.

Annal M1470


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1470. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred seventy.


Philip, the son of Thomas, son of Philip, son of Hugh Roe Maguire, heir to the lordship of Fermanagh, son of a chieftain, the most charitable and humane


man, and the best warrior, of his time, and O'Flanagan, Chief of Tuath-ratha, i.e. Cormac, son of Gilla-Isa, died.


A great army was led by O'Neill ( Henry, the son of Owen) into Clannaboy, to assist Mac Quillin of Duibhthrian; and Mac-I-Neill Boy set out to take a prey from Mac Quillin. O'Neill and Mac Quillin, with their forces, overtook them; and they gave battle to each other, in which the Clann-Hugh-Boy were defeated, and Hugh Oge, the son of Hugh Boy, Mac Sweeny na Coille, and John Roe Mac Sweeny, were taken prisoners. O'Neill on this occasion made a prisoner of Art, the son of Donnell Cael O'Neill, and took the castle of Sgath-deirge which he delivered up into the keeping of Mac Quillin.


Brian, the son of Teige Mac Donagh, Lord of Ath-Cliath-an-Chorainn, was slain by Teige, the son of Brian Mac Donough, who had taken his creaghts from him, and slain a great number of his people. The son of the eastern Mac Donough was also slain in a skirmish on the same day.


Rory Bacagh, son of O'Neill, was slain by the sons of Art O'Neill and the descendants of Henry Aimreidh. To avenge him, Henry and Brian, two sons of Art O'Neill, and four of the descendants of Henry, were slain in one day by Con, the son of O'Neill. O'Neill and his sons took the castle of the sons of Art, i.e. the castle of Oghmhagh.


Owen O'Donnell, and the sons of Naghten, joined and formed a league with the sons of Art, against O'Neill.


John, the son of Donnell Ballagh Maguire, was slain by Rory, the son of Brian, son of Philip Maguire.


Donnell and Donough, two sons of Owen, the sons of O'Conor Roe, were slain by Rory, the son of O'Conor Don. Moreover, Con, the son of Teige O'Conor, and Cathal, the son of Felim Finn, were taken prisoners by him.


Connla, the son of Hugh Boy Mageoghegan, Chief of Kinel-Fiachach, was slain on Achadh-Buidhe, at Tigh-Bhrighde, in Baile-atha-an-Urchair, by the


son of Art, son of Con O'Melaghlin, and the Clann-Colman, in revenge of his father, Art, who had been slain some time before by this Connla.


The castle of Sligo was taken by O'Donnell from Donnell, son of Owen O'Conor, after having besieged it for a long time, and O'Donnell obtained on this occasion his own demands of gifts, besides receiving submission and tribute from Lower Connaught. It was on this occasion that he obtained the book called Leabhar-Gearr, and another called Leabhar-na-h-Uidhri, and the chairs of Donnell Oge, which had been brought westwards in the time of John, the son of Conor, son of Hugh, son of Donnell Oge O'Donnell.


An army was led by O'Donnell and O'Rourke to go upon the hill of Cruachan-Ua Cuproin to inaugurate O'Rourke. O'Reilly, the English, and the people of Teallach-Dunchadha the Mac Kernans opposed them at Beal-atha-Chonaill, where Edmond, the son of Hugh O'Reilly, and the son of the Bishop O'Gallagher, were slain, and many men and horses wounded. O'Donnell and his army returned, being prevented from going to Cruachan on this occasion.


The Earl of Warwick and the Duke of Clarence cut into quarters the wreck of the maledictions of the men of Ireland, namely, the Saxon Justiciary,


by whom the Earl of Thomond had been destroyed; and it was in revenge of the death of Thomas that this ignominious punishment was inflicted on him; and the Earl of Kildare was then appointed Lord Justice.


Felim Finn O'Conor made peace with the sept of O'Conor Roe, and with all in general.


A Franciscan monastery was founded at Lis Laichtnin in Munster, in the diocese of Ardfert, by O'Conor Kerry, who selected a burial-place for himself in it.

Annal M1471


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1471. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred seventy-one.


A monastery was commenced by Franciscan Friars in Gallbhaile Eatharlach, in the diocese of Emly, in Munster, but was destroyed the next year.


O'Conor of Corcomroe (Conor, son of Brian Oge) was slain at Leithinnsi by the sons of his own brother, i.e. by the sons of Donough O'Conor.


Teige, son of O'Conor Faly (Calvagh) by Margaret an Einigh the hospitable O'Carroll, plunderer of the English and Irish, died of the plague.


Teige Mac Dermot Roe, Lord of Coillte Chonchobhair, died.


Hugh, son of Donnell, son of Murtough O'Conor, was slain by the army of Richard Burke, which had been mustered at the instance of Rory, the son of Brian O'Conor.


Donnell, the son of Cormac, son of Manus Mac Branan, was treacherously slain at Lis-Ua n-Dubhthaigh, in violation of the guarantee of the lords and


chieftains of Sil-Murray, by Con, the son of Teige Mac Branan, who had submitted to him some time before. Edmond, son of Brian, son of Manus, was slain along with him.


Dermot, the son of Murtough, son of Hugh O'Conor, was slain by Felim, the son of O'Conor Don.


Hugh, the son of Turlough, son of Rory, son of Cathal O'Conor, was treacherously slain by the descendants of Owen, son of Rory.


An inroad was made by Brian, the son of Felim O'Reilly, into Clankee, against Farrell, the son of John O'Reilly. They sent preys before them; but Farrell overtook them, and a conflict ensued, in which Cathal, the son of Irial, son of Felim O'Reilly, was slain; and Farrell was taken prisoner by the rest of the party.


O'Donnell and the sons of Owen O'Conor committed vast depredations on the creaghts of Carbury, and on the Mac Donoughs on this side of Sligo. A great army was led by Mac William Burke into Lower i.e. North Connaught, to assist Rory, the son of Brian O'Conor; and they attacked the castle of Sligo. the sons of Owen O'Conor were at this time with O'Donnell. Donnell, son of Owen, went into the castle, but Mac William broke down the tower of the gate, after which they made peace.


The son of the Earl Thomas was styled Earl, but was soon after taken prisoner by the Mac Carthys.


Showers of hailstones fell in May this year, accompanied by lightning and thunder, so that the blossoms and fruits were destroyed. Each of these hailstones measured two to three inches in circumference, and they inflicted wounds and sores upon the persons whom they struck.


An army was led by O'Donnell into Lower Connaught; and he plundered and burned that part of Tireragh possessed by the son of Cosnamhach O'Dowda.


A prey was carried off by the sons of O'Conor Faly from the Kinel-Fiachach, on which occasion Owney, the son of Mageoghegan, the son of Niall Mac-an-t-Sinnaigh, and many others, were slain by them.


The castle of Omagh was taken by O'Neill, Henry, the son of Owen. It was taken in the following way. In the beginning of the Winter the sons of


O'Neill and the sons of Art O'Neill gave battle to each other; and the sons of Art were defeated, and two of them, and many others of their men, were slain, as we have before stated; and O'Neill and his sons sat round the castle. Sile, the daughter of O'Donnell, i.e. Nial Garv, and wife of Nial, the son of Art O'Neill, was in the castle with a body of troops. Nial himself, and his brothers, had gone over to O'Donnell and the Kinel-Connell; and O'Neill remained before the castle from the beginning of Autumn to the end of Spring. The sons of Art afterwards came from Tyrconnell to O'Neill, and delivered the town up to him; and he O'Neill gave it up to his own son, Con, and then returned to his own house.


All Trian-Chongail was taken by Con, the son of Hugh Boy O'Neill, and its chieftains came and submitted to him, namely Mac Neill, Mac Quillin, and Henry, the son of Brian Ballagh.


A great war broke out in Offaly between O'Conor and Teige O'Conor. Teige went over to the English and brought an English army with him into Offaly; and the whole country was spoiled by them.


The Earl of Kildare and the English of Meath made an incursion into Fearnmhagh, and committed great depredations on Mac Mahon. Mac Mahon afterwards assembled the forces of his country, and committed great depredations, burnings, and slaughters on the English in revenge of their preys.


Rory, the son of Donough, son of Hugh Maguire, was slain by Colla, the son of Hugh Maguire, and his sons, at the house of Magrath, at Alt Ruaidhin,


in Termon Daveog, but Donough Oge, the son of Donough, son of Hugh Maguire, pursued Colla, and slew him and his son the next day at the same place, through the merits of God and St. Daveog.


An army was led by O'Neill into Tir-Breasail, and he burned the country. The sons of the Chiefs of Tirconnell, and the sons of Art O'Neill, overtook them, and O'Neill returned home from that expedition.


Maguire, i.e. Thomas Oge, the son of Thomas, resigned his lordship, after having spent the greater part of his life in acts of charity, hospitality, and nobleness; and he gave the lordship to his son Edmond; he left another son as Tanist; and the third son, Rossa, was in the bishopric of Clogher.


Murtough, the son of Owen O'Neill, died.


Hugh, the son of Brian, son of Philip-na-Tuaighe Maguire, died on the 16th of the Calends of March.

Annal M1472


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1472. The Age of Christ, one thousand four hundred seventy-two.


Mahon, the son of Turlough 0'Brian, Tanist of Thomond, died.


O'Kane, Rory Ainsheasgar, was treacherously slain by Mac Quillin, i.e. Seinicin Carragh. Con, the son of Hugh Boy O'Neill, assembled his forces, and Godfrey O'Kane, the brother of this Rory, proceeded along with him into the Route to take vengeance on Mac Quillin for the death of Rory. A battle was fought between them, in which Godfrey O'Kane, a man full of charity, hospitality, and nobleness, was slain by Rury Mac Quillin with one cast of a javelin. On the next day the same Con made an incursion into the Route, and gave the Mac Quillins a great defeat, and killed Mac Quillin himself; i.e.


Cormac. Rory was called the Mac Quillin, and a peace was made with Con, son of Hugh Boy. They then made an appointment for a conference with the O'Kanes, and Mac Quillin went into a small cot at the mouth of the River Bann, intending to present himself before O'Kane; but as he was landing he was attacked by a party of O'Kane's people, who slew him, and drowned him in the Bann.


Donough, the son of Thomas Oge Maguire, was taken prisoner in his own town by his own brother, Edmond (i.e. the Maguire), who afterwards exacted a great price for his ransom.


Mac Sweeny Fanad, Mulmurry, was slain at the breach of Tapadan, as was also Donnell, the son of Felim O'Doherty, by the sons of Naghtan O'Donnell, and by O'Neill; and his son, Rory Mac Sweeny, assumed his place.


Brian, the son of Felim, son of Donn, son of Cuconnaught Maguire, was slain by the sons of John Boy Mac Mahon, and by the Clann-Donnell of Clan-kelly.


O'Driscoll More, Fineen, the son of Maccon, son of Maccon, son of Fineen, son of Donough God, died in his own house, after having performed the pilgrimage of St. James, and his son Teige died penitently one month after the death of his father, after having returned from the same pilgrimage. The sons of Mac Rannall, Conor and Melaghlin, the two best chieftain's sons in Connaught in their time, for hospitality and nobleness, were slain on the one day by the descendants of Melaghlin Mac Rannall, three weeks before Christmas, after they had slain the son of Conmac, son of Seoinin Mac Rannall, and taken possession of the country as far as Sliabh-Cairbre, and after they had gained the victory in every contest up to that day.


Owen, the son of Conor Mac Dermot, died on the Wednesday before the Feast of St. Bearach.


Murtough, the son of Tomaltagh, son of Ivor O'Hanly, died.



Dermot, the son of John, son of Melaghlin O'Farrell, was slain by the sons of John, son of Donnell O'Farrell.


Tomaltagh, the son of Conor Mac Dermot, was slain by the sons of Dermot, son of Rory Mac Dermot, at Bel-atha-Chaisil-Bracain, on Passion Sunday.


William, the son of Teige Caech, son of William O'Kelly, was slain by the son of Teige, son of Donogh O'Kelly.


A great attack was made by O'Kelly upon Muine-Liath. The English of Westmeath, viz., the Tuites, Petits, Tyrrels, Darcys, and Daltons, came up with him. O'Kelly was defeated; Donough O'Kelly and many others were taken prisoners, and a party of their foot soldiers and kerns were slain.


A wonderful animal was sent to Ireland by the King of England. She resembled a mare, and was of a yellow colour, with the hoofs, of a cow, a long neck, a very large head, a large tail, which was ugly and scant of hair. She had a saddle of her own. Wheat and salt were her usual food. She used to draw the largest sled-burden by her tail. She used to kneel when passing under any doorway, however high, and also to let her rider mount.


The young Earl of Desmond was set at liberty by the Mac Carthys; and he disabled Garrett, the son of the Earl.


Maine Sionach Fox Lord of Muintir-Tadhgain, was slain; and his son Teige took his place.


Ualgarg, the son of Cathal Ballagh O'Rourke, was slain by the people of Owen, the son of Loughlin O'Rourke


An army was led by Mac William Burke into Hy-Many, to assist Teige Caech O'Kelly; but after having subdued the Hy-Many from the Suck westwards, and obtained hostages from them, he at last suffered a great loss, for twenty-six of his people privately deserted from his army, among whom were the son of Mac Walter Burke, the sons of Maurice, the sons of Mac Jordan, the son of Mac Anveely, &c. The Hy-Many made prisoners of or slew all these, excepting only Mac Jordan, who made his escape through main strength of arm, though he was severely wounded. Mac William returned home in sorrow.


Gilla-Glas, the son of O'Higgin, died in the autumn of this year.
